
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Blindness due to witchcraft. CHAPTER XI THE BOOK: Brujeria LAID BARE IN THE CHURCH


     Blindness from the medical point of view: the loss of visual acuity, usually by affecting the optic nerve, retina or in any brain structure.
     When the person for some reason, unknown loses vision without the medicine can stop the process, work is a sign of witchcraft on the person.
     Many people, through ignorance are resigned to blindness. After seeing, not seeing. It is important to count the people around him, which hurt them, who feel jealous or remember if you said, ruling with his mouth that would go blind or is declared, to cancel this decree.
     The spirit of blindness is about that person until they take it out and can see, it will be because of ignorance of the word, the power of God.
There are people who know when their blindness is witchcraft, witches using them to restore vision. Regain their sight, but lose his soul. God has allowed us to know of these cases, to find Satan.
Heavenly Father, forgive my sins, my Lord Jesus operates. In the name of Jesus every generational curse affliction of blindness. Every work of witchcraft that I may be blind or blinds rid the name of Jesus.

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