
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010



     Varicose ulcers from the medical point of view: The ulcers are a complication of varicose veins are not only permanent, localized dilatation of the veins in the legs.
     Among its main causes, and in the first place, "foot long stays and, though it may seem paradoxical, also a sedentary lifestyle.
     First, the presence of varices, and, becoming, there is an increase of skin pigment in the affected area. Furthermore, pruritus (itching), burning and pain, mainly.
     They are located preferentially in the ankle on the inside or outside, although some patients, the less, surrounding the circumference of the ankle. In reality they are difficult to cure if the patient follows carefully the measures provided by your doctor.
     This disease is diagnosed or established cause and treatment, medical claims that it is difficult to cure. What would be the explanation should seek the best doctors, medicine and applied correctly follow exactly the directions without a good result? Answer: Witchcraft. I lived this experience with my mother. Before coming to Christ, my mother began to get sick of your foot with a small wound product at once, for years he sought the best doctors, best medicine, strengthened your immune system with natural products, protein, vitamin C etc. . Unable to achieve improvement, rather worse.
     When I met my Jesus, the Lord revealed to me the person who made my mother witchcraft to lose the foot, pointing the Lord that all powerful demon she would bring about negative consequences, because they disturbed the healing for which we were praying .- Over time I was losing my family because they did not believe in my relationship with God, he was leading me, revealing and showing me great things hidden and many people do not know yet and would not believe to do them know. "Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown, among his relatives and at home." Marcos 6:4
     They made my mother and my father pulled out of me. The Lord revealed to me that people close to my mother whom she had so long provided protection and assistance, of whom less was expected were working on his foot, to lose him to take revenge on me. So I suffered the loss of my mother's feet and prove that no God was with me. My mother is a person suffering with many things he never wanted to tell anyone, out of shame and ignorance of the Word of God. Always helped others and did not understand his reasoning was natural to harm someone in her life if she never did anyone any harm. Not believed in the divine revelations that Mr me, or my testimony or the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God, put on my wife and I, despite having seen the glory of God manifested in many forms through us as their preferred tools and surrounded by enemies with large physical demons of hatred and destruction, thinking that he professed the love he feigned. When in truth the demons within these people the spirit cursed and tormented day and night. "Verily, verily I say unto you, that what we speak, and what we have seen, bear witness, and receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things and ye believe not, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? "John 3: 11-12
     The Lord was angry with her because she did not want to believe and told me to let her into their hands, to deliver it to him to work in your life and put his powerful hands especially blasphemous, attributing the works of the Holy Spirit Satan. While both she and my family, because of disobedience, they should live as they wanted to live and not Mr. Almighty wanted. "Why do you race against? Because he did not notice any of the reasons. However, in one or two ways God speaks, but the man does not understand "Job 33: 13-14.
     Many times we think our paths are correct, finding no logic to understand many things that happen, we want to explain to God with the mind that it made us, the creature wants to explain to its creator. Disobey by not understanding the consequences are serious, if not the loss of the soul.
     Lord forgive me for my sins, for having doubted you. I give you my disease. Show me the way and I will, without blame when things are not in my time, all I ask in the name of your beloved son Jesus of Nazareth.

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