
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 2 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9GP-N7S-CA


NOAH'S NUDITY( 3 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)     When drunk parents, children and families, get naked and do not mind being seen by others, who may not have ingested alcohol. The spirit of alcoholism link well with the spirit of lust, manifested in different degrees. The man possessed by the spirit of alcoholism, says the other spirits that has remained suppressed. For example, the spirit of homosexuality, lesbianism spirit, the spirit of nudity, incest spirit, the spirit of fornication, adultery spirit, the spirit of exhibitionism, rape spirit, the spirit of sexual perversion, pornography spirit, the spirit of necrophilia etc. Not taking into account the risks or consequences as serious as these are already aware that his hand is being used and managed by spirits or demons strengthened working together, in this case to get pleasure or sexual satisfaction. In this effort comes a time that does not matter cause harm to any child, girl, woman, old, man, animals, even if it is necessary to kill or abuse or even murder.

     "... And drank wine and became drunk and was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backward, and covered the nakedness of his father, having turned their faces, and they saw not the nakedness of his father. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what he had done his youngest son. And he said, Cursed be Canaan ... "(Genesis 9:21-25)
     At that time the nakedness of the father was sacred, there was respect and obedience, says the Lord: Canaan also be fun to see Noah naked and not covered.
     May ask you at this time how many times your son or daughter has seen her naked or naked? How many times you saw the nakedness of your son or daughter as a teenager? How many times did your father or mother naked? Even in a hospital or in the same house when any sick, nudity is nudity. The nakedness before God is not sin, but a human being to another in any situation is not pleasing to God, unless they are married, is the only way. How many times did you see naked brothers or sisters? Never mind that are the same sex, not like Lord, our Lord is so jealous, that since the time of Moses forbade the stands at the altar not to show the nakedness of the genitals.
     "Do not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness not be discovered by him." (Exodus 20:26).
     In other versions says not to show your genitals. Currently there are stands with women everywhere and is the only used clothing in our environment, so the woman must be very careful when climbing stairs sites. In Eastern countries have their men wear suits or old clothes.
     For formal or deeply pray to God we must be clothed, even in our room, we do prayers while we are bathing or lying, or seen or toilet. But it can be dressed to be naked or covered.
     We can pray before, during and after intercourse so that the enemy does not disturb us and be a holy relationship, acceptable to God. This is a powerful weapon against the enemy: the love and holiness in sexual intercourse, even more so when it attacks the victim of witchcraft, Satanism, envy, hypocrisy, curses, and every evil work darkness.
     There are marriages that pass under the attack of Satan, fast and pray and abstain for long periods of sexual intercourse and this is a mistake, because the most effective weapon in these cases is Love manifested greatly in full of pure sex and love.
     Not to be confused with that for the prayer of agreement may refrain from coupling. This should be in another kind of context and by common agreement, or whether the two agree, if you do not agree should not be given. The sexual relationship in love and holiness does not hinder the fast, or prayer, or the blessings of God, precisely because God wants man to love his wife and that his wife is happy feeling loved and secure. By giving love of husband or wife, we are giving to God. By taking away the love of husband or wife are taking it away to God.
     Sanctifies the husband's wife. God gets the thanks we give them a good husband or a good wife and is pleased with their children.
     It is pleasing to God that marriages in order to have better sex have to make use of pornography, imitating what they see through the screen or in magazines, because it pollutes the mind and is an abomination to Jehovah. Sexual intercourse should be holy not give pleasure to the flesh, in other words sacrifice sexual pleasure for the spirit flow. When one becomes accustomed to sexual intercourse in holiness, may be tempted to taste the meat used in the cases under one or another sexual position, but the spirit reprove us when we love God with heart, anger or fear discipline.

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