
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010



     Hair loss in women from the medical point of view: In women it was a bit worrying, as this problem usually does not affect them, but every time this issue affects more women.
     The causes of hair loss in women can be: Lack of iron, hormonal, dyes aggressive, high stress, poor diet.
Cervical contracture: there is less blood flow. This can reduce the oxygen and nutrients needed by the hair. Massage, Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Acupuncture may be some appropriate therapies for this case of hair loss.
     Not all causes of hair loss are the work of witchcraft, but I can assure you that a good percentage if you are. If the same woman poisoning her hair and makes it die, we can not be attributed to another cause, but if we live a healthy life without worry that produce stress, which is also a demon, as we can justify this loss of hair. Remember that in every country there are women in poor neighborhoods or rural communities with little food and most women who wear peasant called long and abundant hair naturally, fed the basics, usually rice, beans, corn, not having that problem .- The tips mentioned above you get sent to evil practices such as Massage, Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Acupuncture, entries that are demons in people.
     Sister I can tell you with any property that if your problem is not one that has destroyed their hair with chemical poisoning, her hair falling due to works of witchcraft, known someone is doing a long time and do not realize, not believe it, but now that you know, the devil is discovered by you, then you alone are responsible now for what happens in the future with your hair, I'm not prescribe religion, I am presenting a doctor who has cured me to me, of all ailments and does not charge very expensive, is more, he knows you for a long time and I knew I would read this book to discover its evil.
     If the people of God is able to visit healers and sorcerers in the place where they are, and spend their money, cursing and household economy, to prevent continued hair loss, is not it less expensive and healthier for our spirit trust God fully, delivering our souls that we gave them, not the witch to release to Satan? It may happen that the witch's cure, but it will be changed from its soul, guarded by a demon who enter at the same time made you think witchcraft or quackery, strengthened in the act of consultation and application of products that will give you along with satanic prayers they do not realize.
istead of looking for witches and traditional healers and medicine because the standard treatments and could not stop the hair loss is best to seek a Ministry of Liberation, which will assist you with much love, without charge and to diagnose the cause of his illness . If you have that same faith that led him to the witch doctor or healer will pray for you and understand many things in the spiritual world that will reveal God's servants. In any indáguese Christian church where you can find a Minister of Liberation, for help.
     We know of one family, well-fed since childhood, but since then has been hair loss, has been seen by all kinds of specialists, with no response. His heart is hardened and is bouncing hair. In one hand he grows, some not. The Lord revealed the origin of witchcraft, with burial in his home. With who does not believe you can not do anything.
     Heavenly Father I ask forgiveness for my sins, I want Jesus Christ to stop with the fall of my hair, I accept as my healer and my deliverer, Guiem to a Minister of Liberation you use sir, to glorify. I ask this in Jesus' name.

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