
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010



Insanity or schizophrenia from the medical point of view: Includes psychotic symptoms (the belief that a demon has come to seek his soul). Schizophrenia is one of the most serious manifestations of psychosis, to produce significant changes in basic psychological functions.
The person has difficulty to distinguish the real from the unreal, hypersensitivity to sounds, tastes and odors. The involvement of one or more senses, the feeling of being outside of time and space, floating and disembodied, as if the body is separated from the person.
Hey, see, smell, feel things that are not real, are hallucinations. In particular hears voices that threaten it, condemn it, criticize it or you can hear the voices in the form of orders that could run with a very high risk to himself and others. As thought is disorganized and fragmented, the language often is also often inconsistent, illogical and often absurd and incomprehensible. Not guilty of having the disease. It is not haunted.
This is the medical definition of schizophrenia or madness, cataloged by science and treatment of incurable perpetual. Of people who at any moment lose their reason, or is desperate to be home and have to leave it aimlessly, need to be isolated, leaving the family or the husband or wife, as a result of the attack, discomfort and torment to be at home, he prefers to leave. If he tells no one will believe you tell the person who is crazy to visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist.
If you tell me that all this is happening, I think if it is not your imagination is not crazy, do not achieve anything with psychologists or psychiatrists find your problem is spiritual.
Here I present a case of a desperate young woman of twenty-six years of the Republic of Mexico who wrote to our ministry through the Ministry to give the Internet via Skype, deleting the names she provided in this request for help, because they are important or necessary.
"I write this to ask for help, since my dad ... and his whole family, family ... and more, brothers, nephews, nieces, etc..), Plus other people practice Satanism. My mother and I feel strange things. I, personally, I feel I touch my genitals and ordered me to do things that I do not think, I feel I want to go crazy. I cry uncontrollably, I feel nervous, desperate, uncontrolled and sick of body and soul. I have two older brothers, who do not believe me, because my dad looks so good, seems to be a good and concerned about others, as his family looks. They insult and curse God and Jesus Christ, I too curse and curse me for believing in God and ask me where is this, who is and who has seen it and why I defended. I feel very sad and depressed because where I work I have met people who have the same practice ... and his assistants and they want me to do to others as what they are (...). I'm young, I have 26 years of age, but it is very difficult to socialize with people and I have the feeling that someone is always behind me, trying to control what I do and what I say. I feel awful things and many others, are indescribable and sometimes want to die. I wonder why I have to go hiding, in fear and trying to run away from home without his or her family find out, why me and not they who have to feel fear, despair and horror, because I have to carry their curse and why every time I think I have found a solution to all this and always come back stronger.
I do not like to read, having friends, having money, work or have someone approach me or someone tries to help and so do those who came across my workplace. Sometimes I feel that I can not help more because the more I look, the more they attack me and my mother too, but also those who try to help. I wonder why it is I who must be hiding and live with the lower face, fearing to hurt me or make you hurt my mother or someone else who is close to me. I'm confused and not know what to do. Many times I asked God why we have to live like this, why I have to hide to pray, to speak with Him, because you wonder where I sit in the dark, I wonder why I left at the mercy of demons and I play everywhere (genitals, heart, neck, etc..), who try to control my conscious and subconscious mind to do what they want (me to commit suicide, for example) or to be like them.
I do not know how to leave home, because I have fear, I'm so scared, I feel I can not be too long away from home, I feel I have to go back, that something will get back and finish, plus it ... and your family always learn things before they happen. I do not know what to do, I feel desperate and very very very bad. I feel that I can not get out of this because not many people believe me or believe me but think they are things they do very light, something like "antics of children."
All I want is to leave me alone and stop chasing me. Thanks for reading. "
The persecutions, supposedly imaginary, suffered by the victim, rape, and the like asediándolas shadows that look like a disturbed mind, as well as medical symptoms described above and all the madness associated with the person, are the fruit of works witchcraft sometimes combined with strictly satanic practice and belong to the world spiritually real.
Spirits can rape people men and women, persecute them, they speak so. That is the reason that the demonically possessed or schizophrenic person, feels, hears, smells, because it has penetrated into the spirit world of Satan is real, constantly sedated to calm is not the solution, less committed to a hospital.
The world of schizophrenia or mental illness or insanity, it works through prayers to Satan, play ouija, potions, funerals, ties in ties or wires, conspirators in witchcraft rituals strong, with photographs, objects of the person or dolls, combined with animals offered in sacrifice, blood pacts of humans or animals, representations in all kinds of evil deeds, mainly movies in a mixture of witchcraft and Satanism.
If the person has ever participated in his life, works of witchcraft of any kind shall be easier to deposit the hell of madness, there will be a stronger hold. For science this revelation of the spiritual world will be another crazy, but people who have experienced such a situation has been released and know how the world of evil, likewise the people using the service wizards and witches.
The Witches know that psychiatry is wrong and can never cure a lunatic or mentally deranged, or even improve it. Them if they can but the cost is high. More than money, the soul of the person, of those who have and who recommended. Only search this contact gives Satan legal right on all these lives and can use them whenever you want and how you want to kill another person to violate, to cause any damage. Become instruments or the army of darkness, their bodies are like war tanks that are within the soldier, in this case the devil that guides them and shoot at will.
So we hear: "Suddenly he got the devil and raped, killed, committed suicide and so on."
