
sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

El poeta de las calles. Diario La Prensa. Nicaragua.Edición 30 octubre 2010

El poeta de las calles


     Tragedias, poesía, esquizofrenia, muertes, abandono y la amenaza de desalojo reciente de su hogar, marcan la historia de Julio Cabrales (1944), un escritor que vaga como mendigo por los semáforos de la Carretera Norte, en Managua. El autor de los poemarios Ómnibus (1975); Esbozo de un joven (1970), y Sonata para enflorar su psiquis abolida (1968), es hoy un hombre olvidado por la sociedad. Lea más en La Prensa Literaria.

Julio Cabrales: el poeta que atrapó la locura
     Marcado por el drama familiar, la muerte de sus padres, el poeta Luis Alberto Cabrales y su madre María Venerio, la esquizofrenia que padece desde muy joven, la soledad, el abandono y por último la desaparición de su hermano Clarence desde hace un año y medio año.
     Después que Julio Cabrales concluye su peligrosa jornada de pedir limosnas en los semáforos de la Carretera Norte, algunas veces se dirige a su casa, ahí lo espera religiosamente el cuidador Exduvinson Zamora Montiel, quien le da de comer su gallopinto, su café o el fresco de pinol que a él mucho le gusta.
     Zamora Montiel, lo conoce hace más de veinte años y revela que éste en algunos momentos ha tenido momentos de lucidez, pero que a veces sufre de extravíos, y repite frases como “éstos son, éstos son, éstos son”.
     Recuerda que la madre del poeta doña Mariíta, lo llamó para que atendiera a él y su hermano Clarence. Recuerda que cuando murió ella, quedaron confundidos, tanto así que ambos hermanos por miedo o confusión mantuvieron a su madre tres días en la casa, aún después de muerta, ellos decían que estaba dormida.
     “No la toquen, no la molesten”, decían ellos; después llegó la Cruz Roja, la policía, el Cuerpo de Bomberos, porque el cuerpo ya estaba en descomposición. Clarence estaba más lúcido que Julio, quien a los días perdió más la orientación. Decía que miraba a su mamá viva, en el Palitroque (panadería), “Ahí vive”, decía. Tu mamá murió, le decía, y él contestaba: “Estás loco, allá la vi en el Palitroque”.
     Con relación a la desaparición de su hermano Clarence, Zamora dijo que éste se perdió hace un año y medio, una vez salió a una pulpería que queda cerca de su casa, a comprar unos cigarros y no volvió. Un señor llamado Miguel López, dijo que lo vio en el parque de Chinandega.
     Frente semáforos del edificio Armando Guido en la Carretera Norte, un hombre viejo de seño fruncido, pide limosna, hace más de 40 años era un educado, elegante y lúcido poeta que dialogaba sobre los intelectuales más destacados de ese momento, traducía a los poetas franceses y viajaba por España, como una vez lo hizo en 1964 con sus amigos los bardos Luis Rocha y Horacio Peña. De este hombre no queda nada.
     Hoy la sombra de este poeta es la de un viejo frente a los semáforos donde se pierde entre los vehículos que circulan a alta velocidad. Busco en él algún halo de lucidez, tal vez para encontrar vagas “percepciones flash” sobre su célebre poema El espectro de la rosa ; así como de sus amigos generacionales y la amenaza de desalojarlo de su vivienda por parte de funcionarios de la Alcaldía.
     El espectro de la rosa , poema del libro Ómnibus, fue escrito en 1967, y según el novelista Sergio Ramírez su estilo de larga crónica “cuenta la historia del célebre bailarín ruso Vatzlav Nijinsky, y viene a ser premonitorio porque Nijinsky acaba hundido en la locura, igual que Julio”.
     Lo abordo en mera calle, al inicio el poeta sólo me habla palabras entrecortadas; pero cuando le pregunto sobre este poema El espectro de la rosa , su memoria se activó sorprendiéndome con sus respuestas, que si bien son cortadas, se percibe la lucidez. Al final, volvió a repetir palabras ininteligibles:
¿Hablame de ese poema El espectro de la rosa?
     Es un poema de una realidad de un hombre llamado Vatzlav Nijinsky, es un poema modelo, grande, que se titula El Espectro de la rosa , de un folleto que me costó una peseta, lo compré en realidad... ocho pesetas, una peseta, y de eso hacer, hacer el poema...; el poema es bastante inventado por mí El espectro de la rosa , es un folleto pequeño que me costó unas pesetas… que trataba sobre Vatzlav Nijinsky... su forma de Vatzlav Nijinsky en una parte de Saint Moritz cuando se... cuando se volvió loco... en Saint Moritz, ahí estaba loco en Saint Moritz, y yo ...ese folleto El espectro de la rosa , lo hice en Managua, Nicaragua, en mi casa en... el norte... El espectro de la rosa ... es un poema bastante grande y lo hice en Managua, El espectro de la rosa ; es un poema realista, de neorrealismo, de hiperrealismo, y de gran realismo, de Saint Moritz, muy moderno... y muy realista, hiperrealismo, y bastante inventado por mí, como cosa de hiperrealismo, y es superrealista, y es invento mío, no es invento mío... este folleto... El espectro de la rosa ... y se llama Moritz... es un poema bien realista y no invento nada... El espectro de la rosa, El espectro de la rosa ...
¿Y sobre tus otros poemas?
No me acuerdo, no me acuerdo...
¿Y de tu libro Ómnibus?
No me acuerdo
¿Estás bien?
Sí hombre.
¿Y sobre la casa?
No sé la casa, no sé la casa, no sé la casa.
Algo que te alegre...
No me alegra nada, no me alegra nada...
¿Qué te gustaría pedirle al Presidente?
No quiero nada del Presidente, no quiero nada del Presidente.
Hay un poeta de la Generación del Sesenta, Beltrán Morales.
Beltrán Morales, sí, Beltrán Morales.
¿Es amigo tuyo?
Es amigo mío, es amigo mío...
     ¿Qué recordás sobre sus hábitos de escribir? le pregunto a Zamora Montiel. “Julio no escribía, Clarence sí, ése se ponía a escribir poemas, pero Julio sólo a hablar de sus poemas; a él le gusta hablar de un poema que se llama El despertar (no está en el poemario Ómnibus ); también habla de un poema a Lupita”.
     “El otro poema que le gusta recitar es El espectro de la rosa , él lo mencionaba bastante. Y un poema que le hizo a su madre Mariíta, lo ha mencionado dos veces. Y también canta una canción de Daniel Santos, Borinquen ( Lamento borincano )... Y alegre, el jibarito va cantando así, diciendo así, pensando así por el camino, si yo vendo la carga, mi Dios querido, un traje a mi viejita voy a comprar...”
     Sobre el drama de Julio, el escritor Sergio Ramírez lamentó hace meses atrás que uno de los poetas más geniales y dramáticos de esta época, como es Cabrales, no esté incluido en la reciente Antología de la Poesía Nicaragüense, del siglo XX , del sello editorial español Visor.
     “Julio es casi desconocido hoy día en Nicaragua por olvidado, tan olvidado que muchos piensan que ya ha muerto hace tiempo. Y su historia personal es un drama. Desde muy joven perdió la razón, como Alfonso Cortés, de modo que todos sus poemas son de la adolescencia y la primera juventud, y por tanto su obra no es abundante”. Uno de esos poemas claves de nuestra literatura es El espectro de la rosa .
     La vida de Cabrales —señala Ramírez— es una sucesión de tragedias: empezando por el terremoto de Managua de 1972 que destruyó la casa familiar; la muerte al año siguiente de su padre el poeta Luis Alberto Cabrales, la muerte de su hermano mayor Alberto, quien proveía el sustento a falta del padre, y por fin la muerte de la madre, doña María Venerio, todo lo cual llevó a que Julio quedara abandonado en una casa en ruinas con su hermano Clarence (demente también) que terminó por desaparecer un día de hace pocos años, habiendo salido de la casa para nunca volver.
     Sobre su obra el poeta Edwin Yllescas Salinas en un escrito ha expresado que “su ejemplar lección para la poesía de habla castellana radica en su forma de asir y expresar lo que está y no está en las profundidades del corazón. Eso basta para que sus grandes poemas y toda su poesía (sin porfía alguna) ocupen un solitario lugar en el mundo de los poetas iluminados”.
     Yllescas comenta que Julio en “su último viaje fue a Madrid, España, donde Pablo Antonio Cuadra y Luis Alberto Cabrales, su padre, le habían conseguido una beca para cursar estudios de literatura… Julio compró en una calle que no recuerdo, por ‘una peseta’ o algo así, un libro de, o sobre Vaslav Nijinsky. Escribió su gran poema, pero la locura de Nijinsky, las llamas o chispas que Julio vio brotar en los pies del bailarín, ya le habían consumido la cabeza”.
     El origen de su locura se desconoce, varios relatos de sus amigos advierten que éste desde muy joven tenía ataques de esquizofrenia y le temblaban las manos. Otras posibles causas, según comentan que habría contraído una enfermedad de transmisión sexual en España (sífilis), que no se le había curado a tiempo y que le había afectado el sistema nervioso o por la parte genética, heredada de su padre Luis Alberto Cabrales (poeta vanguardista 1901-1974) que tenía sus crisis al igual que su hermano Clarence quien padecía de esquizofrenia.
     También algunos de sus amigos, que pidieron no revelar sus nombres, recrean que la demencia de Julio Cabrales esté relacionada con los conflictos de su padre antes de casarse con su madre, cuando éste estuvo casado con una francesa y que ésta le fue infiel con un vecino. Al sentirse traicionado y burlado por ellos Luis (su padre) mató al vecino. Al rehacer su vida por segunda vez, Julio se vio en un matrimonio que no tenía la bendición de la Iglesia y esto posiblemente le originó un trauma a la familia, por ser tan religiosos.
     Ramiro Lacayo, amigo de juventud, dice que la familia Cabrales era muy religiosa y que Julio en su cuarto tenía imágenes de la Virgen, por lo que muchos de sus poemas les cambió el final para relacionarlo con la Virgen. “A Julio le gustaba tomar mucho café, y más que frecuentar La India, visitaba un Eskimo que quedaba por el cine Alcázar; siempre andaba con un libro, y su mundo era la poesía; de su casa, la de sus padres donde aún vive, lo recuerdo en una silla mecedora, mucho le gustaba sentarse en el porche”.
     El cineasta y pintor también comenta estar impactado por el drama del poeta y que tiene en perspectiva el guión de un documental. “Conocí a Julio en el famoso Cafetín La India, visitado por Luis Rocha, Carlos Perezalonso, Beltrán Morales, en esos años de juventud él era un poeta respetado por su versos. Para entonces, cuando se le publicó Ómnibus (1975) tenía rasgos de esquizofrenia, con momentos de crisis y lucidez”.
     Según un expediente del hospital psiquiátrico, Cabrales había tenido varias crisis que venían desde los años sesenta y fue internado varias veces
     Una vida seguida de tragedias, poesía juvenil, esquizofrenia, muertes, abandonos y la amenaza de desalojo reciente de su hogar, han marcado la historia de Julio Cabrales (1944), un poeta que vaga como mendigo y demente por los semáforos de la Carretera Norte en Managua. El autor de los poemarios Ómnibus (1975); Esbozo de un joven (1970), y Sonata para enflorar su psiquis abolida (1968), en la actualidad es un hombre más que anónimo, olvidado

