Thousands march in Beit Shemesh exclusion of women in Israel Miles manifestarán en Beit Shemesh contra la exclusión de las mujeres en Israel
Publicado 27/12/2011
Thousands march in Beit Shemesh exclusion of women in Israel
It is expected that more than 10 thousand people march in Beit Shemesh against the exclusion of women and violence against young women and girls by ultra-Orthodox Jews (haredim "fearful" of God). The mobilization will begin at 18.00 hours near Banot Orot school.
Margol Naama's case, eight-year-old immigrant from the United States, became a focus of attention, after the Channel 2 television transmission of pictures of the girl challenging the daily harassment of extremist haredim when goes to school. His religious family fears that hits the streets after an ultra-Orthodox, who is on bail, the spit on the ground that was not dressed modestly enough.
The newspaper Haaretz said that the march was scheduled
originally in the schoolyard, but the location was changed due to threat of ultra-Orthodox extremists, according to organizers of the protest.
The deputy Chaim Amsallem, ultra-Orthodox Sephardic party Shas, visited the family home Margolese and participated in the lighting of the Hanukkah candle. Presented to Naama Amsallem a siddur (prayer book), he wrote as a dedication: "When you walk to school, a whole nation up to you."
The mayor of Beit Shemesh, Moshe Abutbul also asked to visit the family, but firmly rejected the request Margolese, despite numerous requests of officials of the municipality.
Meanwhile, violence continued in Beit Shemesh, while ultra-Orthodox groups clashed with police officers and attacked two television news crews. At least six people were arrested.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3: 28
Se espera que más de 10 mil personas marchen en Beit Shemesh en contra de la exclusión de las mujeres y de la violencia contra las jóvenes y niñas por parte de ultra ortodoxos judíos (haredim "temerosos" de Dios). La movilización comenzará a las 18.00 horas cerca de la escuela Orot Banot.
El caso de Naama Margoles, de ocho años de edad, inmigrante de Estados Unidos, se convirtió en uno de los focos de atención, luego que el Canal 2 de la televisión trasmitiera imágenes de la niña desafiando el diario hostigamiento de los extremistas haredim cuando se dirige a la escuela. Su familia religiosa teme que salga a la calle después de que un ultra ortodoxo, que está en libertad bajo fianza, la escupiera por considerar que no iba vestida con suficiente modestia.
El periódico Haaretz señala que la marcha estaba programada

El intendente de Beit Shemesh, Moshe Abutbul, también pidió visitar a la familia; pero los Margolese rechazaron firmemente el pedido, a pesar de los numerosos pedidos de los funcionarios de la municipalidad.
Mientras tanto, la violencia continuaba en Beit Shemesh, en tanto que grupos de ultra ortodoxos chocaron con oficiales de la policía y atacaron a dos equipos de noticias de televisión. Al menos seis personas fueron detenidas.
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