
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010



     The prayers are pure works of witchcraft which are lit and smoked cigars. It was the obeah people smoke, the witch or warlock, light candles in the place of witchcraft, blowing cigar smoke into the flames of the candles or naked people, repeating a prayer to Satan and claiming foul language, desire on the person under attack witchcraft, sex, money, destruction of the person, marriage or curse in your life and finances.
      Before you surrender to Jesus Christ, I was in a house of women where a young witch was doing pure prayer, allowed me to be because it was a family friend, had lit candles in the corners of the house and threw them smoke pure, I did not know which was the goal or against whom, I made fun of them because they believed that witchcraft could cause real damage, as well a man was skeptical and did not believe that witchcraft could touch me, not knowing that he ran with the same curse those who practiced it.
     All these actions and rituals are done with prayers of invocation of spirits of witchcraft, they go and obey, minister for witches, wizards or obeah against the person named by sending spirits of witchcraft. The life of this person will never be the same or better, it will be worse in all areas of their existence, because without knowing it will be under the rule of witchcraft, which only Jesus can save her.
     People who participate in the prayers of pure, active or passive, even as spectators without any input as I did, because they are contaminated as well as their families and places where they live because they become a curse, all that is contaminated by a around. These people become anathema, wherever they are. "And not bring an abomination into your house, lest you be accursed of all the hate and detest, it is anathema." Deuteronomy 7: 26. It is necessary to repent, confess sin, ask forgiveness of God and break the curse that fell on us that day.
     Heavenly Father, I repent for having been in a pure prayer session, I ask your forgiveness, whether or not involved consciously or unconsciously, I apologize for having wished bad for my neighbor and in the name of Jesus, I ask you take off all curse yours because they rebelled and in the name of Jesus every curse of Satan grief over my life for having participated in any way in the rituals of prayer and pure of any work of witchcraft, all I ask in the name of Jesus.

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