
sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

Jewish World "Women-Taliban" under Jewish question in Israel

Jewish World"Women-Taliban" under Jewish question in Israel
A radical Jewish sect, whose women are complements covers head to toe and are known as "women-Taliban," on alert to the authorities, concerned about the lives of their children.
This is a group of fundamentalists, many of whom came from families before embracing secular religion, which have reaped even repudiation of ultra-Orthodox sectors to consider its modesty surpasses all limits.
Although authorities do not have exact figures on how many women continue this trend, since many only leave home to what is strictly necessary, it is estimated that between 200 and 500 are split between the town of Bet Shemesh, hard core of the sect, and neighborhoods ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem.
In recent years, the media began to label the group as "women-Taliban" because dress in layers usually black robes, gloves and sleeves completely covering their heads, which are even more clogged than the Afghan with the burqa.
Hana Slutzki, chief social worker for child protection in the Ministry of Social Welfare, points out that this phenomenon is becoming more visible in the streets.
"In a democratic country everyone has the right to dress as you like, but we must protect their daughters who do not attend school, receive medical treatment or abused," he explains.
The sect was discovered three years ago when a woman from Bet Shemesh appeared in court completely covered.
His case shocked the nation because it is a 54 year old mother and 12 children, six of whom suffered serious abuse and incest came to star.
In recent months, justice has had to deal with cases which were decided whether belonging to the sect was legal, in order to protect children within these families.
There is debate whether the practice of force-even some with minor aged between six and ten years to go to the foot covers, denying formal education and forced to marry at a young age is a criminal offense.
Inthe last decade, social services rabbis have joined their teams to deal with extreme cases fundamentalist communities.
Due to the rejection raised by the "women-Taliban", no community college ultra-Orthodox girls want covered welcome, so that the sect has established clandestine schools whose curriculum is not subject to supervision by the Ministry of Education.
"These women raise their children in a very radical disconnection from the community and society at large," says Doron Agasias, director of the organization "Banaij Shlomo," which helps victims of sexual abuse and violence in the community orthodox.
Like other ultra-religious sector, the Jewish power is extremely closed, suspicious of the state and what he considers Zionism, considering that Israel should not exist before the advent of the Messiah.
The last and extreme case was uncovered by the press of a mother belonging to the sect, who gave birth at home to avoid doing so in a hospital "Zionist" and "contaminated", but eventually left his small at the gates of a medical center in Jerusalem after complications and refused to reveal his name or identity, and the newborn.
Before it came to light the case of two sisters aged 13 and 15 years whose parents joined the local arm of the group Tahor Lev (Pure Heart)-whose women cover completely, and sent to Canada for training in outlawed practices in Israel and the U.S..
The charismatic leader of the organization, calling itself ELBARN Shlomo, takes years of training to children and even forcing girls to marry 14 years.
After a lawsuit filed by relatives of the sisters, the Canadian authorities deported to Israel after landing in Montreal and his case is in court, to consider whether parents should continue their custody.
Despite the criticism they receive for their extreme interpretation of Jewish law, the "Taliban" defend what they believe about ancient customs and recently papered Orthodox neighborhood streets with pictures of women praying in front of the Wailing Wall seventy years ago covered from head to toe, over the caption: "So were our mothers." EFE

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