The person possessed or schizophrenic as he called the medicine has a real contact with the spiritual world, perceive odors of demons, because they stink, hear their voices because they are in it and calling in your brain, your mind is being tormented and receives orders to execute.
Depending on the amount of evil spirits, and voices will be heard, because among themselves argue and fight, because everyone wants to be the team leader or legion, wanting to rule over the spirits of lust, violence, death and so on. Giving the respective orders where appropriate, all commanded or headed by the principality of schizophrenia or madness.
For example, lust, specifically the spirit of nudity, will order the person to undress and will face no matter who is unseen. In the city of Managua, Nicaragua, near the Statue of Montoya, every evening, for several years, a woman in her forties, considered crazy, bathes nude in the playground at this location, as if in a river or nudist place, undeterred by being in a public place. She's out of time and space. The spirit of nudity, is acting at the time, always with the permission of the spirit of madness or schizophrenia who is the ruler of the principality soul or life that you can not escape because they would be punished in hell.
This spirit of nudity is in the nightclub dancers or women who like to walk around necklines to show even a piece of your breasts, or ride small skirts, with undergarments only drawn in nudist people are not ashamed to showing their bodies. For them it is normal, but is also possessed by the spirit of nudity and sexual exhibitionism and others belonging to the army of lust.
The difference is that the soul of the woman who bathes naked, is in charge of the spirit of madness and not of lust as with walking likes showing her body or parts of your body that is very minimal.
In Managua, a young mother killed over thirty stab wounds to her young daughter under ten years, on a whim, going naked into the street to kill his sister, it made international news.
This has a spiritual origin and evil is the spirit of schizophrenia or insanity to behave to the spirit of parricide and nudity that lived inside the mother. Having its origin in contact with games or satanic rituals.
Unpleasant odors are perceptible demons possessed people, not necessarily need to have lost his mind or be disturbed. In our Ministry we had the case of an Apostle of Jesus with gifts of release of course, who made witchcraft. During the release process ministered by the Holy Spirit of God in the name of Jesus, as the demons were leaving, she felt the unbearable stench coming out of spirits. I wanted to locate the source of odor in the temple, asking if we felt. We do not we perceived nothing.
In the city of Rivas, Nicaragua, the Lord sent us to do in the name of Jesus, a release of the young woman of about thirty-five, referred to above in the death of her husband by witchcraft she was crazy, totally schizophrenic, medicated by psychiatrists in the city. It was a public event, released by the media.
This young man lived mainly Satanic legions of spirits and witchcraft because she had practiced Satanic rituals to kill her husband and from his teenage witchcraft rituals, which are different, in addition to that, the estate or curse on the line father.
At the time of ministering deliverance in the name of Jesus, the spirits took turns out, knew they had to leave. The devil satanic and witchcraft were the strongest, using her voice, one would say loudly to the other to leave, who were discussing each of the demons that were in charge of these principalities. The other demons, lust, hate, rape, incest, went without reply.
As they left the witchcraft she felt the smell and manifested. These spirits have their stench feature more than the others due to the preparation of the works of witchcraft are used where things foul and unpleasant odors, such as menstrual blood, dead animals etc..
When attacked the demon satanic, satanic language answered. The demons have their own languages ​​or languages ​​that they understand. This is the language unintelligible referred to psychiatry. Were months of release, because God did not want to be done in continuous session, but every two weeks. The first sessions were up to five hours each, then ministered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, one hour each time.
God wanted to show the wickedness of mankind. In the same family. When she improved dramatically. Not quite clean enough, began to confess his sins and sexual abuse that he suffered, in language consistent and logical ideas. Of the ninety pounds weighed regained his normal weight, and I cared for her three year old girl, but again began to provide food and drinks witchcraft, leading to the sorcerer, returning to the same state. His family was preferred to well, The cause: evil.
When the person has schizophrenia or insanity crisis is due to disturbance or disorder that assembled demons, everyone wants to do what he commands, so are the voices, and people speak for themselves, then there is a strong manifestation or presence demonic forces, until they manage to sort and people come to have a period of calm, always upset but passively, until the demons decide to upset the person, or by an external cause. Especially when they hear the Word of God, praise, they enter a place where there is the presence of God and know that he released to that person through a minister of deliverance.
Transcribe this e-mail that we received, with the permission of the person who sent it to our mail, but anonymously, is a person with schizophrenia spirits of his struggling with the conscious or spiritual knowledge at hand it is very bit, here we see desperation and hope to be free from something she knows how to behave, but can not rid your body:"HELP I'M FROM MEXICO: What gets this mail to you, I am writing from Merida Yucatan. I was deeply moved by your blog. I congratulate you! I am writing from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. I think that what you've posted is real, it seems mere fantasy. I have schizophrenia for six years. I like to pray and I liked the last sentence he wrote the text. I think it was my maternal grandmother wanted to develop as a medium and such but something would not let me open myself to God because I like the practice of witchcraft and all this has kept me involved to the point that "I decided to turn away from my family "I ask to send me a stronger prayer I can pray silently what they still think I have faith. He has given a lot of sense to me what happens and how I can know what a person is satanic? My husband is very noble and sometimes seems to me an ogre, has a gun at his mother and to my knowledge to animals killed her in cold blood, so I think my husband is satanist. I have a little six year old son gives me tremendous shock and then says he does not remember what that does cause me much pain and my family have a lot of domestic violence. I've had victory with demons because he knows I'm strong yet weak and venciéndome end, I do sleep with pills only a quarter of the entire q should take the drug for rejection. My husband used to get up between 