
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010

DOLLS, LINKS, NETWORKS, reviews, pins or needles, bandages and Bands of witchcraft. BOOK XVII: Brujeria LAID BARE IN THE CHURCH.

DOLLS, LINKS, NETWORKS, reviews, pins or needles, bandages and Bands of witchcraft.

     The pins or needles are used for construction of witchcraft in dolls or pictures with the name of the person who will do evil. They can be planted in the womb, to send spirits of abortion, in the heart to send spirits of heart, kidney, to send spirits of kidney infection in the ears, to send spirits to deafness, mouth spirits muteness.
     On the feet, knees and hands spirits of pain and inflammation. In the column to overwhelm the person. In the sexual organs of man or the woman represented in the doll or photograph is to lose virility or two or increase desire lust for anyone to fall into infidelity.
     When works of witchcraft are, sticking pins a person may feel, in any body part jincones or stitches as electric shocks or stronger, than prayer or will fall apart.
     God has allowed my wife and I feel the attacks of witchcraft, pinpricks in the head, spine, knees, bellies, soles, eyes and hands, without any consequence, in order to train ourselves, we can not speak or reveal what we know, what God has revealed to us.
     In the women put potions menstrual blood to drink man and his will is tied to it, or the women they put dust RACCOON sexual organ, so that entontezcan man and many forms of witchcraft.
     The dolls are sold in the eyes so that the person can not see beyond what he says or does not believe the owner of witchcraft. This is the reason why many men or women can not undo adulterous relationships, though they try. Atan dolls doll or photo picture, or underwear to ensure continued adherence of man and the woman, toads eyes sewn with thread and put a black ribbon tied over her eyes and put into a pot and the plug.
     The bonds are nodes or networks, hair ties, straps or cords or wires, clothing of all types, pants, shirts, bras or bras, blumeres or pants, underwear, socks, scarves etc. To tie the will of the person desired. Often these ties are gifts to the person so concealed, hidden objects, so that it always has. And I find more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and ties his hands. He who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner shall be taken by her. Behold, this I found, saith the Preacher, weighing things one by one to find the reason, what is still looking for my soul, and can not find a man among a thousand I found, but a woman among all those never found.
     Behold, I have found only this: that God made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions. Ecclesiastes: 7:26-29
     To this is added inherited and acquired the curses of the victims, the law decrees that have emerged from his own mouth, saying for example that will never leave her lover, who loves her more than anything, preferring to die remove such person, who does not love his wife and is with her children, etc.. From all this are adultery, fornication, submission of men and women, whatever passes before his eyes, destruction of homes, poverty, misery and curses load.
     The person suspected of witchcraft symptoms must submit your will to Christ and still wage a constant battle against all these works of witchcraft. Not a single day, once. Evil will only end the great day of Jehovah.
     Heavenly Father I ask your forgiveness for my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my Savior. In the name of Jesus undo all the work of witchcraft against me or my marriage, undo ties, sweater pins witchcraft dolls or pictures, get rid bonds of love, witchcraft remove bandages over the eyes of my husband or wife or me, rebuke any spirit of abortion, divorce, adultery, lack of sexual desire in my partner in the powerful name of Jesus of Nazareth.

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