
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010



     My wife was the victim of witchcraft three times to abort. Twice before reaching the feet of Christ and once allowed the gentleman and serving him. The murder of my children in the womb of my wife was caused by adulterated me married women, used witchcraft practiced by witches and paying them for my wife failed to have me children, for revenge by not being able to have to go in the world sin .- "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 6:23
     Spirits of abortion work with the spirits of witchcraft and take those lives of the woman's uterus without this know the cause, thinking it is the will of God. Multiple abortions, not all are the work of witchcraft. The diagnostic medicine in some cases, ectopic pregnancy, cornual, Anembryonic, weak matrix, spontaneous abortion and so on.
     Abortions from the medical point of view:
     Spontaneous abortion from the medical point of view: Spontaneous abortion is the loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks, long before the fetus is able to survive outside the womb.
     There are well known causes of spontaneous abortions.
     Ectopic pregnancy from the medical point of view: An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo grows anywhere other than the uterine cavity. An ectopic pregnancy can not survive, and only the uterus can support the growth of the fetus and placenta. If an ectopic pregnancy bursts a fallopian tube, is a medical emergency threatening the life of the mother due to hemorrhage that occurs in the abdomen.
     Cornual pregnancy from the medical point of view: cornual pregnancy is particular by its location between the ostium and ísmica portion of the tube, have a greater muscle mass, with great blood supply from branches of the uterine arteries and ovarian, allowing the pregnancy progresses until even 16 weeks of gestation, with potentially catastrophic consequences, sometimes resulting in death, if the diagnosis is not made or made late.
     Pregnancy anembrionario from the medical point of view: When the ultrasound shows that pregnancy is "without embryo." This occurs when the integrity of the little boy was in danger.
     When this occurs, the embryo cells inevitably dies and is absorbed by the body of the mother, resulting in an empty bag (hollow egg "or empty) that will grow for a few weeks and, because it produces hormones that prevent the removal of the placenta and the menstrual cycle, it seems that pregnancy continues its normal course and presents positive pregnancy tests.
     The medical explanation for pregnancy anembrionario is scientifically precise, but God in his sovereignty allows for some spiritual reason the birth of imperfect and flawed beings we know.
     These people who are born defective, consciously or unconsciously, parents were given by the Devil, who is responsible for distorting the creation of God, parents gave this legal right. The medicine will always have their explanations experimental, but not spiritual, because it ignores the spiritual world, not to have Christ in your heart. "... More so seek the Lord understand all things." Proverbs 28: 5 In pregnancy anembrionario God has revealed to me that people actually are malformed due to curses that bear their parents, legal right to Satan and his demons, their children from the womb, or works of witchcraft and Satanism against the embryo of the pregnant woman who realizes or not these malicious attacks, which sometimes threatens the life of the mother and the Supreme God in his mercy decides to take it with him before it is born, transforming it with his breath in a beautiful angel of war.
     Ectopic pregnancy, cornual and anembrionario were three medical reasons for my wife suffered in four years, three medical complications losses close to death, only Jesus, a miracle to have her life because we wanted to serve. We know that everything was caused by witchcraft and know where it comes from, we are under these attacks because Satan is using several people to remove them and bring down our Ministry, but they can not.
     Our three children are angels of the Lord because he gives them life. Unbeknownst to the witch who did this damage, negotiated their children with their evil and satan revirtiéndosele have on them that curse as well as other. Lord also calls them witches who get paid to do evil, those who follow for this purpose.
     Medical explanations meet the doctors and talk and unsaved people only perceive the natural world and the spiritual world of evil that surrounds us. Christ is life not death.
     The evil comes to such an extent that made witchcraft monthly for women to not have children who do not get pregnant and where to stay, abort, that is the cause of belly pain felt by the woman every month on certain dates or date without medical cause or justifiable explanation unconvincing, the recommended treatment will decrease pain, but always persist evil will not disappear, while leaving no witchcraft or the person to stay away from Jesus Christ, our Savior.
     In the name of Jesus, I cancel all the work of witchcraft and abortion rebuke every spirit of abortion and death that about me or my wife, I cancel all Satan's legal right for my child to be born healthy and declare in the name of Jesus . I will give my son the Lord.

2 comentarios:

  1. La verdad q esto no lo sabia yo soy cristiana y perdi 3 hijos de un autoaborto y nunca entendi el por que. el padre de ellos me dejo y cuando fui a la ginecologa me dijo que tenia los ovarios normales pero nunca me mando a un estudio por filmacion intrauterina,no entiendo como si perdiendo trillizos en un baño sin atencion medica, porque trabajaba en casa de una patrona y tenia miedo de que me hechara por tal problema de ignorante no fui al htal podria haberme muerto de hemorragia sin embargo en 7 meses de reposo me recupere solo cama, vitaminas y confiar en el Señor pero no lo recomiendo a nadie vayan a un htal y haganse un raspaje poruqe la placenta muchas veces queda dentro del utero y si se pudre te podes morir. vero de argentina

  2. Dios la bendiga. Gracias por su aporte al blog. Bendiciones


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