
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010




     Lice from the medical point of view: they are parasites that cause direct damage by biting and sucking blood, but also produce skin lesions that increase the risk of infections, although it is thought that are unique to marginalized groups, the truth is that almost all are at risk of infection.
     Lice are as old as mankind, but in the last 25 years it seems that it has increased its presence. So what was the heritage of populations with inadequate hygiene habits, today has become a constant concern of mothers of children from all social groups.
     Particularly in this day that I have to write about this manifestation of witchcraft on anyone, we were visited by our Ministry, a prophet, saying she suffered from lice, with a great despair and headaches out of your house not understand at the time in question. Until Jesus liberated and healed.
     Many people do not understand the source of the lice by witchcraft, which are not all the cases and being neat people with hygiene do not dare to tell her bad, running the risk of infection and to death or be fighting every day with lice. If no treatment, hygiene and care necessary and lice persist, is the work of witches and wizards, to destroy it. These works of witchcraft are more frequent and common.
     The disease has been increasing every day and see how medicine has said that in recent years this disease has advanced. It may very well take care her head, her hair, but if you are doing witchcraft did not know from where the lice. Now if you know: you have lice by the work of witchcraft. He has not told anyone because of shame, but you have to visit a pastor with the gift of liberation and tell what is going to be free from this evil.
     The person who has no such problem will not believe, but I know that this book will come to you having that problem and did not know their origin. Among this evil witches is very common. Care comes up to visit a witch doctor for the cure, the sick can be cured but the other evil that appear over time. The sorcerer has banned completely cured by Satan also can not sound an ailment, but has to put another.
     You must hate all the work of witchcraft artisanal, rustic and elegantly dressed in elegant witches who read hands, horoscopes, talismans give, perfumes, essences, I say they are spiritual counselors. They have more power to bargain his soul, without being noticed. Heavenly Father I ask forgiveness for my sins, Lord forgive me for having consulted sorcerers or witches disguised as spiritual counselors, for having used their arts of love or any other form of disguised sorcery for healing or any of my relatives heal, now I understand he was delivering my soul or my relative's soul to the depths of hell, I apologize and cancel the name of Jesus every legal right that I gave to satan to use witchcraft to me or mine, I cover with the blood of Christ, I declare my freedom and I ask you release me sir, in the name of his beloved son Jesus.

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