
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010


BURIALS of witchcraft.

     Burials of witchcraft are ties or knots, parts of dolls buried in jars, as desired evil in a particular place, head, hands, feet, part of the body, objects, blumeres, pants, scarves, hair, pictures, perfumes, tooth or animal teeth, menstrual blood or directly from the veins, according to the view of the person: sex, madness, death, strife, destruction of marriages, poverty, misery, failure, etc.
     These are mainly buried in or around the house concerned, in cemeteries, churches or places conspirators spiritually so that the spirits of darkness to move toward the person, with his previous sentences of witchcraft and evil on the person.
     They are used at funerals that people believe things sacred in the churches, mainly as flowers or lilies, holy water, communion wafers, candles of saints, pieces of fabric, the dresses of virgins and saints, ornaments of saints, because within these saints are powerful demons of idolatry and witchcraft is combined well.
     Birds, animals sexual organs, bones, skulls, feathers and other objects people are conspirators and buried with names, desires and belief in witchcraft. It happens. Faith is important so that evil can happen desired.
     The witches tell him faith in the gig, but we know that it is faith in Satan. Many people leave the house of the witch or wizard, asking God to finally solve the problem. In case you ask forgiveness giving explanations, justifications.
     Dreams with dirty water, with abnormal people with horrible demons, snakes, animals butchered, blood, skulls, crosses, five-pointed stars, animals that are transformed, hair loss, men or naked women showing all or part of your body there are signs of witchcraft on the person.
     Used in witchcraft butchered animals, cats, ducks, dogs, scorpions, human remains as an array of women achieved in hospitals etc.
     The reading of letters, hand, snails, coffee comes in the classification of witchcraft. Candy for the goblins, the child of Prague, the burning of incense or something similar to perfume, eau de rue to sell businesses, garlic behind the door, shoes on the doors of the house, elephants back into out, pieces of cloth conspirators nailed or glued objects are works of witchcraft, nails nailed mean mind and have a great effect on the person.
     In these days when writing this chapter, we had a public case of demonic possession, where one of the things we find in the house of a girl of fifteen who was demonically possessed a piece of cloth was nailed to the wall that served as fund to hang their shoes, this piece of cloth he was given by one person, each nail having a negative force of darkness who exercised power over the minds of the young, as the nails were removed, burned the cloth, anointed himself space and prayed many demons have weakened and fled.
     There are witches and wizards more powerful one than others, they can send burials of witchcraft under the houses with spirits. These burials are powerful and destroyed at an accelerating rate. Only Jesus Christ can remove these burials.
     Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, I ask your forgiveness for my sins and declare to your beloved Son as my Savior, in the name of Jesus, I cancel all bonds of witchcraft, all ties, cancel all funeral, burial undo all the work of witchcraft and exploit these burials of witchcraft in the name is a name above every name Jesus of Nazareth. Dispose ties, bows, nets, traps of witchcraft, to strife and divorce, poverty, death, poverty and accidents in the name of Jesus, mine is destroyed any clothing or personal items used to belong to my witchcraft and loses its effectiveness in work witchcraft in the name of Jesus, because there is power in the blood and blood of Christ has power, no power in the Blood of Cristo.Amén.

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