
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     The spirit of sexual provocation, manifests itself differently in men and women, the look, the walk, dressing, talking, etc welcome.
     The women are especially notorious for having more overt sexual forms, even clothes that cause a strong impression to be displayed or highlighted, natural or artificial.
     This spirit is invited to follow-up, playful spirit, in search of sexual satisfaction. For those unfamiliar to the scriptures and even many Christians, is not detected, interpreting it as an arrangement, elegant, flirtatious, not having any significance for them.
     In the spirit world, a look, a wink, leads to physical sin. Acceptors whisperings eyes or speak or mean enough to the evil spirit inside the person who sees them. The necklines, transparent garments, open dresses, cloth shorts, underwear minimum drawn on the woman's body that clearly show through their sexual parts, excessive use of makeup and costumes, without reserve, are provocative enough, the gaze of others. Always attract attention, man upright and the wicked. Unlike the whole man, his spiritual eyes will not let any thoughts come to mind. In the wicked, the spirit of sexual provocation, enter immediately, imagine shapes, colors, sizes, movements and becomes part of other spirits, to work as a team.
     Of this there are two consequences: 1 .- Abstract: desires, faults, fantasies, dreams, masturbation, mental adultery, evil plans in the heart of another person, etc.. To achieve the sexual order in his depraved mind. 2 .- Physical: harassment, abuse, rape, blackmail, death.
     After work the spirit of sexual provocation, the other spirits, begin or continue their work, is like a relay race, the first row gives the baton to the second, that the third party. To finish the race.
     When the spirit of lust is already constituted in the human being with all his legions, ready to cause more serious damage in the person provocative, so to meet its purpose, either boy, girl, boy, wife, young lady, male, female, old or elderly.
     This spirit is notorious for its manifestation in women, is credited with only her, but it is in men and boys so easily grasp.
     LORD trial makes women of Zion for letting this spirit in their bodies, "also says the LORD: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with outstretched necks and wanton eyes when they go dancing, and making a tinkling with feet, therefore the Lord shall shave the head of the daughters of Sion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts. "Isaiah 3: 16-17 Other versions say:" The women of Zion are proud, walking with head up, looking insolently, walking with short steps and making ornaments foot dream him ... "" The Lord said: because women pride themselves Sion, walk with outstretched necks causing his eyes, they walk with short steps sounding bracelets feet ... "
     In those versions of sin is the key to the look and sensuous movement of their bodies. For that reason the Lord through his prophet Isaiah foretells trial on them. The dress and ornaments are part of the enhancement to the spirit of sexual provocation, the woman who looks or feels normal walking provocatively dressed, it is because it has a spirit of provocation that makes him believe so and does not care about looks or the judgments of others, even the trial of God. This happens on the beaches, social events, in beauty contests, where women want to show more and ask God to look good that day or night or win. They say they believe in God, but unfortunately neither know nor his word or his will, except him.
     At the time of the prophet Isaiah, a single woman or widow was due to embarrassment or shame, and the others should help. Hence the importance of a husband to feel supported.
     Men are doomed to die edge of a sword for the sin of the provocative, is the prophecy of the daughters of Zion: "grab a man seven women at that time, saying, We will eat our bread, and we dressed our clothes, only let us be your name, take away our reproach. "Isaiah 4:1
     This biblical quote the man in the street has helped confused by Satan or Satan has confused helped the man, saying he is entitled to seven women, but is not that the meaning of the event. Loan is simply the name not be alone, not going to see her husband's obligation to them.
     This spirit is in all ages. So you should not leave children sit on the legs of family friends or relatives. Perhaps there is an intention on the person at the time, but the spirits that walk, to join those of boys and girls produce sexual arousal reaction probably unintentionally, because the spirits among themselves perceived provocation.
     That is the reason why many parents against their will experience an erection when you sit on your legs to their sons or daughters. When you hug your daughters and feel the touch of her breasts or to embrace the children to their mothers.
     There is in these people a spirit of sexual provocation, but not like, there goes, walking by the body. Until the person vacates dwell with the human mind can not control. You, reader at this time knows what I'm talking about because you have experienced that feeling against their will.
     To sit at your children, hug them, kiss them you need to be clean. As much respect among the family, moral values, Christian growth, remember that the human being exists from the training curse depending on the life lived, the spirits have entered. The holiness of God, after the release is the answer to a holy life, no filth in the temple of God. "He who winks the eye causeth sorrow ..." Proverbs 10:10
     In the churches will be presented this spirit. Conceals well. It's subtle, helpful, smart, attractive, easily deceived by their apparent simplicity, his gaze is recording, it appears interest in souls. It's in all public places, but less veiled, because it has more freedom to show no fear of being discovered. You could also name a spirit of seduction.
     How many times have you winked your eyes for a conquest? How many times have you dress "sexy" for grooming? How many times your intimate areas were shown to the others, so hidden in your clothes? How many times your body language when walking with minimal lingerie, small or showing something in your body is invited to imagine you and want to possess or masturbate? Do you know how many times have you been in the masturbation of a man? How many times your eyes said more than your body? You know what I mean. This is an abomination to the LORD. Decide at this time. In sign of obedience to God, burning the clothes exposes your body and lingerie that you feel comfortable. Show him your love to God by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Do not give these clothes, is anathema.
     But above all your heart never naked, with a glance. Isaiah's prophecy against women of Zion are fulfilled. The people did not turn to God. As God is patient and please do not obey. Until tired of waiting, his wrath falls upon the wicked.
     "They raped the women in Zion, virgins in the cities of Judah." Lamentations 5:11 The prophet Jeremiah laments the devastation of cities. Often it is mocked and mistreated. While he prayed for the people. God chose him clean, just for him, for its special sanctity, ordered him to stay without a woman. Jeremiah fulfilled. Today to honor and glory of Jesus Christ, though it is a Holy God has placed as my guardian angel. He is always with me fulfilling the purpose of the LORD of hosts. For me, I do not know precisely what is in the foreseeable future on this earth, in which I am a pilgrim with my beautiful wife Ana Maria, a treasure that God gave me to look after it, as we snatches.

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