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Cinco nuevos casos de legionela elevan a 39 los afectados en Madrid, España

ELPAIS.com  Cinco nuevos casos de legionela elevan a 39 los afectados en Madrid
Los inspectores han revisado ya 438 instalaciones en busca del foco
ELENA G. SEVILLANO - Madrid - 29/10/2010
    .Los afectados por el brote de legionelosis que afecta desde hace dos semanas al centro de Madrid ya son 39. En los últimos días se habían ido conociendo dos o tres nuevos contagios cada día, pero el recuento que ha hecho público esta tarde la Consejería de Sanidad muestra que en las últimas horas se han diagnosticado cinco casos nuevos.
Brote de legionela en el centro de Madrid
Sanidad amplía el radio de rastreo del foco de legionela
    El foco del brote sigue sin aparecer. Una treintena de inspectores de Salud Pública están revisando las instalaciones susceptibles de estar contaminadas con colonias de la bacteria de Legionella. Hasta hoy han realizado 438 inspecciones y han enviado 137 muestras de agua al laboratorio de Salud Pública para que sean analizadas.
     De los 39 casos declarados, 27 son hombres y 12 mujeres, con edades comprendidas entre los 30 y los 92 años. Menos de la mitad siguen ingresados. Hay 15 personas en el hospital, siete de ellas en cuidados intensivos.
La Consejería de Sanidad ha subrayado que sólo uno de los nuevos contagiados ha iniciado la sintomatología esta semana.

Suben a 330 los muertos por cólera en Haití. Puerto Príncipe. EFE

Suben a 330 los muertos por cólera en Haití
Puerto Príncipe/EFE
     Las autoridades sanitarias de Haití cifraron hoy en 330 el número de muertos por el cólera que afecta parte del país, donde ha aumentado el temor entre la población a contraer la enfermedad, que ha dejado 4,714 afectados.
     El director general del Ministerio de Salud Pública y de Población de Haití, Gabriel Timothée, quien hoy ofreció cifras consolidadas de la enfermedad, destacó que pese a la evolución del cólera en el deprimido país caribeño, las disposiciones adoptadas para enfrentar el brote están dando resultados.
     El funcionario reconoció, además, que si bien los 4.714 afectados presentaron síntomas de la enfermedad, sólo se realizaron 81 pruebas médicas para diagnosticar el brote.
     Del total, sólo 24 dieron positiva, dijo a la prensa Timothée, quien señaló que 26 pertenecen a Artibonite (norte), la zona más afectada por el brote, cuatro al departamento de Plateau Central (este), tres al extremo norte y uno al oeste.
     Acerca de las investigación que se realizan para determinar el origen de la enfermedad, el funcionario argumentó que, hasta el momento, "no hay ninguna respuesta científica"
     Por otra parte, Timothée calificó de "masiva" la ayuda humanitaria dada por la comunidad internacional tras la detección del brote la semana pasada.
     Por ejemplo, dijo que Estados Unidos envió 400.000 colchones y que mañana enviará otros 1.000, y que también están recibiendo ayuda de países latinoamericanos y europeos.
     Timothée explicó que pondrán en reserva la ayuda médica donada por la comunidad internacional para responder a una eventual emergencia.
     El médico informó, además, que el fin de semana los centros de salud se mantendrán abiertos todo el día para recibir a posibles afectados por el brote.
     En el país se ha extendido el temor de las personas ante la evolución de la enfermedad y muchas de estás se niegan a comprar alimentos preparados en las calles o comer pescados o legumbres, lo que mantiene preocupados a los comerciantes que aseguran que están perdiendo mercancías.
     El Gobierno reiteró hoy que no ha prohibido la venta de pescados y mariscos, aunque insistió en que estos no deben consumirse crudos.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 6 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdqEbrfSeIc

THE LUST IN THE WORLD TODAY.(20 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)

