
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010



LACK OF SEXUAL DESIRE IN WOMEN AND Male Erectile witchcraft.

     Erectile dysfunction from the medical point of view: the inability of a man to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. While formerly known as impotence, is now considered that the term "erectile dysfunction" is more appropriate, given the negative connotations with some people associated the word impotence. Many men have or will have an occasional erection problem at some point in their lives, while for others it will become a common problem.
     There are now many studies due to these problems in men and women, with different names and classifications according to their causes, prescribe different treatments and therapies. Many of these sexual dysfunctions have to do with evil, revenge.
     It is a sadness that many men and women to be cured when they have gone to medical or psychiatric or psychological therapy, to no avail do his visit to traditional healers or witch doctors, many times these will solve the problem because they know how to undo this form of witchcraft that suffered the man or woman. The spiritual price to pay for this cause is unknown to the person, his soul has now been agreed for Satan, is returned to his manhood or his sexual appetite for women to change, coupled with his soul, Satan incurable disease generally Cancer .-
     Inhibited sexual desire from the medical point of view: is the low level of interest in sex, in which a person does not start or respond to the desire for sexual activity between partners.
     This condition can be primary (in which the person has never felt much sexual desire or interest) or secondary (in which the person used to feel sexual desire, but no longer does.)
     The ISD can be related to the partner (the person with ISD is interested in other people) or can be general (the person is not sexually interested in anyone). In the extreme form of sexual aversion, the person not only lacks sexual desire, but can also find sex disgusting.
     Sometimes sexual desire is not inhibited, but both partners have different levels of sexual interest, although their interest levels are within normal range.
     The above explanation from the scientific point of view has great value because they are clearly identified specific behaviors and psychology and psychiatry in many of the causes that are correct, such as rape, incest etc. In men and women. Yet this explanation does not reach the merits of the case which is the entrance of spirits for various reasons, including those identified by science.
     Witchcraft has played a decisive role in erectile dysfunction in men sometimes to impotence and lack of sexual desire in women, other than those suffered from violence or sexual abuse, both men and women, that affects what is known in today's world sexual preference, often being concealed by religious or social prejudices.
     We met for a Christian girl, who had never been able to have sexual satisfaction with the two husbands she had, despite having children. It felt good with them every moment of conviviality, but were removed, she wanted to keep his marriage was considered that he had not failed. It had not been raped or abused, it showed no apparent trauma.
     His voice had grown stronger. She dressed male, but he liked being a woman. During the counseling took to get to the root of the problem to a close, the Holy Spirit, brought their memories something he considered guilty without any significance, saying it was graceful. His mother told him that as a child of five years, she and her sisters, let them shut up at home, while doing errands, returning found them all naked doing mischief and punished. An adventure for girls. One set of girls. Satan was playing with them. At that time the child entered into the spirit of lesbianism she could never identify, that was the reason why they could not have a sexual pleasure with her husband, the spirit of lesbianism man refused, so the men were gone.
     It is common practice witchcraft, so that man can not erect another woman, or the wife or the woman does not feel satisfied with her husband and another man have to search for that reason, make scarves ties in bondage dolls in the organ of the male pins into the doll's sexual parts of man or woman, use potions, menstrual blood in soft drinks.
     Witchcraft is effective, since ancient times has been used. Deny its use in today's world is to ignore the work of Satan, to destroy the marriage. From the first centuries of humanity's rulers were surrounded by wizards with great powers. "Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and sorcerers, and they also did the same the magicians of Egypt with their enchantments they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods." Exodus 7: 11-12
     A brother in Christ, before reaching the ways of the Lord, suffered erectile dysfunction for a long time. Their marriage was a disaster, the woman left the country and he remarried, before that he confessed to his new wife the problem and she brought them a "good witch" who actually made him happy again to recover their functions sex and more debuting wife.
     The witch doctor told him he had been in witchcraft by his wife, for that long, to avenge what had tied all his life to not have sex with any woman. The cure was immediate and enjoyed his honeymoon. When he arrived at the feet of Christ, repented of having visited healers, but already had prostate cancer. That was the spiritual payment. A health by another disease that follows. This work of witches. Thank the Lord Almighty was able to regain his soul and today serves Jesus.
     Heavenly Father forgive me for visiting healers, sorcerers, witches and wizards for a cure for sexual impotence or chill with my husband. I declare my Savior Jesus, my only healer.

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