
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

Faint or collapse due to witchcraft. Brujeria CHAPTER XIII BOOK DISCOVERED IN THE CHURCH.


Faint or collapse due to witchcraft.

     Fainting from the medical point of view: it is a temporary loss of consciousness due to a decreased blood flow to the brain. The episode is brief (lasting less than a couple of minutes) and is followed by a rapid and complete recovery
     Classification of fainting or syncope: syncope simple, syncope, cardiac syncope, neurological, vascular syncope, syncope from other causes.
     Dizziness and fainting of people who do not support or disease classification given above, are high witchcraft attacks combined with various spirits of death. These spirits are afraid to touch the soul of the person sometimes aided by spirits in it. People sometimes fall flagging die and do not know the cause. These are cases of much hatred against the victim. Satan is the father of lies and diseases. There are cases treatable medically, but others in spite of many tests can not advance because they are cases of witchcraft.
     We have experienced these attacks where no pain is felt to be life and you can not go, the spirits energy robbers operate actively in this. I know a man of God with the gift of liberation of Jinotega, to whom he has had to fight with those sorcerers strong sides and also have felt that feeling that life is gone, helplessly, a sinister force pushing her soul vacuum.
     Stroke, bleeding, facial paralysis, bleeding from nose and belly without medical explanation or diagnosis but as it will not heal. Diseases bow to the person, with rare or difficult to diagnose, medicine has placed any name: lupus, and others, but it is witchcraft.
     We know of one young man through many tests and almost dying he labeled the case as lupus, by manifestations of the symptoms of this disease in your body. He had given to Jesus shortly before his bow and was visiting a Christian church.
     With faith and humility was fighting his battle against death and the great day when the pain reached its peak, the man who asked if I was not going to cure that will take him, because he could not stand it. At that time had a vision of a person dressed in white taking something from her womb, he said he did not take out anything, wondering what they were doing and immediately began vomiting through to free themselves from the work of witchcraft that had been done . No one could explain the vomiting, but from that night began to improve and today give glory and honor to God for being healthy, and when his death was marked by physicians.
     The interesting thing here is that the same young man to give his testimony did not yet have sufficient insight to explain what happened that day, or believe that what happened was witchcraft and the same Lord Jesus visited him and released it through vomiting, but he thanks God for your healing. Mr we rebelled what happened in this case, but sadly many Christians are not prepared to believe there is a spiritual world of evil that the nearest person or loved one is willing to cause us, because they are instruments of Satan.
     Heavenly Father, I ask your forgiveness for my sins, accepted Jesus as my Savior, I have a rare disease, I ask in the name of Jesus to me free of any work of witchcraft that have made me, all burial rid of witchcraft, cancel any decree of death and illness against me, I pray in the name of Jesus.

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