
viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


     There are moments in our lives when we did not know God, we desire no longer exist. We are attacked by depression and suicide attempts, many have committed suicide, reaching the highest level of depression. All this is a combined attack of spirits of death that can not be understood as the person does not enter the spiritual world. Everything takes place on the spiritual plane, not an intellectual, or logical, or philosophical or literary or religious, or psychiatric or psychological.
     Can not understand, or explain the spiritual world under any of the ideas noted by most who try, only rational attempts will be interpreted in light of what people have studied or lived, however, all such forms of conception the mind of the human or animal behavior if it can be explained from the spiritual standpoint.
     The spirit world works through direct or indirect disclosure through different ways, through power, build or destroy, to give life or kill, to heal or sick, to bless finances or family finances or curse them, rise from your bed or your knees, and in many other ways, whether that spiritual world traveled in the path of good or evil.
     When we are without God, there are moments in our lives that it seems impossible, no matter how optimistic we are, overcome barriers or emotional problems or loving, economic, family, marital, health, unwanted pregnancies, rape, of wickedness, unemployment. When we thought that we are with God has been different. Furthermore, when we are with God and He with us as has happened, then we want to die.
     Many have materialized that desire by his own hand, others have tried and failed, others at some point we thought.
     Our life has not been easy, we went for it since the beginning of creation, with disobedience and transgression of our first parents Adam and Eve.
     There are two types of people who know the spiritual world, the Sons of the Devil: witchcraft, Satanic cults, fortune tellers, Santeria, voodooists (voodoo practitioners) etc. And the children of God: those who do good works in obedience to God's holiness. Not enough to be good we must recognize our sins, ask God to forgive them and try not to sin again, at least try and above all believe in Jesus, He came to suffer so much suffering in vain. "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3: 18
     Some time ago I did not understand the things of God was trying to be good, but deserved to accommodate the desires of my flesh, to be good. So I thought. There were times in my past life that I paid as I paid, I tried and I tried: with infidelity. I had to raise crops that I planted and I up yet.
     At that time in my life before, there were moments where I thought about suicide depression in different ways. I did not want to exist.
     Time has passed and I had a personal experience, transcendental and spiritual, God, I have repented of my sins, God has forgiven me. He recognized Jesus as my Savior and my deliverer. I was rescued from the squalor of extreme lust, finding that life and its development in the book: "Unclean Spirit of Lust in Man and Woman" which tells the entrance, growth and development and behavior of the spirit of lust.
     I was delivered of witchcraft something I did not believe women live past I worked, I felt its effects, but did not believe in that work iniquity. Forms of witchcraft and behavior sometimes in the form of incurable diseases are described in the book: "Witchcraft in the Church bare" We have a blog where they are published two books:   http://ministeriomisionerodepoderenjesus.blogspot.com/
     My new life has been different away from the pleasures of the flesh, adultery, beaches, movies, boxing, chess, gatherings of friends where the conversation revolved around the pleasures provided by women and so on. I have searched every day the face of God, I have sought its power. Know the word of God, to preach his word, prayer, fasting has been fortifying my spirit. I'm working for God totally. I'm depending on Him There were times along the road where my wife Ana Maria, was discouraged to see and feel so much evil in the flesh, within the biological family and the Christian family. Experience without being damaged effects of witchcraft, to learn about this spiritual world where God trained.
     Sometimes we ask God if it was better to be in his kingdom, but it was better to come soon the rapture of the Church of Jesus we wait with faith, if it was a long, but it was better to take us.
     God has given us the strength to move forward. He has shown his power. It has taught us that the spiritual world. These roads are not easy, but God has encouraged us as the Prophet Elijah, to move forward in recent times. "And he went through the desert a day's journey, and came and sat under a juniper tree, and might die, he said: Enough, O Lord, take my life, I am no better than my parents. And lying down under a juniper tree, he fell asleep, and behold, an angel touched him and said, Arise and eat. Then he looked, and behold, his head a cake baked on hot stones and a jar of water and ate and drank, and went back to sleep. And the angel of the Lord returning the second time and touched him, saying, Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you. "First Kings 19:4-7
     Brothers and friends do not be discouraged should go ahead. Our enemies will soon be on us, God has so promised. We are not alone, Jesus said he would be with us until the end of days.

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