2 to 4 am on the pretext of asking the time and do not let me sleep, is there a relationship of that time with demonic activity? No doubt, sometimes I've been listening to the voice of my husband when he is really annoying and I think that is when neglected or not why, I think my husband does things, then tarto develop conscious telepathy repeating ten minutes A mantra but often not practical. These demons have had multiple fights between them to see who earns more, the distinction if they use the voices of different people but have experienced no odor, does that mean I'm strong?, Is the construction of a grimoire is also demonic possession? I am indebted, jealousy torment me, I can not keep my house clean, I am very careless. Anyway I would appreciate just send me a strong prayer that I myself would be using it or something to face the demons. Another strange thing is that I took a lot of soda Cola like water and water not agree, how can you live like this? I fear getting sick and my mother contrived got me because when I read your page I would write the sentence and her name has also led me to a witch for supposedly cure me and went with my husband.Please ask for advice I hope I answered quickly, because I came across your page I believe God has finally managed to forgive me and is sending me the means to help myself than I was myself enrolándome, remember and I am Mexican understand my expressions.Greetings from Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.May God Almighty and Merciful gives you more advancement and progress in their mission to help you through more brothers and sisters who seek requesting help, so be it. Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna, the Lord is with us and with our spirit.I thank you very much Pastor Danilo Roman Catholic (I think it says so) "
The first thing people do when they start to have symptoms of schizophrenia or hearing voices madness is going to the psychiatrist, who will listen, diagnose and prescribe sedatives. In extreme cases, those affected will be admitted to good or bad in psychiatric centers, where his condition worse.
They are often sexually abused by patients themselves, or care staff, unaware of their own for a bit of sexual pleasure, make the damage because the spirits will be moved pleasantly towards mentally healthy person, so far . Not a single patient will leave this place better, perhaps calm, apparently lucid, coherent, but never cured. Demons are intelligent and shall at some point be still so the person leaves the hospital.
Everything has a spiritual purpose. It may be that they are being ordered to be near a relative, to go to another person or watch on one particular exercise. That body will never be made a part of demons will integrate with other bodies to win more souls.
In psychiatric hospitals, which does not go as crazy or upset will become mad or upset, because it will take more spirits, stronger and therefore more intelligent. At the same medical staff and management can deal with such a spirit, waiting for his moment to act.
Doctors like psychiatrists, psychologists perceive a lot of spirits and they do not know why they do not. Unfortunately do not have Jesus in your heart. At their offices daily reach a lot of spirits, transported in the people they serve. If they find it or order them to take over the place and the psychiatrist or psychologist.
When a person is impaired by reason of the death of a relative or someone and it is crazy, deranged or schizophrenic, even for a short time is for a spirit of madness took the front door and out of the dead entered it in his time will be manifested in different ways and associations named in science: psychosis.
All the spirits of the dead person come in who look fit. The death has already fulfilled its mission and look for another person to enter it.
One important thing is to remember or know is that the spirits do not go but Jesus Christ is commanded to leave either the same in his great mercy through requests of the person or by his ministers of liberation.
"And when he left the ship, immediately there met him, from the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs, and no one could bind him, not even with chains. Because he had been often bound with fetters and chains, the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and broke the shackles, and no one could dominate. And always, night and day, he would cry in the mountains and in the tombs and cut himself with stones.
When he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and knelt before him. And cried with a loud voice said, What hast me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God not to torment me. Because I said out of the man, thou unclean spirit. And he asked: What is your name? And he answered saying: My name is Legion: for we are many. And he begged Jesus not to send them out of the country. Was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, let us enter them. And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And unclean spirits went out, went into the pigs, which were about two thousand, and the herd rushed into the sea by a cliff and drowned in the sea. "Mark 5: 2-13
We see in this passage that the demons speak audibly through people can communicate, likewise give orders to execute prisoners who, suicide attacks, assassinations, murders, rapes and so on. These are demons strong. Do not want to waste their territory.
When a demon comes in the name of Jesus, goes back to hell, and is haunted by losing that soul, that is why they refuse to leave, if they achieve that soul, when the person dies, they can easily enter in another, usually from the family and go happy here on earth enjoying their wickedness, laughing at people who do not know. The demons that drove the Gadarene Jesus went to hell to torment, so he asked Jesus, come into the pigs, the pigs were killed off a cliff, but they were able to enter other people of that territory.
During the praise in the Christian churches which moves the power of God can experience some release, but not total.
The Lord showed me another work of witchcraft against me to go crazy, consisting of a glass box as a completely sealed tank with two snakes head tied face to face with a black ribbon in the water, a picture of me and a rosary. They struggle to break out and eventually drown and eventually fall apart, this ritual gets in the end that the person go crazy or schizophrenic. It's what they wanted for me, but the same Lord, destroyed the work of witchcraft, after show me.
Heavenly Father I ask your forgiveness for my sins and declare, confess Jesus Christ my Savior. I ask You Lord to release me from all unclean spirit of schizophrenia, psychosis or insanity diagnosed in any form by medical science. Deliver me Lord, for I hear voices and laughter, the noise in my mind, break any curse of insanity made by witchcraft, or for having participated passively or actively in works of witchcraft, or generational legacy. Lord have mercy on me. All I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, your beloved son.

