
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010



     At meals and drinks are put witchcraft, people who do not believe or eat and drink are innocent victims in their stomachs they are animals, frogs, snakes, monkeys, fish etc.
     These animals are the spirits of darkness, the toad is not physical, but it's a toad or animal within the person with all its features. The person feels haunted, who has the gift of sight see these animals during the session release of the person driving out demons of witchcraft of her body or herself.
     On one occasion Lord through my wife and I saved a woman who wanted to become pretty, every day was flexing more, walk facing the ground. The day of liberation through his mouth he screams out cute. Leaving that spirit, came after two children of the mona monkeys. This is because sexual reproduction of some spirit within the person, others have other forms of reproduction. This woman is now a prophet of God and not ashamed to testify to the glory and honor of the almighty Lord of Hosts.
     For this reason, people should be careful who eat and drink, often the same friends or family, girlfriends or boyfriends, people with some sort of sentimental relationship provided for transporting, offering, through food or drink anything a type of witchcraft.
     Sometimes they do it consciously, sometimes ignoring the evil of another person. The important thing for the bad news is that witchcraft in the body of the person
     In restaurants, eateries and street vendors to sell becomes witchcraft. All these products are agreed, and is bought and eaten by many people who like or need to eat in the streets but if Satan has legal title to that person in the area of witchcraft, will bolster that spirit, beginning the ailments that seem diseases and never heal.
     The person he wants to sell, but she also is contracted to do the work of sorcery and witchcraft transmit eaters, drinkers or buyers.
     The soft dark as pithaya, beetroot, tamarind, barley, cocoa, gourd seeds, coffee will fortify witchcraft. It may begin as a small stomach ache, but then goes to accommodate the spirit.
     Disease inside the body, headaches, etc. Medically treated without any positive result, diseases that have become chronic and you only live with a permanent treatment, but not cured, only to feel a little relief. They are the work of witchcraft. Being a Christian is not enough, we need to cleanse ourselves the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, so that we have the weapons given by God and the people or instruments used by the very high to help the rest of those demons.
     There are works of witchcraft demons witchcraft directly put the person in his sleep, in a recent case these days I write this chapter, one night came a couple known to the days when I walked in the world, brought to daughter of sixteen, a young man just one feet tall, who is more desperate to be on the door of the Ministry and begged his parents to take her away and was worse to come in and sit down, saying he did not want to be here . The presence of the anointing of God tormented again, her parents were quickly what they knew about a neighbor who was doing witchcraft on his daughter because he had taken her boyfriend, then the girl came out of the stomach through the mouth a few threads of all sizes up to a meter long.
     Indeed it had witchcraft in the name of Jesus did release a number of sessions and threads out. But there was more, she had brought in the witchcraft because besides not being Christian until then, had seen all the Harry Potter and unknowingly ushered powerful spirits of witchcraft were not at that point that disturbed him .
     She felt and saw in vision, the night was a demon opened his mouth and stuck a roll of thread. This girl also walked on his cell phone messages EMO murder of the girl killed in Israel, kicking down leaving a large stone on his head. This video was broadcast on the Internet and are diabolical possessions, which entitles him to Satan and his demons on the lives of those who walk their possessions.
     Heavenly Father, I ask your forgiveness for my sins and declare Jesus my savior, I ask you Lord free me from all works of witchcraft in food to drink, that entered my body without knowing the name of Jesus Christ, I command every spirit of witchcraft in food and drink out of me because I am the temple and dwelling of the Holy Spirit, cancel the power of the Blood of Christ all legal right given to them about my life, I ask health man now spills over me.

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