     Sexual satisfaction, has reached different manifestations. The science has become known as sexology. Has been given different treatments psychoanalysts, through studies of sexual behavior in both animals and people. Sexuality is studied in children, girl, man and woman. Seeking knowledge where it is. Writing endless treaties. Encasing sexual behavior under the name of sexual orientation. There are laws approving marriages between same sex is the same as allowing sex with animals in her bed in her home or wherever, without being a crime. There is no spiritual difference. It is the same sin before God.
     The touching of the genitals, a child, for psychology is normal and necessary. Masturbation is a need in the adolescent must meet.
     Pornography has reached high levels, hidden under different forms, pornography and pornography refined crude at different levels, or semi-nudes, which supposedly does not affect anyone .- In advertisements and scenes men and women alike appear naked or semi, parades high social class lingerie live and on television or the Internet. Catalogs masculine and feminine clothes, especially underwear, are food for the spirit of lust, developing a wicked and perverse sexual potential. The sex industry is important because it produces plenty of money. Thus humanity is under the influence of Satan lustful.
     In some churches are encouraged sexual perversion, encouraging and enabling the couple to have sexual positions and any other practices that lead to satisfaction, provided it is your partner, justify. Many Christians without knowing what they do add spice to their lust, taking the daughter of God, given by wife, unnatural sex and enjoy both. That is a satanic pleasure. Sometimes the only man enjoys no matter the pain felt by his wife delight rather, becoming a sadistic relationship. The woman who lives for good or bad to please the husband suffers and sometimes enjoy the tears caused by this sexual perversion, sado-masochistic. This spirit leads men contaminant need after women and homosexual relationships lesbian relationships, where they experience distress.
     When you want to be sexual impurity, God does not stop. "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions: for even their women exchanged the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men abandoned the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, making Men shameful with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And as they did not take into account to God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things that are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignancies, gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, foolish, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, who knowing the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, not only do them but also approve of those who practice them. "Romans 1: 24-32.
     In addition to all practices, lust of this world, has spread necrophilia, as practiced by the people of Israel in Old Testament times to date, hospitals, houses, in cemeteries, in movies, videos Internet, is recorded sex with women men dead.
     Old men to indulge in children is increasingly common. Adults and young people spying on their sisters, cousins, neighbors, in poor countries in the bathrooms, in rich countries from building to building, hidden cameras in restaurants, hotels and shopping malls, in an act of voyeurism. Sometimes direct observation is made through holes or hidden windows.
     The intimate apparel for men and women are used to bring pleasure, but also be known as fetish objects. The important thing is to get the person ecstasy, in an attempt to reassure his unbridled passion.
    Married men raping young girls sometimes students, promising heaven and earth. When you got the rape, the promises and dreams fall apart truncated. The spirit of deception, is a leading edge to be effective to get souls to the grave.
     Any kind of sexual relationship, described by sexoanalista science, sexology, sociology, medical, psychiatric etc. Ranked as necessary in the life of humanity, is far from the truth. None of these writers know Christ. Have not read the Bible in a spiritual way, because the spirit of God is with them. All these filth are works of the flesh, coating treated with a formal clothing. The authors of these theories have technical or scientific issues of sexuality from birth and do not know. Seek to indoctrinate the sex conditioning the minds of more people every day, guiding them to the sexual education of their choice or that he has lived without knowing the true solution: a living Christ. Ghost. "Are manifest works of the flesh, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like to these, of which I forewarn you just as I said before, that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. "Galatians 5: 19-21
     The world has perverted without the slightest fear of God, the perverse practices of biblical times is evident in households, brothers with sisters, mothers with sons, fathers with daughters, brothers with sisters. Are curses from times before Christ that are necessary break. Everything is rooted in our ancestors disobedient. "On the mountain tops sacrificed and burned incense on the hills, under oaks, poplars and elms that they had good shade, therefore your daughters commit whoredom, and your brides commit adultery. Do not punish your daughters when they fornicate, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: because they themselves are going with harlots and sacrifice with bad women, so the people without understanding shall fall. Hosea: 4: 13-14
     When you do not know God, do not mind bringing their own way of life. To be good enough, people think. Sex rather where they help women economically is not bad. Maybe your husband does not give them the affection necessary or meet their needs. It gives thanks to God, everything is left to the will of God, thinking that this is the will of God, we know the will of God. "I think to become their God, for the spirit of fornication is among them, and do not know the Lord." Hosea 5:4
     Sodom and Gomorrah were judged by their vices, but the main cause of its destruction was his sexual perversity, lesbianism, pedophilia, masochism, sadism, necrophilia, homosexuality or sodomy, "as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which of the same way as those having sexual immorality and gone after vices against nature, were made an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. "Judas: 7
     All the inhabitants of these cities are enjoying their lusts, but with fire in hell. The rulers and its people led to the destruction of their cities, first sinned against his temples, against themselves. Spiritually dying after physical death was fire and brimstone falling from the sky. "Flee fornication. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? "I Corinthians 6:18-19
     People of God, fellow-believer, man or woman who has had the privilege of reading this book, make no mistake, thinking that by fasting, sacrifices, prayers, offerings, tithes, half regret, not having tears away value sin, while not accept Christ and be like him, while not wash away the filth in the Holy Blood, there is no salvation. There is no point a promise to God, visiting the church every day, mourn at the temple, knowing the Bible, burn your memory verses. "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. "I Corinthians 6:9-10
     So we need a sincere repentance, humbling the heart before God, ashamed of disobedience, cleanse the spirit. Take away the temple of the Holy Spirit. Surrender to God's house lent to us from birth and could not manage because we let every unclean. "When you come back, God will humble me among you, and you may have to mourn for many who have sinned before and have not repented of the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed." Second Corinthians 12:21.
     God wants the best for us, for our son, our family, our churches, our neighborhoods, our cities. There is a price for that, is holiness. The direct relationship of us with the only mediator between God and us: Jesus. God does not want to see patients dying by disobedient. That is not the will of God, or the premature death of your son. Your daughter. Your mother. Of your family. And worse, without Christ in your heart, because we know what their eternal destiny, where there will be no opportunity for repentance. "Walk as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, not proveáis to the desires of the flesh." Romans 13: 13-14.
     In the beginning God allowed man to have several wives, but as the spiritual life was being disrupted by having multiple wives, making the most dedicated servants of God to him away from his law, the lord of the heavens, he saw males, with many women, could not properly love and serve him, rather his soul and the sheep of Israel in danger. Indeed many souls were lost because of the transgression of the pastor, to make room for complacency and obedience to the woman, used by Satan. Had it not been so in this world God's people would be entitled to the wives that we maintain.
     Witchcraft and Satanism have reached a high point in its evolution, being a means to a woman or a man to yield to the will of the other person to have. Many people fall into the trap and are owned by the art of witchcraft and Satanism. This manifests itself in different ways, Satan or the wizard gives you the person in exchange for the two souls. Because it is a way to agree also the soul of the person obtained, who somehow, without knowing it, in the future will feel rejected by the person who had sexually and if they marry will be like a loveless marriage. "The proceeds of the adulterous woman is this: She eats and wipes her mouth and says: I have not done evil." Proverbs 30:20.
     Christians can be saved from the works of darkness through spiritual warfare, fasting, prayer, love in marriage, obedience and holiness. They are debilitating physical and spiritual struggles. Day and night. Satanists and witches are working for a Christian to overcome the damage their marriage and seduce the path of lust. With the wicked there is no struggle, only procedural, the devil gives a woman or man.
     My wife and I have experienced this spiritual warfare exhausting. The advantage we have is God, revealing in detail every event audibly against us by Satan and his servants are. We have wanted to see dead, but could not. At this point we are still struggling, but we have the power God has given us to rebuke the devil, to undo the work of Satan and witchcraft, to enter into hell at any moment and recognize the souls that we are interested at some point.
     Many converts, victims of the spirit of lust and his army felt difficulty of leaving some areas of their behavior, their thinking or their actions, because they have not experienced a total release.
     I was trapped in my body for the spirit of lust. It was fed progressively from birth. Their dark forms kept coming to my body since my teens and took my seat in adulthood. I lived sexual filth. I was a precious instrument of Satan. He touched was used. Where he placed his eyes planted, but harvested, another spirit did.
     I could never win. He had no love for anyone. And nobody had for me. I used the human form, I also used to me. All were contaminated. All are still rotting flesh. Some are in hell. Other way to him. A time I regretted and blood of Christ cleansed. For that reason I know well the spirit that was my companion for forty years. The spiritual is operating within me, my God revealed to me, allowing me to write this book to help many. I do not deserve salvation. Besides the gifts and promises of God my father, my only family besides my wife, has placed in me. I was the vilest of men, when they lived with the evil spirit of lust. I saw him born, I felt it grow and develop, also die by being defeated by Jesus Christ. Then I was born again because I died too. "And base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, and what is not, to undo what it is, so that no flesh should glory in his presence. But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, justification, sanctification, and redemption: that, as it is written: The one who boasts, boast in the Lord. "First Corinthians 1:28.
     God said he would guide me through His Holy Spirit to write this book and would help many people for free. Day by day his Holy Spirit to be relied on for me, that was him in my mind guiding me, it manifested itself immediately through Gold Glitter with oil seeping through my hands in my armpits sweat drops falling, being in a cool place. That is the anointing of God's spirit in writing this book.
     My lord, I gave the first sign of spiritual success of this test, full of inspiration, revelations and visions.
     As you begin to make the first chapter of this work to be copied on a computer, the Christian person that God put me in that moment, the next day was confessing secret sins of his childhood, when he was abused by her uncle and aunt. It was a spiritual burden for him, which prevented a clean relationship with God. The wife, hearing her confession was ministered by the Holy Spirit and brought forth its concealment, had also been abused by a lesbian, as a child.
     Knew the case of a retarded child who said his grandfather played and he put his penis in her mouth. The Lord had revealed this abuse but the family did not believe it, saying the boy was confused at all, for your problem. The child was raised by his grandparents. Pollution of lust does not forgive as we have said age or sex. Care must be taken with children when they are not thought to tell them do not return, nor to trust anyone and swallow their sexual abuse, filled with hatred and resentment
     Go to the Holy Spirit of God on every page and chapter of this book, serve to release, break chains, cutting curses and cancel any legal right by our silence we had given the devil. Now we are free. Amen and amen.

