
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Secrets of the Israeli economic miracle. ISRAEL IN LINEA.COM

Secrets of the Israeli economic miracle. ISRAEL IN LINEA.COMSecrets of the Israeli economic miracle

Posted on Saturday, February 11, 2012 21:02
Written by Ricardo Flesler

Israel only has a territory of 22,145 square kilometers (equivalent to one third of the department of Antioquia), and 7.1 million inhabitants, which means that this country will always be limited in the domestic market to expand their industries. However, having this small population, the development of competitive advantage has always been dedicated and focused on quality and truly creative solutions.
In 2009 was published in Hebrew the book "Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle" of authors Dan Senor and Saul Singer. It was only in September 2011 appeared the English version which includes a foreword by President Shimon Peres in which the president refers to the words of David Ben Gurion: "All the experts are experts in what it was. There are no experts on what will be. To become an expert of the future, the vision must replace experience. "
This book presents a detailed and fascinating tour of how Israel, with limited land, small population, scarce natural resources, only 64 years of creation, with constant wars and enemies on every border, is the world's leading investment in research and development (4.8% of GDP) and has created and launched more companies with business leadership countries like Japan, UK, Canada, South Korea and India. Israel, after the United States, has more companies listed on Nasdaq than any other country in the world (63 in early 2009), including China, India, Ireland, Singapore and South Korea.
Senor and Singer described from a geopolitical perspective, as the drive to constantly overcome adversity past and present has fostered a culture towards innovation and entrepreneurship.
Asked one of the vice presidents of the television and entertainment company NBC Universal, in an interview quoted in the book, "Why all this is happening in Israel? I have never seen such a small place so much chaos and innovation at the same time. "
To answer this question, the authors explain that very adversity, as well as the need requires inventiveness to overcome them and this can be found. If we look at other small countries with major threats such as South Korea, Taiwan or Singapore, we can realize that they have higher economic growth rates than other countries.
Another aspect to consider is the financial system in Israel. The analyst Eitan Avriel an example to describe the Israeli banking system, "Israeli banks are horses and chariots of U.S. banks are racing cars. But when the race cars collide, fall apart, the horse carriages, however, travel more slowly, but remain in the way. "
It is said that the international banking crisis has affected most of the domestic financial system with two major exceptions: Israel and Canada.
Since the hyperinflation of the early eighties, which was largely controlled by the intervention of the governments of the United States, Israel and the International Monetary Fund, financial institutions in Israel have had conservative lending policies.
The Hebrew word "Davka" roughly translates as "the more we attack, we will achieve more success."
Another explanation of the Israeli economic miracle is the drive to succeed both personally, and nationally.
Being the central purpose of Israel "provide a safe place in the Jewish state," this country has had and strengthened its military and defense industry. It is a world leader in the field and is constantly spin-off in these sectors. In Israel there is compulsory military service, which to the authors, Lord and Signer, means the opportunity to develop skills while valuable contacts for future business.
In Israel, 9 out of 10 people are immigrants or descendants of the first or second generation. This represents a huge diversity in the population, and at the same time, this book says, when immigrants risky, it makes organic entrepreneurs. Therefore, "a nation of immigrants, is a nation of entrepreneurs."
For Israeli political leaders, "agriculture is more revolutionary than the industry." In an interview quoted in the book Senor and Singer, Shimon Peres, who believes that technology is embedded in everything, says: "Agriculture is 95% and 5% science work." Peres added, moreover, that Ben-Gurion used to say that "the army is not enough to keep up, you must be ahead tomorrow."
This combination of factors: the patriotism of the founders of the state, the constant awareness of scarcity and adversity and relentless curiosity, have, according to Peres that "the greatest contribution of Jewish history is dissatisfaction," which According to the president plays, "is bad for politics, but good for science."

THE REAL SECRET IS THIS:"You too, by the blood of thy covenant saves;I have sent forth thy prisonersof the pit wherein is no water.
Return to the strength,prisoners of hope;I declare todaythat will give you double reward.
I have bent Judah for me, like a bow,and made Ephraim its arrow.Raised up thy sons, Zion,against thy sons, Greece,and thee as the sword of courage.
Lord shall be seen over them,and his arrow will flash like lightning;The Lord God shall blow the trumpetand go with whirlwinds of the south.
Lord of hosts shall defend them;they shall devour and subdue with sling stones.Drink and make noiseas if under the influence of wine;be filled like bowls,like the horns of the altar.
LORD their God shall save them in that dayas the flock of his people,and as jewels of a crownwill be celebrated in his homeland.
For how great is his goodnessand how fair!Grain shall make the youngand new wine the maidens. "Zechariah: 9: 11-17

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