
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     Bestiality is a disgusting practice, men and women. The spirit of lust has reached that extreme, demonstrating permanently and present, in the countryside and the city. Animals of all kinds, livestock, pasture, beasts of burden and work, pets, dogs, birds, pets and so on. They are used to satisfy the libido of men and women. This is a generational curse of thousands of years, which has been cut into the practitioners and has reached our days in an ancestral chain. Many testimonies of Christians testify to the commission of such acts "
     Ancient peoples practiced this kind of sex with animals and the Israelis too. For that reason was set in the law of Moses a penalty for this practice. "Whosoever lieth with a beast shall die" Exodus 22:18.
     Women in a spirit of lust, which is known among them as nymphomania, they feel less need of sexual penetration enjoyed being penetrated by animals and are placed in front of them to be satisfied. The satiated man either because they have no one sex or the enemy that makes you believe that the female animal sex is carnal appetites for their size, shape, temperature etc. Take advantage of that relationship diabolically bestial. This is why God sent his people Israel: "Neither will any animal amancillándote council with him, nor shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is perversion." Leviticus 18:23
     Pornography has continued to encourage the practice and women from all walks of life have been perverted orgies and in solitude, have used their pets, cats, dogs and other animals.
     Our God says the practice of these evil deeds "shall therefore keep My charge, no abominable customs which were committed before you, and do not defile them. I am the Lord your God. "Leviticus: 18:30
     The practice of sex with animals is immoral, contaminant fate as the animal ran to the men and women among the Israelites. "If a man lie with a beast to be killed and will kill the beast. And if a woman approach unto any beast with him to women and kill the animal; inevitably die, his blood shall be upon them. "Leviticus 20: 15-16.
     This demonstrates the interference of Satan in God's plans in a man's life, wanting to leave no room for the salvation of mankind. A part of mankind in a way and attacked the other parties in another way, the goal is to stay away from the truth and care about their needs and sexual addictions and other natures, to make God into a background and if they believe that the Devil does not exist, the better for it, the less the better mention, not to be afraid of him, but are afraid of him than the Lord, because he is a God of Love
     In this way want to own and control the creation of God in all walks of life and has managed to win millions of souls for the kingdom of darkness, there are with him continuously practicing the same filth as discussed in the section of hell.
     These evil acts are an abomination to the LORD. He made man for woman. The woman to man. The animals themselves.
     The order of God's nature breaks Satan, the cherub beauty of God, created with perfection and love, now for the darkness, out of envy of wanting to be God. He was cast out of heaven and soon will be bound for a thousand years, so that Christ will reign in Jerusalem.
     How many times have you had sex with animals? You can still repent. Look around your church the release of that evil. That does not leave him out if it comes out when the person dies, then look at who get involved. If you're not looking for a church where there is moving Christian Church of the Holy Spirit has the power to break free.

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