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 5 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g8eJLHLcWQ

Sexually provocative SPIRIT IN WOMEN OF ZION. (16 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)

     The spirit of sexual provocation, manifests itself in different ways men and women, the look, the walk, dress, talk, greet, in which men and women pornography sex incite in any way, without distinction age, race, sex etc.
     In women is particularly striking because it has more overt sexual forms, even with clothes that cause a strong impression to be displayed or highlight them naturally or artificially.
     This spirit is invited to watch, is a playful spirit in search of sexual satisfaction. For those unaware of the scriptures and even many Christians, is not detected, interpreting it as an arrangement, style, vanity, having no significance for them.
     In the spiritual world, a glance, a wink of an eye, leading to physical sin. Advances or acceptors eyes speak or mean enough to the evil spirit inside the person who sees them. The necklines, transparent clothes, dresses open, short cloths, linen minimum drawn on the body of the woman who clearly show through their sexual parts, excessive use of makeup and costumes without measure, are provocative enough, the gaze of others. Always attract attention, the straight man and the wicked. Unlike the whole man, his spiritual eyes will not let any thoughts come to mind. In the wicked spirit of sexual provocation, enter immediately, imagining shapes, colors, sizes, movements and becomes part of the other spirits to work together.
     Of this there are two consequences: 1 .- Abstract: desires, faults, fantasies, dreams, masturbation, mental adultery, evil plans in the heart of another person, etc.. To achieve the goal in mind depraved sexual. 2 .- Physical: harassment, abuse, rape, blackmail, death.
     Once the mission of the spirit of sexual provocation, the other spirits, start or continue their work, is like a relay race, the first row gives the baton to the second, this the third. To finish the race.
     When the spirit of lust and is established in the human being with all his legions, ready to cause more serious damage in the person provocative, so to meet its purpose, as in boy, girl, boy, wife, young lady, male, female, old or elderly.
     This spirit notorious for its manifestation in women is attributed only to her, but it is in men and boys so easily grasp.
     Jehovah makes trial of Sion women let their bodies in this spirit: "It saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes as they go dancing, and making a tinkling with feet, so the Lord shall shave the head of the daughters of Sion, and the LORD will discover their genitals. "Isaiah 3: 16-17 Other versions say:" The women of Zion are proud, walking with head up, looking insolently, walking with short steps and making ornaments dream feet ... "says the Lord: for women pride themselves Sion, walk with outstretched necks leading to the look, walk with short steps sounding bracelets feet ... "
     In the above versions of sin is the key to the look and sensuous movement of their bodies. For that reason the Lord through his prophet Isaiah foretells judgments about it. Clothing and ornaments are part of enhancing the spirit of sexual provocation, the woman who looks or feels normal walking provocatively dressed, then you have a spirit of provocation so as to believe and does not care about looks or the judgments of others, even the trial of God. That happens on the beaches, social events, beauty contests, where women want to show more and ask God to look good that day or night or win. They say they believe in God, but unfortunately neither know nor his word and his will, but him.
     At the time of the prophet Isaiah, a single woman or widow was because of embarrassment or shame and others should help. Hence the importance of a husband to feel supported.
     The men are sentenced to die by the sword for the sin of the provocative, is the prophecy about the daughters of Zion, "a man shall take hold of seven women at the time, saying, We will eat our bread, and we wear the our own apparel: only let us be your name, take away our reproach. "Isaiah 4:1
     This biblical quote the man in the street has helped confused by Satan or Satan has confused helped by the man, saying he is entitled to seven women, but is not that the meaning of the event. It is simply the loan name not be alone, not going to be husband's obligation to them.
     This spirit is in all ages. Why should not leave children sit on the lap of family friends or relatives. Perhaps there is no intention on the person at the time, but the spirits go, to join those of boys and girls produce sexual arousal reaction probably unintentionally, because spirits among themselves perceived provocation.
     That is the reason why many parents against their will experience an erection when they feel in their legs to their sons or daughters. When you hug your daughters and feel the touch of her breasts or embracing the children to their mothers.
    Exists in these people a spirit of sexual provocation, but not like, there goes, walking on the body. Until the person vacates dwell with the human mind can not control. You, reader at this time knows what I'm talking about, because you have experienced that feeling against their will.
     To sit at your children, hug them, kiss them need to be clean. As much respect among the family, moral values, Christian growth, remember that in humans there is a curse from training and depending on the life lived, the spirits have gone. The holiness of God, after the release is the answer to a holy life without filth in the temple of God. "He who winks the eye causes trouble ..." Proverbs 10:10
     In the churches will be presented this spirit. Hides well. It's subtle, helpful, smart, attractive, easily deceived by its apparent simplicity, his gaze is recording, it appears interest in souls. It's in all public places, but less veiled, because it has more freedom to show no fear of being discovered. You could also name a spirit of seduction.
     How many times have you winked your eye for conquest? How many times have you dress "sexy" to flirt? How many times your intimate areas were shown to the others, so hidden in your clothes? How many times your body language when walking with minimal or small lingerie or showing something in your body invites you to imagine and desire is to possess or masturbate? Do you know how many times have you been in the masturbation of a man? How many times your eyes says more than your body? You know what I mean. This is an abomination to Jehovah. Decided at this time. In a show of obedience to God, burning the clothes that reveals your body and lingerie that you feel comfortable. Show your love for God the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Do not give away the clothes, is anathema.
     But mostly your heart never naked, with a glance. Isaiah's prophecy against women of Zion are fulfilled. The people did not turn to God. As God, pray and have patience do not obey. Until tired of waiting, his anger falls on the wicked.
     "They raped the women in Zion, virgins in the cities of Judah." Lamentations 5:11
     The prophet Jeremiah laments the devastation of cities. Often mocked him and abused him. While he prayed for the people. God chose him clean, just for him, for his special sanctity, ordered him to stay without a woman. Jeremiah fulfilled. Today to honor and glory of Jesus Christ, though it is a Holy God has placed it as my guardian angel. Always with me fulfilling the purpose of the Lord of hosts. For me, I do not know precisely what is in the near future here on earth, which I am a pilgrim with my beautiful wife Ana Maria, a treasure that God gave me to look after it, as we snatched.
     At this time we met for a young man since he was thirteen his aunt watched and masturbated, and was obsessed by it, also liked to see nude bathing his wife's stepmother, a woman of seventy years, this lady, too had the spirit of lust in his youth, so it caused him provocation. Some women think but do not cause clogged but they do walk, the spirits who walk and do not realize.
     Only Jesus can deliver us from this powerful enemy of lust that moves power through its various principalities humanity through various technological and physical forms, under the appearance of progress, modernity, freedom and democracy, taking advantage of the ignorance of mankind the word of God.

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 4 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyWl1cErYO0

