
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Birth Missionary Ministry of Prophecy, Freedom, Health and Spiritual Counseling.

     God bless. Our Ministry was born the day the Lord, spoke audibly in my life. After a painful search, in the fall and rise. In a life of adultery that I suffer with my wife.
     We are in Managua, Nicaragua, my wife Ana Maria Alghero. Prophet of God and I have founded under the spiritual covering of the Almighty, the Missionary Ministry of Prophecy, Freedom, Health and Spiritual Counseling for sevir to those who need it and lay Christians. After today I wrote for my writing to God, and last year published the book evil spirit out of LUST IN MEN AND WOMEN, I want to share in this blog lay Christian.
     If you have need for spiritual counseling or want an answer from God in his life and the Lord willing we will respond to your mail.
     Also, if you want to make a donation can be sure the name of Jesus to be distributed to the needy regardless of their religious or political status, because we are a lay ministry, there is much need in the hospitals where patients and relatives of patients, including in the heart of the capital. Our Ministry has paid for some work for ourselves and our revenues bless people we can and need. God bless.

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Te recomendamos suscribirte a nuestros videos en you tube: Pastor danilo guido chevez. Skipe: danilo.guido.chevez tel 505 89833717