
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Rape of Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah. CHAPTER V BOOK LUST unclean SPIRIT IN THE MEN AND WOMEN

     The devil or spirit of lust has easy words and bodily expressions to show their appreciation for his charm or partner, is one of the more subtle forms of entry. In other is accompanied by strong spirits of rape to use violence if necessary.
     Dina, daughter of Jacob and Leah, was tainted by Prince Shechem, he fell in love but the sons of Jacob were offended and avenge the rape of his sister, killing every male in the city, even though his sister was given Shechem as his wife. "And Shechem son of Hamor saw Hivite, prince of that land, and took it, and lay with her, and defiled her. But his soul is stuck to Dinah the daughter of Leah, and he loved her, and spoke to her heart. "(Genesis 34.2-3)
     How many women have been raped by their boyfriends, despite their resistance, but they want the man, but they want things in the order of God? Although it was later married, was a disgrace, a sin against God, broke into his temple, but marriage is worse. In both cases of rape are curses that reach the daughters. You need to cut curses, no matter if God forgave themselves are, married, the curse survives .-

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