SPIRIT OF MASTURBATION IN ONAN SON JUDA( 8 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)
     This spirit is based on biblical Genesis, which is depicted as the son of Judah, not to raise offspring with his sister Tamar, the widow of his brother Er, preferred to expel his semen on the ground. This passage is not clear from any version because it says: "And Onan knew that the seed should not be his, was, when it came to the wife of his brother, poured on the ground, not to give seed to his brother." Genesis 38: 9.
     In other versions say: "To ensure that she got pregnant."
     The Blood of Christ Has Power! There is power in Jesus! Blessed be the Lord of Hosts! Are thirty-five past eleven p.m., on the clock. To my question, God revealed to me through my wife, Ana Maria prophet: Onan never touched Tamar and preferred masturbation, pretending that he was with her. "And it displeased the Lord what he did, and he also took his life. "Genesis 38:10.
     This spirit is an evil and powerful spiritual significance, strongly manifested in adolescence. Is introduced to children with oral manipulation and fondling her genitals that make their families, men and women close to families, teachers or persons with authority over children. Also showing pornography that is closely linked to masturbation, is the first mental and spiritual association of the demon of masturbation.
     Pornography reinforces the spirit of masturbation, sexual fantasies, sexual machinations and evil, then take it to another level more powerful imagination, abuse, rape, death, murder if necessary to not become aware of crime and necrophilia when the woman or has caused or resulted in a stimulus so intense that no matter kill to possess it, until now it all happens in the mind.
     Among the stronger the spirit of lust in all its manifestations such plans or projects are becoming stronger, no matter the status of women if she is alive or dead, is entirely the same when he gets drunk a man or woman and have sexual intercourse without being able to respond to their conscience.
     Its manifestation is often among the thirteen and fifteen years, especially in men, by dawn erect in the morning before rising. The other spirits that are already within the child, naked, curiosity, of touching, pornography etc. encourage masturbation, triumphal entry being short, the first manipulation. Sign in to stay the person's sexual life. This evil spirit fruit spirits chain there to reach it, has a quick and effective demonstration, any stimulus that triggers the light, through the spirit of nudity, fetish, sensuality, imagination, touch, allow the erection of man, to produce anywhere fast masturbation, which may last a minute. This is the origin of the spirit of premature ejaculation affects many couples, this is a goal that women not satisfied with her husband, then you want, she said, much to her husband but will seek satisfaction elsewhere.
     This spirit, comes to have an influence on men and women to see animals mating. Manifests to see any exposed underwear or a piece of meat or skin of a woman living or dead or representation in any subject .-
     There comes a time that the pleasure produced by the spirit of masturbation than sex with the wife or women. It becomes a daily necessity for both men and women, it is necessary at every moment. Several times a day. In this play an important role in the spirit of someone's sexual desire has not been able to have, becoming the spirit of sexual obsession, or someone who has had a film, a vision of an intimate part of women. There are a number of files of nudity and sex that are projected as a video camera to achieve sexual arousal. See naked men or women is important food for the spirit to grow and distort the conduct of the person. Comes to weaken the physical body and spirit fell, the man around like drugged, zombie, with dark circles, died in life .-
     When you want to give up this spirit, and insists he triumphs over the human being without Christ .- is invincible. Only Jesus could beat him in that cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ can help us, he wants to help us. Depends on us.
     That is why Paul commands women to dress modestly, not showing anything that encourages walking to Satan, "Also that women dress modestly, with decency and modesty ..." I Timothy 2.9
     This spirit of Masturbation at its best, it weakens the functions of the brain, resulting in the spirit of madness.
     The spirit of insomnia or spirit of sexual disturbance, night spirits are allies of the spirit of masturbation, for that reason not allowed to sleep until after complacency. Men and women with no company can sleep, but this scene repeated several times at night. Super power is needed to regain some physical and mental strength.
     This spirit is dominant, strong and has a power lust in the mind of the person, at any time it appears, no matter who the person, whether relative or not, whether young or old, a feature of sexual pleasure perceived in other meats, if a minor or child, the imagination can project it as a young person, if living alone, imagine his youth and this allows stimulation. This may seem a horrible sight, but is common, what happens is that is hidden in many people under formal representations of seriousness and authority in men and women, but that is where most hidden in this spirit, we are now discover, remember we can not ignore the machinations of the devil.
     Because of masturbation there are many sexual dysfunctions medically speaking, some of them being the lack of erection or total lack of erection, or lack of erection only with your partner, but if you masturbate erection also premature ejaculation, the latter given because the possessed person, you need to quickly put an end to his activity of masturbation, sometimes under circumstances of danger or risk of being seen or discovered, watching the nakedness of a person.
     The spirit of masturbation, sometimes exceeds the number that occurs or is excessive. This spirit is accompanied by a spirit of energy robber, leaving unprotected the human immune system. Demotivating. Discouraged. Depressed.
     All men have masturbated at some time. All women have been unknowingly or cause for masturbation, because it has been fixed some of them in the mind of a man. Most women also have masturbated or their partners have done to satisfy them, because they show some sexual dysfunction, as mentioned above. This is part of the sexual perversity that Satan wants in our lives, but once discovered, must be removed.
     Man, stop masturbating.
     Women, stop masturbating. Teach your children that it is an abomination to Jehovah. Do not believe the lies of sexual education, that treat it as something normal.
     Do not believe the psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychiatrists and scientists who prescribe it without excess. Love your children, do not let that spirit possesses them.
     Lord, we want to clean. The rapture of the church is nearby. It is necessary to gather brothers, not to suffer the tribulation .-
     Repeat this prayer:
     "In the name of Jesus giving up masturbation, because I know that is an abomination to Jehovah. Jesus come into my heart and set me free. Amen.

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 3 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAbAV6Uus7g

THE MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS OF a Levite's concubine( 6 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)

   First of Judges tells us to unfaithful concubine of a Levite who went to his father and the husband followed her to persuade him back. On the way they would not stay in any city other than Israel, not knowing that it would be worse. Passing Gaab, city of the tribe of Benjamin, an old man gave them hospitality, evil men surrounded the house and ordered him to pull out the old man to rape him, the biblical saying: "know or lie down."

     The host was of a sacred character, the owner of the house as did Lot offered his virgin daughter and the concubine still begging him not to touch his guest. At the end of the coat out of the house to his concubine raped evildoers to death overnight. This was a cause of war, all the tribes of Israel against the tribe of Benjamin. The Levite went to his concubine into twelve pieces and sent a piece to each tribe, to rise up for the offense caused. The spirit of violence and death manifested in opening up the spirit of rape. The purpose of the criminals was the satisfaction of lust but with the Levite and his wife. "Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine, I will bring out now, humilladlas and do with them as you seem, and this man do not do anything so vile. But those men would not hear, for what the man taking his concubine, drew, and went to her and abused her all night until morning, and left when he pointed the dawn. "(Judges 19; 24-25)
     When women of any age are followed by predators, rapists, murderers in order to have sex and get to do this is because of you women of any age, adolescents, young women, old women, are blaspheming God's sexual any kind of abuse or rape, sometimes, not always, unknown to them.
     There are women of any age who are within the spirit of sexual abuse, rape, lust, sexual exhibitionism, sexual innuendo, nudity, provocative, morbidity, sexual curiosity, incest, lesbianism, masturbation, etc.. then that spirit or demon or prince subordinate to the spirit of lust that dwells or inhabits the old woman incites any other spirit or demon or go charging into the psychopathic or rapist to have a sex party within that body, because it has the spiritual law on women and their sexuality has, because it is controlled.
     How many women have been victims of multiple rape and spent all night being abused by one or more men? How many women because of the spirit of infidelity have suffered this same fate at some point in your life? How many women after suffering multiple violations have been killed cruelly? How many girls have been victims of satanic men who destroyed their genitals? How many women in a state of drunkenness or drug possessed by the spirit of alcoholism or addiction, have been outraged by the spirit of gang rape?
     Their lives have never been the same. Today you have an answer. Jesus Christ.
     With such a violation, the woman still alive recepciona a series of unclean spirits are dwelling on it, especially the spirit of hatred, suicide, depression, disturbance, insomnia, etc..
     Only Jesus can set you free. If not seek their help you can convict. You have to forgive. No person with hatred enter the kingdom of heaven. In addition to these spirits need to be removed from the temple of God, your body is a temple and dwelling of the Holy Spirit and Satan dirty.
     Never attribute to God the blame for what happened to you. "The foolishness of man twists his way, and then against the Lord is angry his heart." (Proverbs 19:3)
     If your life is not God's care. How can you protect? God wants total commitment from us. Half does not want children to the devil.
     Come to Jesus, if it has happened a violation, he is the one who will clean, but keeps happening to you, break the curses that will follow, leaving you exposed to rape, sexual abuse and even death, come to Jesus, seeking Him in spirit and truth.

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 2 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9GP-N7S-CA


NOAH'S NUDITY( 3 part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)     When drunk parents, children and families, get naked and do not mind being seen by others, who may not have ingested alcohol. The spirit of alcoholism link well with the spirit of lust, manifested in different degrees. The man possessed by the spirit of alcoholism, says the other spirits that has remained suppressed. For example, the spirit of homosexuality, lesbianism spirit, the spirit of nudity, incest spirit, the spirit of fornication, adultery spirit, the spirit of exhibitionism, rape spirit, the spirit of sexual perversion, pornography spirit, the spirit of necrophilia etc. Not taking into account the risks or consequences as serious as these are already aware that his hand is being used and managed by spirits or demons strengthened working together, in this case to get pleasure or sexual satisfaction. In this effort comes a time that does not matter cause harm to any child, girl, woman, old, man, animals, even if it is necessary to kill or abuse or even murder.

     "... And drank wine and became drunk and was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders and went backward, and covered the nakedness of his father, having turned their faces, and they saw not the nakedness of his father. And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what he had done his youngest son. And he said, Cursed be Canaan ... "(Genesis 9:21-25)
     At that time the nakedness of the father was sacred, there was respect and obedience, says the Lord: Canaan also be fun to see Noah naked and not covered.
     May ask you at this time how many times your son or daughter has seen her naked or naked? How many times you saw the nakedness of your son or daughter as a teenager? How many times did your father or mother naked? Even in a hospital or in the same house when any sick, nudity is nudity. The nakedness before God is not sin, but a human being to another in any situation is not pleasing to God, unless they are married, is the only way. How many times did you see naked brothers or sisters? Never mind that are the same sex, not like Lord, our Lord is so jealous, that since the time of Moses forbade the stands at the altar not to show the nakedness of the genitals.
     "Do not go up by steps to my altar, that your nakedness not be discovered by him." (Exodus 20:26).
     In other versions says not to show your genitals. Currently there are stands with women everywhere and is the only used clothing in our environment, so the woman must be very careful when climbing stairs sites. In Eastern countries have their men wear suits or old clothes.
     For formal or deeply pray to God we must be clothed, even in our room, we do prayers while we are bathing or lying, or seen or toilet. But it can be dressed to be naked or covered.
     We can pray before, during and after intercourse so that the enemy does not disturb us and be a holy relationship, acceptable to God. This is a powerful weapon against the enemy: the love and holiness in sexual intercourse, even more so when it attacks the victim of witchcraft, Satanism, envy, hypocrisy, curses, and every evil work darkness.
     There are marriages that pass under the attack of Satan, fast and pray and abstain for long periods of sexual intercourse and this is a mistake, because the most effective weapon in these cases is Love manifested greatly in full of pure sex and love.
     Not to be confused with that for the prayer of agreement may refrain from coupling. This should be in another kind of context and by common agreement, or whether the two agree, if you do not agree should not be given. The sexual relationship in love and holiness does not hinder the fast, or prayer, or the blessings of God, precisely because God wants man to love his wife and that his wife is happy feeling loved and secure. By giving love of husband or wife, we are giving to God. By taking away the love of husband or wife are taking it away to God.
     Sanctifies the husband's wife. God gets the thanks we give them a good husband or a good wife and is pleased with their children.
     It is pleasing to God that marriages in order to have better sex have to make use of pornography, imitating what they see through the screen or in magazines, because it pollutes the mind and is an abomination to Jehovah. Sexual intercourse should be holy not give pleasure to the flesh, in other words sacrifice sexual pleasure for the spirit flow. When one becomes accustomed to sexual intercourse in holiness, may be tempted to taste the meat used in the cases under one or another sexual position, but the spirit reprove us when we love God with heart, anger or fear discipline.

