
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Vitiligo, BIENTEVEO or white patches on the skin for WITCHCRAFT. CHAPTER V THE BOOK Brujeria DISCOVERED IN THE CHURCH.

Vitiligo, BIENTEVEO or white patches on the skin for WITCHCRAFT.

     Vitiligo from the medical point of view: it is a skin disease that causes white patches on various parts of the body. This condition occurs when melanocytes are destroyed, which are the cells that produce color or skin pigment. Vitiligo can also affect the eyes and mucosa that is inside the mouth and nose. It is not known what causes this disease.
     Vitiligo Symptoms: White spots on the skin are the primary symptom of vitiligo. These spots are more common in areas of skin exposed to sun. The spots may appear on the hands, feet, arms, face and lips. Other common areas for white patches are the armpits (axillae) and where the leg meets the rest of the body (groin), around the mouth, eyes, broken nose (nostrils), navel , genital, rectal areas.
     Vitiligo is a work of witchcraft in the affected person to paint, stain or bleach to retaliate for any sufficient cause or without justification. For all the wrong reasons are justifiable. Hatred, envy and lust (adultery, cheating, wife or husband against lover, lover or husband against wife, man or woman deceived, rape, jealousy, sexual abuse, lesbianism, when you want to see the woman desired deformed by rejection or to lower his pride, male homosexuality etc.) are the main causes that give rise to the skin damage, made for purposes of witchcraft with a high level of effectiveness, hereditarily transmitted to children by bringing generational curses birth of their ancestors, not necessarily all the descendants will inherit, in others it may be another curse.
     This disease is caused by demons of witchcraft that are sent by sorcerers or witches, to weaken the person's immune system, specifically in this area of the skin. For various reasons the effect is not always the same in all people, this is about the quality and intensity of witchcraft, the reversal of it by any spiritual cause, in this case who will whiten over time the person which made witchcraft or paid for it.
     My wife and I, we met a case where the man being married, cheated on a woman pregnant and disappeared, leaving his life forever, she for vengeance, paid for doing wrong, but years later he reversed and totally stained know the cause. The man came out stains, but not so deceived and jilted women expected. As he prayed, and the spots were arrested in the name of Jesus, but still, walked through a time of God's ways. These effects met them decades later. That kind of witchcraft can move slowly when you're not constantly visiting the sorcerer or witch, was made once or several times and abandoned the case, but the person will continue bleaching because demons have already entered your immune system.
     Scientists can not determine its origin, nor its cure. In Cuba, has discovered a form of treatment, but palliative because they always return, while not dispose of witchcraft, pending the Christ in your heart, implanted in your skin disease through witchcraft persist throughout your life, to fully whiten .
     The Lord gave us a vision of work of witchcraft against me to paint or bleached, using the chessboard, to throw shells with a white head with white horns in the center of the board, and in each corner, in the form of lined paper triangle with my name, calling spirits through prayers of witchcraft. This work of witchcraft is effective, does not work on us because God has surrounded us with their protection and can not be touched. That he claimed Satan to God, in Job, "Satan answered the LORD and said, Does Job fear God for nothing? Do not you have a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his possessions have increased in the land. "Job 1: 9-10.
     When God has encircled the enemy can not touch you in any way, what he does is to monitor the moment of weakness or sin to climb to acknowledge that the Lord give you permission to touch that person. Satan knows that many people denied God in bad circumstances, so it is important for the trials and tribulations evil in God's people. It's a chance to win these souls to tempt and small.
     This spirit of vitiligo is associated with spirits of depression, shame and suicide, to stop the person and take his soul to eternal fire. Since taking this knowledge must not be defeated, or think that the spiritual world does not exist, because that Satan wants to be mentioned that neither can work in peace, destroying the creation the Lord Almighty.
     I learned to play chess at an early age, the Lord revealed to me that this game is evil. Satan plays. Everything I play board is evil, in the satanic signs are made through the transfer of the chips.
     Heavenly Father I ask your forgiveness for my sins, I can not believe that my illness is the work of demons and that only Jesus can cure, let your Holy Spirit operating in my life to be free, I accept Jesus Christ as my only Savior and undo at this time all the work of witchcraft that has caused these spots on my skin, in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

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