Francis Pope visits the Western Wall of the Temple of JerusalénEl Francisco pope visited the " Hamarabí Kotel " ( Western Wall , known in the non-Jewish world as the " Wailing Wall " ), the place closest to the holiest site in Judaism - that is actually the place where was situated the Temple of Jerusalem , the Temple Mount - located in the heart of the old city of Jerusalem. Jorge Mario Bergoglio went there after going to the Esplanade of the Mosques .
In a speech at the Temple Mount , the pontiff called for peace and justice and called on Jews , Christians and Muslims to open their hearts and minds to understand the other, and asked that no one use the name of God to justify violence.
" My journey would not be complete without also would include a meeting with the people and communities who live on this earth, and for that, I am happy to be with you , Muslim friends" . Francisco told the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Ahmad Hussein , and other Islamic authorities
Francisco went to the disputed platform hand Custos , Pizzaballa , and Prince Ghazi of Jordan , a country that has custody of this place revered by Muslims as the place where tradition says that Muhammad ascended to sky ; although the Prophet of Islam never visited Jerusalem, was conquered and occupied by the Arabs long after his death.
Escorted by Israeli security forces , the pontiff visited the Dome of the Rock , under whose leadership the stone keeps that tradition places the sacrifice of Isaac , and met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammad Ahmad Hussein.
The main representative of Sunni Islam in Jerusalem Francisco thanked his visit and used his speech to call for an end to the Israeli presence, which, he said , Jerusalem can become the true city of peace in the world.
" Jerusalem must be (re) open to both Christians and Muslims in which all can live in peace city ," said the priest.
The pope , meanwhile , called on Jews , Christians and Muslims to open their hearts and minds to understand the other , as the mutual knowledge overcomes barriers and conflicts
He also demanded that no one use the name of God to justify violence and claimedthe figure of Abraham as an example , for the three monotheistic religions recognized as the father of faith and role model " without good differently ."
Francisco , who concluded his speech with the word peace in Arabic , said the pilgrimage of Abraham was also a call from God to justice, " a call to be agents of peace and justice."
Francisco came later drive Hamarabí Kotel ( Western Wall ) , and was greeted by one of the most important rabbis of the city, who introduced him to the enclosure reserved for men .
There, a young priest explained to the English history of Mount Moriah , where the Jewish tradition places the temple built by Solomon to replace the Tabernacle as the only center of worship of the Jewish people .
Considered the most beautiful building in the world Jewish tradition , inside the Ark of the Covenant and other objects of worship as the candlestick of seven branches are retained , and was destroyed during the siege of Nebuchadnezzar II to Jerusalem ( 587 BC)
The Second Temple was built sixty years later, during the reign of the Persian king Darius I and again destroyed by the troops of the Roman emperor Titus in AD 70, during the revolt of the Zealots .
One of the only remaining vestiges is the Kotel or " Western Wall " ( Called by the Gentiles " Wailing Wall " ) , Judaism's holiest site , which approached Francisco to deposit a prayer , as did his two predecessors Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Earlier, the rabbi had intoned a prayer in Hebrew in which he called for peace in Jerusalem , unity and the fight against hatred of Jews .
After visiting the holy sites of Judaism in Jerusalem , Francisco will start the formal events for all heads of state to visit the country.
Accompanied by President Shimon Peres, will lay a wreath at the tomb of Theodor Heerzl , founder of Zionism, and visit the Holocaust museum , Yad Vashem.
Then, bless new children in the seat of the presidency , which will share a few words with the Peres himself, will visit the two chief rabbis of the state, and will host Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu , in the complex of Notre Damme , which is owned by the Vatican in the holy city.
The pilgrimage will conclude with an ecumenical meeting with religious in the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives , where you will plant your own tree , and a Mass in the Cenacle. EFE and Aurora

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