
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Ted Bundy in Court.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdF28raSIdM.- IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPIRIT OF LUST IN TED BUNDY



IDENTIFICATION OF THE SPIRIT OF LUST. (First chapter of evil spirit of lust in man and woman)

     The spirit of lust is a demon of darkness used by Satan for the destruction of the human race. For him, have lost their lives and kingdoms, and the salvation of many souls.
     This spirit, like the other has a hideous and deformed shape is a huge monster, very large, with several sex to have sex at the same time with several souls, dirty, smelly, disfigured face, features for being arrogant, vainglorious, seductive liar, exhibitionist, fake, foul, self-sufficient, with power of attraction. It builds up gradually and is composed of small demons that are integrated into one, to be offset by the shame, respect, and overcoming human barriers of social class, economic, familiarity, age, friendship, religion and sex, even to overflowing sexual instincts in animals of all kinds.
     It's like a puzzle that begins to form the first part and go together, sometimes there are two or more pieces of figures in a single act, in order to complete it.
     The fallen angels of God's most precious were subjected to prisons in the dark and the other disobedient angels became demons Satan's servants who lost their beauty, their wings and divine gifts. So are deformed spirits, one stronger than others, have a hierarchical command structure, in turn, these by a process of cell division and multiplication, known in biology as Mitosis and Meiosis, divide and multiply by a diabolical process. They also reproduce sexually. Once cast out of heaven, having lost his divinity, regained their sexuality, so fornicate among themselves and with people. When men and women damp or wet dawn to have reached sexual ecstasy, have been with a demon, that psychoanalysts call him or erotic wet dreams.
     The transmission also operates demonic spirits through sexual contact, contact of the hands of a skilled person contaminated by Satan to this end, through which the person stops kissing saliva anywhere in the body of another person that saliva carries spirits.
     Smarter ill who have served the devil, die, are turned into demons and to know the earthly environment and behavior of others around you are sent to make these souls. Elegant men and beautiful women are deformed to reach the abyss and are used to capture men and women anxious to beauty and elegance in this world, then come in handsome men, beautiful women.
     The spirit of lust in man exerts different functions and aims to pollute the temple of the Holy Spirit, that is, the human body to such an extent that gradually begins an endless sexual satisfaction in men and women, in some becomes periodic or chronic. Altering spiritual states of mind known as pangs of conscience, but time goes on, their understanding darkened "... outside the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of his heart which, after become callous, surrendered to the lust to commit avidly all uncleanness. "Ephesians 4:18-19
     There comes a time in humans, possessed by the powerful demon who does not care any moral value, family, human, social, or spiritual.
     He hides in different ways or adopt different patterns of behavior. Is at all levels of social class, political, economic, military, religious, is presented in subtle appearance, as well as violence or force, a man and woman, this makes no difference.
     The spirit of lust is the satisfaction of the flesh, sexual satiety, no matter how or with whom, at any age comes in various forms, mainly in children, strengthened in the growth and death remained until being human.
     The spirit of lust is as old as the devil, goes into a man and woman, I want to show with this spiritual test forms or entry doors.
     From our understanding there is a curse: "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5).
     This explains the input matrix of the spirit of lust, for the curses of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, coming in the view, for the lewd touching by sexual intercourse and masturbation. This spirit of lust has a specific function, but to get off is accompanied by other spirits of darkness, the spirit of sexual provocation, the spirit of violence, the spirit of disobedience, spirit of nudity, sensuality, spirit, spirit of exhibitionism, spirit injury, the spirit of torment, the spirit of sadism, masochism spirit, the spirit of alcohol, spirit of jealousy, spirit of addiction, spirit of death, the spirit of deceit, adultery spirit, the spirit of fornication, sodomy spirit, spirits, lesbian, spirit of sexual perversion, seduction spirit, spirit of delight, spirit of rape, pedophilia spirit, the spirit of fetishism, spirit of spirit of witchcraft, satanic spirit, the spirit of sexual interference, sexual orgies spirit, a spirit of frustration, spirit of dissatisfaction, a spirit of revenge, the spirit of resentment, spirit of solitude, the spirit of curiosity, spirit of idolatry, the spirit of blackmail, a spirit of depression, spirit of death and murder, necrophilia spirit, all these spirits accompanied either by action or sin to the spirit of lust, whose purpose is to satisfy the meat physical and spiritual purpose is to contaminate the spirit that God has given us to lose eternal life in heaven and win an eternity in the lake of fire, where whoring days and night, although the time is one, without rest, darkness and fire.
     All these evil spirits identified, seemed confused but run a specific action setting the time for the different spirit from playing its role, already known to achieve in the physical world a partial or complete sexual satisfaction, resulting in a word spiritual power that begins to trouble the person, look in the eyes or private parts, observation hides, a touching of any body part lewd purposes, a thought that comes to sex, sexual fantasy known as the complacency, sexual harassment, molestation, sodomy, lesbianism, pedophilia, rape and incest, and death or murder of the person if necessary to achieve sexual gratification, whether alive or dead etc.
     Act in the spirit world through thought and sleep disturbances prompting the man to continue the search or realization of sexual pleasure, with the end in the spiritual world to win the soul of that person for the kingdom of darkness and soul people, men or women who are victims of lust in its various forms, (more than forty modalities discussed in this book) and do not have or have had the opportunity to know Jesus Christ, to be free and contaminated with legions of spirits transmitted by the active subject of lust, to do the same and more safe or have hatred, bitterness and even reject their own sexuality, resulting in separation from God.

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