
sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Middle East Iran: Evangelical Pastor refuses to accept Islam and could be sentenced to death

Middle East Iran: Evangelical Pastor refuses to accept Islam and could be sentenced to death

Yusef Nadarjani Evangelical pastor, accused of apostasy for abandoning the Muslim religion 15 years ago for the third time refused to accept Islam before the Provincial Court of Gilan, Iran, which could carry the death penalty under the law Iranian religious.
He said his lawyer, Mohamad Ali Dadjah, Nadarjani, 34, appeared at the final hearing before a section of the Audiencia of the city of Rasht, capital of Gilan province, and refused to abandon Christianity to return Islam.
"I have asked for the third and last time if you regret having left Islam and has said he did not, because before he had become a Christian faith," said Dadjah.
"It is held in position and ensures that it will not leave Christianity," reiterated the lawyer, who said he is convinced that his client be acquitted.
The lawyer defending prisoners of conscience normal, stressed that the meeting had referred to the Court to the international treaties signed by Iran, the country is obliged to respect and apply and collect the freedom of religion, which he said: " should release it and hope they do. "
Before the judges also cited the views of various Islamic scholars who point out that abandoning the Muslim religion is not a reason for imposing the death penalty, although the Iranian religious law provides for it.
To Dadjah, the Iranian courts, which are governed by Islamic law (Sharia), which provides the death penalty for Muslim apostates if they return to the Islam after asking three times to repent, "are not in a position to run ".
Nadarjani defender said that if he is condemned to death, try again resort to the Supreme Court of Iran to overturn the sentence, as I got on a previous occasion for almost three months.
On 5 July, the Supreme Court overturned the death penalty and weighed on Nadarjani and remanded the case to the Provincial Court of Gilan.
If confirmed the death penalty and the Supreme Court accepted the appeal, would Nadarjani available to the department that is responsible for the implementation of sentences within the Iranian judicial system.
Nadarjani, which under Iranian law is originally Muslim, as the son of Muslims converted to Christianity at age 19 and is currently pastor of an evangelical group, was arrested in October 2009 and charged with apostasy in Iran which carries the death penalty.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a Shiite Muslim state of confession, and although the law protects the practitioners of other branches of Islam and Christian faiths, Jewish, Zoroastrian, they all suffer from discrimination and limitations. EFE

Then Jesus told his disciples, If any man will come after me must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
For whoever would save his life shall lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it.
For what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give for his soul?
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and then he shall reward every man according to his works. Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.
Matthew 16: 24-28

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