
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

Itching, itching or itching for witchcraft. CHAPTER XII THE BOOK: Brujeria LAID BARE IN THE CHURCH.

Itching, itching or itching for Brujeria

     Itching, itching or itching from the medical point of view: it is a tingling or irritation of the skin that makes you want to scratch the affected area. The itching can occur throughout the body (generalized) or only in one place (localized).
     If the itching keeps coming back and there is no obvious cause, if it occurs throughout the body, or you have hives that keep returning, submit to a review as soon as possible. Unexplained itching may be a symptom of a disease that could be serious.
     The itching or itching that does not have a distinct origin, a disease, an allergy, a medical history, is the work of witchcraft. The itching is permanent, the person walking casually scratching, anywhere. No alcohol, no bathrooms or paradise rosemary, remove the itch.
     The doctor may prescribe any medicine and itching or pruritus persist throughout the body. This work of witchcraft, I suffered when I walked away from God, through an employee who wanted revenge when I married. I scratched my day and night, mainly in the legs, thighs and arms, not knowing it was.
     Years later, I found in my office among books, papers with menstrual blood and other things of witchcraft. God revealed to me the cause and through the ministry of liberation was free.
     Even now as Jesus my Lord, for we are constantly subjected witchcraft, out of envy and malice, there have been moments of itching in the legs, arms and chest a scratch and itch go away, just prayer and undoing works of witchcraft in the name of Jesus, you can remove, is to rebuke spirits of witchcraft itching to be let alone. Undo all the work of witchcraft in the name of Jesus, who is working to itch or itching.
     Heavenly Father in Jesus' name I ask you to rid all the work of witchcraft in my life, especially the root of this itching or stinging, I accept Jesus Christ as my only freedom in the name of Jesus of Nazareth rebuke every spirit of witchcraft against me and I command these spirits to stay away.

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