Ted Bundy Interview - Part 1 of 6.-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5FbEqoUQ9A

SPIRIT OF NUDITY IN ADAM AND EVE (Second part of book lust Unclean Spirit in Man and Woman)
     When God created man and woman, made them naked, they both were walking in the garden of Eden without worry. Both are created for procreation and multiplication, there was innocence in them, there was no shame, no malice.
     The cunning of a living being used by Satan and cursed by God, condemned to walk on his chest, he disobey Eve and Adam eating the forbidden fruit: "Then they open their eyes and realized they were naked ..." ( Genesis 3:7).
     At this time humanity has begun to defile himself with the spirit of lust, entered the hearing the spirit of deceit, to admit to one, it brought the spirit of disobedience and through the eyes of Adam and Eve enter the spirit nudity, accompanied by the spirit of shame and a spirit of fear. "... I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, and hid. And God said, "Who taught you that you were naked ?..." (Genesis 3:10-11).
     In addition to the curse that brings the child at birth, parents and naked before their children even have sex in front of them, not knowing that the eyes even of newborns minutes, are windows through which the spiritual penetrate enemy, the spirit of nudity, touching, fornication, adultery or lust, penetrate into the child through his young, innocent look, he does not know what happens, the mind settles and feed them as it grows, inviting other spirits to enter and dwell in the new house.
     God does not like to see naked human being, only for the established, bathing, having blessed the couple, ill patients, but not like the display of nudity, that is why he was dressed for his first children Adam and Eve. "And the Lord God made man and his wife coats of skins, and clothed them." (Genesis 3:21).
     How many women held, without them knowing, the spirit of lust are dying to show their legs in skirts and dresses, to teach their navels? How many women enjoy showing off their breasts, cleavage or pledges using their breasts enhancers where they were out half of the necklines of blouses? How many women do not wear bra to expose her breasts to others? How many women wear tight pants to show the size of their gender or their hips, small intimate apparel to highlight the most? This is an abomination to Jehovah.
     The angels of heaven, not go naked, like Satan painted by painters and sculptors, using celestial clothes like all the saints and God himself.
    Jesus was crucified and stripped completely, that was the biggest embarrassment suffered by crucified as a warning to others. Jesus died naked. Displayed publicly. The teacher, the son of God, condemned to a death curse and shame. Nudity is an abomination that walks the naked body, male or female, is an abomination, just the fact of showing a small part of their intimate areas, which only the husband or wife should know. So it is better for Christian women to seek medical. For there are medical lesbians. Only when necessary to go to the doctors, after prayer and fasting.
     When leaving the spirit of undress, woman or man showing no shame in beating. Psychological science, influenced by the ruler of darkness, recommends that children with parents bathe and do not be shy and when asked by their reproductive organs are answered in this psychological context is allowed children to touch the parts sex from their parents and ask, fulfilling the spirit of curiosity with appropriate responses, manifesting itself in this act in the spirit of touching, sexual endless in this state of growth of the child, but eventually affect you.
     In economically developed countries, not spiritually, there are no nude beaches and nudist, which sets bare the physical bodies of men, women, youth and adults. The same family fall shamelessly in these places. In homes around the world called rich and poor countries, mothers walk naked before their teens, being a normal act for them, this is an abomination to Jehovah.
     Lust was the cause of the flood, fallen angels took beautiful women born giant, revealed secrets of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit no man forever, for he is flesh: yet his days shall be hundred twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God to the daughters of men, and they bore children. These were the heroes of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on earth, and He was grieved in his heart. And the Lord said I will destroy from the face of the earth to men whom I have created both man and beast, and creeping things and birds of the air-for I regret having made them. Genesis 6: 2-7.
     Since then man has been contaminated by the demons of lust, not knowing because it acts as unwilling to act. Likewise pornography has spread to this day remains a powerful engine of progress of the spirit of lust, which achieves the soul of the person who is active and the souls of those affected, because they are unknowingly contaminated with demons or spirit of resentment, hatred, suicide, lesbianism, homosexuality, lust, adultery, masturbation, etc..
     Only Jesus Christ can make us so powerful demons free. Only the love of Jesus can lead us to forgive someone who sexually assaulted us one way or another.

Parte 2: Entreviasta a Ted Bundy. Violador, adicto a la pornografía y a....-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Ywcx-dMZ8

Capitulo VI( Libro Espíritu Inmundo de Lujuria en el Hombre y la Mujer)

      Primera de Jueces nos relata el fin de la concubina infiel de un levita que se fue donde su padre y el marido la siguió hasta convencerla de volver con él. De camino no quisieron quedarse en ninguna ciudad que no fuera israelita, sin saber que sería peor. Al pasar por Gaaba, cuidad de la tribu de Benjamín, un anciano les dio hospitalidad, hombres perversos sitiaron la casa y le ordenaron al anciano que sacara al hombre para violarlo, la versión bíblica dice: “conocerlo o acostarse”.
     El huésped revestía un carácter sagrado, el dueño de la casa al igual que hizo Lot, ofreció a su hija aún virgen y a la concubina rogándole que no tocaran a su invitado. Al final el levita sacó de la casa a su concubina los malhechores la violaron toda la noche hasta matarla. Esto fue motivo de guerra, todas las tribus de Israel contra la tribu de Benjamín. El levita partió a su concubina en doce pedazos y envió un pedazo a cada tribu, para que se levantaran por la ofensa causada. El espíritu de violencia y muerte se manifestaron para abrir paso al espíritu de violación. El fin de los malhechores era la satisfacción de la lujuria sino con el levita con su mujer. “He aquí mi hija virgen, y la concubina de él; yo os las sacaré ahora; humilladlas y haced con ellas como os parezca, y no hagáis a este hombre cosa tan infame. Mas aquellos hombres no le quisieron oír; por lo que tomando aquel hombre a su concubina, la sacó; y entraron a ella, y abusaron de ella toda la noche hasta la mañana, y la dejaron cuando apuntaba el alba.” (Jueces 19; 24-25)
     Cuando las mujeres de cualquier edad son seguidas por abusadores, violadores, asesinos con el fin de tener sexo y llegan a lograrlo es porque sobre estás mujeres de cualquier edad, niñas, adolescentes, mujeres jóvenes, mujeres viejas, tienen sobre sí una maldición sexual de cualquier tipo, de abusos o violaciones, a veces, no siempre, desconocidas por ellas.
     Existen mujeres de cualquier edad que ya tienen dentro el espíritu de abuso sexual, de violación, lascivia, exhibicionismo sexual, insinuación sexual, de desnudez, de provocación, de morbosidad, de curiosidad sexual, de incesto, de lesbianismo, de masturbación, etc. entonces ese espíritu o demonio subordinado al espíritu o príncipe de lujuria que mora o habita en la mujer de cualquier edad incita al otro espíritu o demonio que carga o anda dentro el sicópata o violador a tener una fiesta sexual dentro de ese cuerpo, porque tiene ese derecho espiritual sobre la mujer y dispone de su sexualidad, porque la tiene controlada.
     ¿Cuántas mujeres han sido victimas de violación múltiple y han pasado toda una noche siendo abusadas, por uno o varios hombres? ¿Cuántas mujeres debido al espíritu de infidelidad han corrido esta misma suerte en algún momento de su vida? ¿Cuántas mujeres después de sufrir múltiples violaciones han sido muertas cruelmente? ¿Cuántas niñas han sido victimas de hombres satánicos que destrozaron sus genitales? ¿Cuántas mujeres en estado de embriaguez o drogadicción poseídas por el espíritu de alcoholismo o adicción, han sido ultrajadas por el espíritu de violación múltiple?
     Sus vidas nunca han sido las mismas. Hoy tienes una respuesta. Jesucristo.
     Con esa violación, la mujer aún con vida recepciona una serie de espíritus inmundos que están morando en ella, principalmente el espíritu de odio, de suicidio, de depresión, de perturbación, de insomnio, etc.
      Solo Jesús, te puede librar. Si no buscas su ayuda te puedes condenar. Tienes que perdonar. Ninguna persona con odio entrará al reino de los cielos. Además a esos espíritus hay que sacarlos del templo de Dios, tu cuerpo es el templo y morada del Espíritu Santo y Satanás lo ensució.
     No atribuyas a Dios la culpa de lo que te sucedió. “La insensatez del hombre tuerce su camino, Y luego contra Jehová se irrita su corazón.” (Proverbios 19:3)
     Si tu vida no está al cuidado de Dios. ¿Cómo te podrá proteger? Dios quiere entrega total de nosotros. No quiere hijos a medias con el diablo.
     Acércate a Jesús, si te ha sucedido una violación, él, es quien te limpiará, sino evita que te suceda, quebranta esas maldiciones que te seguirán, dejándote expuesta a la violación, abuso sexual y hasta la muerte, ven a Jesús, buscándolo en espíritu y verdad.