3 comentarios:



    Brian Hernandez Rodriguez para usuario

    mostrar detalles 19:26 (Hace 1 hora)

    Shalom, mi nombre es Brian no se si recuerden el E-Mail que les mande hace poco relacionado con unas voces que escuchaba discutir entre ellas e insultarme a mi, "gracias por sus oraciones" ya no escucho voces ni veo cosas. yo le decía a mi mamá que no era esquisofrenia pero no me hacia caso, Bueno lo bueno es que ya no escucho ni veo cosas gracias a Dios.me despido gracias.... Brian Hernandez Rodriguez y familia (padecí 10 años de alucinaciones visuales y auditivas) Bendiciones hasta pronto.

  2. Yo me siento desesperada siento baastante temor culpabiludad halgo me ha robado paz amenasada no tengo a quien contarselo ni Si quiera in pastor me siento desesperada suenos horribles incluso hasta siento halgo Como opresion dentro de mi Como Si me quisiera Dar in infarto del temoor y stress hermanos les pido oracion vivo en Aurora quisiera acudir a alguien mas.les pido oracion.vivo en Aurora illinois

  3. Dios le bendiga. Estaremos orando por usted. Comuníquese con nosotros. Vía Skipe a la derecha en frente de esta página hallará la dirección y nuestro correo. También tiene nuestro número de teléfono: 505 89833717 o haga un viaje a nuestro Ministerio, ubicado en Managua, Nicaragua. Sea lo que sea Dios la ha perdonado.No se sienta culpable. Hay que sacar de su cuerpo en el nombre de Jesús, ese espíritu que la atormenta y que es poderoso, no deje pasar el tiempo él, a veces se calma, pero despúes sigue atormentando hasta llegar al suicidio u homicidio, no lo deje llegar hasta allí. Estaremos orando por usted. Bendiciones.


Dios te bendiga desde el momento que te atreves a hacer tu comentario, que la paz de Jesús entre a tu vida y te llene de gozo, fe y esperanza por lo que elegiste decir. Bendiciones por cada una de tus buenas intenciones para hacer crecer este Ministerio laico del poderoso Jesús.Ten fe y recibirás tus milagros estamos en oración permanente por cada persona que accesa al blog
Te recomendamos suscribirte a nuestros videos en you tube: Pastor danilo guido chevez. Skipe: danilo.guido.chevez tel 505 89833717