
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010


Heart Attack witchcraft

     The heart attacks from the medical point of view: they are caused by blockage of an artery, which is responsible for supplying the heart. Also known as myocardial infarction or coronary thrombosis is a disorder that causes the death of an area of cardiac muscle. Most strokes are caused by a blockage of a coronary artery, which are the blood vessels around the heart to supply oxygen and other nutrients.
     Not all heart attacks are the work of witchcraft, there are many causes that medical explanations are correct. There is also another type of heart disease that creates the spirit of hatred or resentment, of diabolical origin.
     The heart attack by witchcraft is the kind of death to which I refer. Many people have died from these causes, without any real source of the disease, caused by the work of witchcraft. When a person has done wrong or envy someone, someone else has already decided to take revenge through witchcraft, to kill the hated person, you can get. Stuffed with needles, rituals of killing animals with pins in the heart, are used to achieve the purpose. Not always get the desired success, but if the victim does not have Christ in your life, the son of the world or the devil, Satan can approve the death, taking the soul that is yours anyway, in exchange for new commitment contract or agreement that the person who is providing the service without knowing it, along with their offspring. Satan takes far and what will become little by little, for he, too, time is eternal and has patience to their children, when she has good control over her demons within the person. "He who sins is of the devil because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God, to destroy the works of the devil. Everyone who is born of God does not sin, because God's seed remains in him and can not sin, because he is born of God. Here we see God's children, and children of the devil: whoever does not do justice, and who does not love his brother is not of God "First John 3:8-10.
     Thus we see that although we are all God's creation, not all are sons of El, as most people think, some are children of the devil to do evil and others are children of God by doing His will. God's children do not practice witchcraft, or hate your neighbor, nor want his death.
     There is another situation where this process of death, his sons Satan leads them to hell when he wants, before his day. Any person, God has appointed a day of dying and death for witchcraft infarction or any other can match your day. This means that even without witchcraft, this was his day of death from any cause. However, the person causing death, is responsible for that sin.
     A person that hurts the heart, or feel jincones or tightness in the chest, has gone to the doctor sends electrocardiogram, blood test, you are prescribed aspirin in case because it has nothing and is healthy.
     This person is being attacked by witchcraft, with dolls that bear his name, conjured up Satan, sticking pins in the heart in witchcraft rituals, these are being inconvenienced by the spirit of stroke. It's the same procedure in the head or other parts of the body to produce jincones.
     Depending on the person or quality of witchcraft can be death by heart attack. The medical diagnosis is direct myocardial infarction, myocardial infarction or fulminant like. Each needle is a spirit of myocardial sent to that person and his death is the work of witchcraft. People with strong hatred or resentment are prone to these attacks of witchcraft are effective.
     My wife and I met a case where the woman did witchcraft strong for the death of her husband, an older man. The aim was to get rid of him, to keep the house and their things. The man died, to be the medical cause, kidney infection. Only his wife and the witch knew the truth, which remained hidden for some time. Until the widow began to witchcraft to drive her crazy and strip her of her home, through a sham sale. The case went public. Doctors attended to the woman, prescribing heavy doses of painkillers etc.
     We attended to this case, in the name of Jesus and with his authorization. Performing as directed by God, deliverance sessions, weekly and biweekly.
     The demons spoke through the young woman, saying among other things, "she knows the truth," "God will forgive you." The first sessions of up to five continuous hours were violent, because within it there were also legions of satanic demons and witchcraft, they called each other to leave first. When he managed to get to the point of recovery from his mental sobriety, not yet fully released, it brought out something hidden, that the demons did not want people to know they would lose their legal right over her and that day in the name of Jesus, came strong demons, speaking languages satanic, revealing her that through witchcraft in foods, beverages and rituals cross had killed her husband. Identifying women who participated in the death and witchcraft after she made him to take his house.
     God revealed to us that this young woman's husband died the day He had intended for his death. With or without witchcraft witchcraft that was his day. Recall that for some reasons of spiritual world, the works of witchcraft can be reversed immediately, without achieving the injury or death of another person. In any case, Satan owns the souls or those participating in the spiritual world of evil, putting them immediately into demons that accompany them while leading them, making life complicated, so you do not have time to repent.
     Heavenly Father forgive me for doing witchcraft to death of any person or participated in any manner in such works against the neighbor, I declare Jesus my savior and my deliverer, deliver me Lord from the spirit of witchcraft, I ask that you enter abide in my heart through your Holy Spirit, all I ask in Jesus' name. Lord I ask that you take from me any resentment or hatred against a certain person, for the damage I did: rape, deceit, abandonment, theft, libel, slander etc. Li All I ask in the mighty name of Jesus. Take control of my life Lord Jesus.

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