Parte 3: Entreviasta a Ted Bundy. Violador, adicto a la pornografía y a....-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R7NQlmkF_M



     El espíritu de provocación sexual, se manifiesta de diferentes formas en hombres y mujeres, en la mirada, en el andar, en el vestir, el hablar, el saludar, en la pornografía donde hombres y mujeres incitan al sexo bajo cualquier modalidad, sin distingos de edad, raza, sexo etc.
     En la mujer es especialmente notorio por tener más formas sexuales manifiestas, aún con ropas que causan una impresión fuerte al ser expuestas o resaltarlas, natural o artificialmente.
     Este espíritu sexual es invitador al seguimiento, es un espíritu juguetón, en busca de la satisfacción sexual. Para las personas desconocedoras de las sagradas escrituras y aún de muchos cristianos, pasa desapercibido, interpretándolo como arreglo, elegancia, coquetería, no teniendo para ellos ninguna trascendencia.
     En el mundo espiritual, una mirada, un guiño de ojos, lleva al pecado físico. Unos ojos insinuadores o aceptadores hablan o significan suficiente para el espíritu maligno dentro de la persona que los ve. Los escotes, ropas transparentes, vestidos abiertos, trapos cortos, lencería mínima dibujada en el cuerpo de la mujer que transparentan con nitidez sus partes sexuales, excesivo maquillaje y uso de atavíos sin medida, son provocaciones suficientes, a las miradas de los demás. Siempre llamará la atención, al hombre recto y al impío. A diferencia del hombre íntegro, sus ojos espirituales no dejarán entrar ningún pensamiento a su mente. En el impío, el espíritu de provocación sexual, entrará inmediatamente, se imagina formas, colores, tamaños, movimientos y pasa a formar parte de los otros espíritus, para trabajar en equipo.
     De esto hay dos consecuencias: 1.- abstractas: deseos, perturbaciones, fantasías, ilusiones, masturbaciones, adulterios mentales, planes malignos en el corazón de la otra persona, etc. Para lograr el fin sexual en su mente reprobada. 2.- Físicas: acosos, abusos, violaciones, chantajes, muertes.
     Cumplida la misión del espíritu de provocación sexual, los otros espíritus, inician o continúan su trabajo, es como una carrera de relevos, el primer corredor le da la estafeta al segundo, éste al tercero. Hasta finalizar la carrera.
     Cuando el espíritu de lujuria ya está constituido en el ser humano con toda sus legiones, está listo para causar el daño más grave en la persona provocadora, con tal fin de satisfacer su propósito, sea en niño, niña, varoncito, mujercita, joven, señorita, varón, mujer, anciano o anciana.
     Este espíritu sexual por su manifestación notoria en la mujer, se le atribuye sólo a ella, pero está en los hombres y las varonas lo captan fácilmente.
     Jehová hace juicio a las mujeres de Sion por dejar entrar en sus cuerpos este espíritu: “Asimismo dice Jehová: Por cuanto las hijas de Sion se ensoberbecen, y andan con cuello erguido y con ojos desvergonzados; cuando andan van danzando, y haciendo son con los pies; por tanto, el Señor raerá la cabeza de las hijas de Sion, y Jehová descubrirá sus vergüenzas.” Isaías: 3: 16-17 Otras versiones dicen: “A las mujeres de Sion, que son orgullosas, que andan con la cabeza levantada, mirando con insolencia, caminando con pasitos cortos y haciendo sonarlo adornos de los pies,…” “Dice el señor: porque se envanecen las mujeres de Sion, andan con el cuello estirado provocando con la mirada, caminan con pasos cortos haciendo sonar las pulseras de los pies…”
     En las versiones citadas la clave del pecado es la mirada y el movimiento voluptuoso de sus cuerpos. Por esa razón el señor a través de su profeta Isaías predice juicio sobre ellas. La vestimenta y los atavíos son parte del realce al espíritu de provocación sexual, la mujer que ve o se siente normal el andar vestida de forma provocativa, es porque tiene un espíritu de provocación sexual que así se lo hace creer y no le importan las miradas o los juicios de los demás, ni siquiera el juicio de Dios. Así sucede en las playas, eventos sociales, en los concursos de bellezas, donde las mujeres quieren mostrar más, y le piden a Dios lucir bien ese día o esa noche o ganar. Dicen que creen en Dios, pero desgraciadamente no conocen ni su palabra ni su voluntad, menos a él.
     En el tiempo del profeta Isaías, una mujer sola o viuda era causa de vergüenza o lástima y los demás debían ayudarla. De ahí la importancia de un esposo para sentirse respaldada.
     Los varones están condenados a morir a filo de espada por el pecado de las provocadoras, sigue la profecía sobre las hijas de Sion: “Echarán mano de un hombre siete mujeres en aquel tiempo, diciendo: Nosotras comeremos de nuestro pan, y nos vestiremos de nuestras ropas; solamente permítenos llevar tu nombre, quita nuestro oprobio.” Isaías 4:1
     Esta cita bíblica el hombre de la calle la ha confundido ayudado por Satanás o Satanás la ha confundido ayudado por el hombre, diciendo que tiene derecho a siete mujeres, pero no es ese el sentido de la cita. Es simplemente el préstamo del nombre para no ser solas, no va a existir obligación del marido para ellas.
     Este espíritu sexual está en todas las edades. Por eso no se debe dejar sentar a niños y niñas en las piernas de amigos de la familia o parientes. Quizá no haya una intención en la persona en ese momento, pero los espíritus que anda, al juntarse con los de los niños o niñas producirán la reacción sexual de excitación probablemente involuntaria, porque los espíritus sexuales perciben entre ellos mismos la provocación.
     Esa es la causa por la que muchos padres, experimentan contra su voluntad una erección cuando sientan en sus piernas a sus hijos o hijas. Cuando abrazan a sus hijas y sienten el roce de sus senos o al abrazar los hijos a sus madres.
     Existe en esas personas un espíritu de provocación sexual, aunque no se quiera, allí anda, paseándose por el cuerpo. Mientras no se desaloje morará con la persona, la mente humana no lo puede controlar. Usted, lector en este momento sabe de qué le estoy hablando, porque usted ha experimentado esa sensación contra su voluntad.
     Para poder sentar a sus hijos, abrazarlos, besarlos es necesario estar limpios. Por mucho respeto entre la familia, valores morales, cristianos cultivados, recordemos que en el ser humano existe maldición desde la formación y dependiendo de la vida llevada, los espíritus han entrado. La santidad de Dios, después de la liberación es la respuesta a una vida santa, sin inmundicia dentro del templo de Dios. “El que guiña el ojo acarrea tristeza…” Proverbios 10:10
     En las iglesias se presentará este espíritu sexual. Disimula bien. Es sutil, servicial, elegante, atractivo, engaña con facilidad por su aparente ingenuidad, su mirada está grabando, aparenta interés por las almas. Está en todos los lugares públicos, pero menos encubierto, porque tiene más libertad de mostrarse sin preocupación de ser descubierto. También se le puede nombrar espíritu de seducción.
     ¿Cuántas veces has guiñado tus ojos para una conquista? ¿Cuántas veces te has vestido “sexy” para galantear? ¿Cuántas veces tus áreas íntimas fueron mostradas a los demás, de manera disimulada en tus ropas? ¿Cuántas veces el lenguaje de tu cuerpo al caminar con lencería mínima o pequeña o mostrando algo de tu cuerpo invita al que te ve a imaginar y desear poseerte o masturbarse? ¿Sabes cuantas veces has estado en la masturbación de un hombre? ¿Cuántas veces tu mirada ha dicho más que tu cuerpo? Sabes de lo que hablo. Esto es abominación a Jehová. Decide en este momento. En muestra de obediencia a Dios, quema la ropa que deja al descubierto tu cuerpo y la lencería con que te sentías a gusto. Muéstrale a Dios tu amor por el sacrificio de su hijo Jesús. No regales esa ropa, es anatema.
     Pero sobre todo nunca más desnudez tu corazón, con una mirada. La profecía de Isaías contra las mujeres de Sion se cumplió. El pueblo no se volvió a Dios. Como Dios ruega y tiene paciencia no obedecen. Hasta que cansado de esperar, su ira cae sobre los perversos.
     “Violaron a las mujeres en Sion, A las vírgenes en las ciudades de Judá.” Lamentaciones 5:11
     El profeta Jeremías se lamenta de la asolación de las ciudades. Muchas veces se burlaban también de él y lo maltrataron. Mientras, él rogaba por el pueblo. Dios lo escogió limpio, sólo para él, por su santidad especial, le ordenó mantenerse sin mujer. Jeremías cumplió. Hoy para gloria y honra de Jesucristo, a pesar de que es un Santo, Dios lo ha puesto como mi ángel de la guarda. Siempre está conmigo cumpliendo el propósito de Jehová de los ejércitos. Para mí, no sé con precisión, cual es en el futuro cercano aquí en esta tierra, en la que soy un peregrino junto con mi bella esposa Ana María, un tesoro que Dios me dio para que se lo cuide, mientras nos arrebata.
     En este tiempo conocimos el caso de un joven que desde los trece años espiaba a su tía y se masturbaba, y estaba obsesionado por ella, también le gustaba ver bañarse desnuda a la madrastra de su esposa una señora de setenta años, esta señora, también tenía el espíritu de lujuria desde su juventud, por eso le causaba provocación a él. Algunas mujeres piensa que no provocan aunque anden tapadas pero lo hacen, por los espíritus sexuales que andan y no se dan cuenta.
     Solamente Jesús puede librarnos de este poderoso enemigo de Lujuria que se mueve con potencia a través de la humanidad con sus diversos principados a través de diversas formas tecnológicas y físicas, bajo apariencias de progreso, modernidad, libertad y democracia, aprovechando el desconocimiento de la humanidad de la palabra de Dios.

