
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Presenting Your Missionary Ministry of Prophecy, Freedom Health and Spiritual Counseling.

CREATION OF GOD, CHILDREN OF GOD, GOD'S Princess OID before making that decision:
     Service to God has no cost, it is of grace, so Jesus gave us grace.   This lay ministry, is available to you, Jesus, chose him for that, to make it available, of Christians, Evangelical, Catholic, secular, atheist and of any denomination.
     The purpose of this ministry is to bring the power of Jesus to your life, your problems, to your family, your finances, your health, he wants to put all that in your hands, through these servants that He, has chosen to serve, to give glory and honor to the Lord of hosts only. He is the one who heals our diseases and frees us from death, from suicide, the pain of betrayal, adultery, fornication, masturbation, poverty, loneliness, sadness, homosexuality, lesbianism, resentment, depression, hatred, disbelief, spirits of torment and disturbance, jail, to give us eternal life. You can ask and get in touch with us to guide in all the orders of your life, prophecy, deliverance, healing and spiritual counseling.
     The Lord Jesus, this ministry has an answer at this time for your problem, just have faith and try, even if you have faith, please contact us and we will send you a response for the blessing of your life. Heavenly Father I ask your forgiveness for my sins and accept Jesus as my Savior, Lord lets get in touch with your servants and give me peace at this time sir, I pray in the name of your beloved son Jesus.
     Pastor Danilo Guido Prophet Chévez and Ana Maria Alghero, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, declare with our mouths that your life begins to change at this time and is ministered by the Holy Spirit of God.
     Get in touch and you have your answer, from this moment begin to have. Do not rush. Everything has its time. Time to throw stones and a time to gather stones. Time to mourn and a time to laugh. Time to die, but this is not your time to die, in the name of Jesus stand up and stick. Amen.

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