
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010


     A Lot, his wife and daughter liked the life of Sodom, they forgot about the spiritual life came into them easily and evil spirits of darkness. When the spirits came out of Sodom who seized his wife did look back again and immediately became Jehovah pillar of salt for her disobedience, descending into hell, led by the spirits that dwell in it.
     Still do not have, for many, a clear idea of what the hell, but the same hell hole for humans dead, dark place of torment, fire pit.
     Lot, had been contaminated with spirits of alcoholism and her daughters with spirits of lust. While they lived together in a cave, darkened and lustful heart of his eldest daughter began to plot for both sex. The idea to produce offspring was a justification for their claims. They knew that their father did not approve an incestuous relationship, so I knew the Lord, but not keep all his precepts, so they decided to meet rape and carnal desire. Lot's two daughters had evil in his heart. If it had been right in the eyes of God, Lot had agreed.
     His father got drunk and slept with her father more, one night and the next night the child slept with his father, without noticing. The two became pregnant in Moab and Ben-Ammi, parents of the Ammonites. Sodom In the environment of the daughters of Lot were contaminated. These were not girls, were devilish. "And they made their father drink wine that night, and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father, but he felt when she lay down, nor when she arose. The next day, said the elder to the younger, Behold, I lay last night with my father, give him drink wine tonight also, and comes and sleeps with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also, and rose the least, and slept with him, but he did not perceive when she lay down, nor when she arose. And the two daughters of Lot were with his father. "(Genesis 19:33-36)
     The degree of drunkenness of Lot by the seizure of the spirit of alcoholism, in complicity with the spirit of violation of their daughters which manifests itself in this case, not by violence but by the loss of consciousness or awareness of the victim, not allowed to realize the inequities of the future mothers of two children.
     Alcoholism does lose consciousness and there comes a time when the person does not know what is required to do under the influence of demons.
    Many violations of daughters to their parents have committed not to light outputs, as violations of children to mothers.
     How many parents in a state of drunkenness or drug addiction have been violated by his daughters? How many drunk or drugged mothers have been raped by their children? How many alcoholic daughters have been drugged or raped by their fathers? This is an abomination to the LORD.

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