Parte 1: Entrevista a Ted Bundy. Violador, adicto a la pornografía y a...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PfEyGxe-mM


     Cuando Dios creó al hombre y a la mujer, los hizo desnudos, ellos dos se paseaban en el jardín del edén sin preocuparse. Ambos fueron creados para procreación y multiplicación, había inocencia en ellos, no había vergüenza, ni malicia.
     La astucia de un ser viviente utilizado por Satanás, y maldecido por Dios, condenado a andar sobre su pecho, hizo desobedecer a Eva, y Adán comiendo el fruto prohibido: “Entonces fueron abiertos los ojos de ambos y conocieron que estaban desnudos…” (Génesis 3:7).
     A partir de este momento la humanidad empieza a contaminarse con el espíritu de lujuria, entró por el oído el espíritu de engaño, al dar entrada a uno, éste se trajo el espíritu de desobediencia y a través de los ojos entra en Adán y Eva el espíritu de desnudez, acompañado del espíritu de vergüenza y el espíritu de temor. “…oí tu voz en el huerto y tuve miedo, porque estaba desnudo; y me escondí. Y Dios le dijo: ¿Quién te enseño que estabas desnudo?...” (Génesis 3:10-11).
     Además de la maldición que trae el niño o niña al nacer, los padres, se desnudan ante sus hijos, incluso tienen relaciones sexuales frente a ellos, sin saber, que los ojos aunque sean de recién nacidos de minutos, son ventanas espirituales por donde el enemigo penetra, el espíritu de desnudez, de tocamiento, de fornicación, adulterio o de lujuria, penetrará en el niño a través de su tierna e inocente mirada, él no sabe lo que pasa, el espíritu se acomoda y lo pastoreará mientras va creciendo, invitando a otros espíritus a entrar y morar en la nueva casa.
     A Dios no le gusta ver al ser humano desnudo, solamente para lo establecido, bañarse, tener relaciones bendecidas con la pareja, casos de enfermos, pero no le agrada la exhibición de la desnudez, él mismo por esa razón hizo vestidos para sus primeros hijos Adán y Eva. “Y Jehová Dios hizo al hombre y a su mujer, túnicas de pieles, y los vistió.” (Génesis 3:21).
     ¿Cuántas mujeres poseídas, sin ellas saberlo, de espíritu de lujurias se mueren por enseñar sus piernas con faldas y vestidos cortos, por enseñar sus ombligos? ¿Cuántas mujeres disfrutan al mostrar sus senos, usando escotes o prendas resaltadoras de sus bustos donde se les sale la mitad por los escotes de las blusas? ¿Cuántas mujeres no usan sostén para mostrar sus senos a los demás? ¿Cuántas mujeres usan pantalones ajustados para mostrar el tamaño de sus sexos o de sus caderas, con prendas íntimas pequeñas para resaltar más? Esto es abominación a Jehová.
     Los ángeles del cielo, no andan desnudos, como los pinta Satanás a través de pintores y escultores, usan ropas celestiales al igual que todos los santos y el mismo Dios.
     Jesús fue crucificado y desnudado completamente, esa era la vergüenza más grande que sufrían los crucificados, para escarmiento de los demás. Jesús murió desnudo. Exhibido públicamente. El maestro, el hijo de Dios, condenado a una muerte de maldición y vergüenza. La desnudez es abominación y el que anda su cuerpo en desnudez, hombre o mujer, es abominación, con solo el hecho de mostrar una pequeña parte de sus áreas íntimas, que solo el esposo o esposa debe conocer. Por eso es mejor para las mujeres buscar médicas cristianas. Por existen médicas lesbianas. Solo en casos necesarios acudir a los médicos, previa oración y ayuno.
     Al salir el espíritu de desnudez, de la mujer o el hombre hay vergüenza de andarse mostrando. La ciencia psicológica, influida por el gobernador de las tinieblas, recomienda que los hijos se bañen con los padres y que no les dé vergüenza y que cuando pregunten por sus órganos reproductores les contesten, en este contexto psicológico es permitido que los niños toquen las partes sexuales de sus padres y pregunten, satisfaciendo el espíritu de curiosidad con las respuestas apropiadas, manifestándose en este acto el espíritu de tocamiento, sin fin sexual en este estado de crecimiento del niño, pero en el futuro le afectará.
     En los países desarrollados económicamente, no espiritualmente, existen las playas nudistas y no nudistas, donde se exponen al desnudo los cuerpos físicos de hombres, mujeres, jóvenes y adultos. Los mismos familiares entran sin ningún pudor a estos lugares. En los hogares de todo el mundo países llamados pobres y ricos, las madres andan desnudas ante sus hijos adolescentes, siendo un acto normal para ellas, todo esto es abominación para Jehová.
     La lujuria fue causa del diluvio, los ángeles caídos tomaron mujeres hermosas y nacieron gigantes, revelaron secretos de brujería y hechicería. “ que viendo los hijos de Dios que las hijas de los hombres eran hermosas, tomaron para sí mujeres, escogiendo entre todas. Y dijo Jehová: No contenderá mi espíritu con el hombre para siempre, porque ciertamente él es carne; mas serán sus días ciento veinte años. Había gigantes en la tierra en aquellos días, y también después que se llegaron los hijos de Dios a las hijas de los hombres, y les engendraron hijos. Estos fueron los valientes que desde la antigüedad fueron varones de renombre. Y vio Jehová que la maldad de los hombres era mucha en la tierra, y que todo designio de los pensamientos del corazón de ellos era de continuo solamente el mal. Y se arrepintió Jehová de haber hecho hombre en la tierra, y le dolió en su corazón. Y dijo Jehová: Raeré de sobre la faz de la tierra a los hombres que he creado, desde el hombre hasta la bestia, y hasta el reptil y las aves del cielo; pues me arrepiento de haberlos hecho. Génesis 6: 2-7.
     Desde entonces el hombre ha venido contaminándose de demonios de lujuria sin saber porque actúa como no quiere actuar. Así mismo la pornografía se ha extendido a nuestros días siendo un poderoso motor de avance del espíritu de lujuria, con el que se consigue el alma de la persona que se activa y las almas de las personas afectadas, porque son contaminadas sin saberlo con demonios o espíritus de resentimiento, odio, suicidio, lesbianismo, homosexualismo, lascivia, adulterio, masturbación etc.
     Sólo Jesucristo, nos puede hacer libres de demonios tan potentes. Sólo el amor de Jesús nos puede llevar a perdonar a quien nos agredió sexualmente de una u otra forma.