
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010



     When I arrived at the feet of Jesus, I turned my hobby of writing. I never wanted to write more for the world, nothing helped me write several books looking for fame. In addition, writing is like suffering a desire materialized view and the end of the written work is a triumph, is to see built each letter of idea idea into words the book shaped like a birth nine months in women without knowing whether it will be male or female. Until the end the book reveals what is built.
     I liked everything I gave to God that night that spoke to me like a prodigal son received forgiving all my filth.
     Shortly after I began writing and sent me a book, I did two chapters, but did not like because it was the same style in the world. Again I thought not to write.
     One day the Holy Spirit was showing me the behavior of the spirit of lust that had lived in me and I began to discover in the published work Unclean Spirit of Lust in Man and Woman, a book of divine revelations of the subtle act of the spirit of lust that many Christians did not like, because they still cling to God without wanting to quit their habits of satisfaction, sometimes seem harmless inside or outside the family, as did Israel, the people of God consented.
     God gave me back my writing, but transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, to share their insights. This is how I came to write.
     Before a topic and write about a prince who knew perfectly when the Holy Spirit of God revealed to me because it grew and grew with me without my realizing it, giving me many satisfactions of the flesh by the lust, in this second book written for God and who God wants me to come, this is an issue previously unknown to me, something I never thought I worked with witchcraft, but for some reason God was in control of the evil about me.
     Everything written in this book has been revealed by the Holy Spirit of God, I have seen the result of evil, its effects on my loved ones, my father, my mother, my wife, my younger brother, also a Christian to die at this time for witchcraft, but does not believe, I have felt in the flesh, have been used by God for the liberation of other people tied to witchcraft.
     I know there is a dark world of different types of witchcraft. Counselling and releases have been discovered the works of sorcerers and witches, as working people for all kinds of evil.
     I did not believe in converting animal witches and wizards, but it's real in our Latin is heard of and seen cute witch witches that turn into monkeys. God has revealed to also be converted into other types of animals. All this goes against science, but there is a spiritual world of evil.
     The fallen angels were contaminated and polluted by lust for women with evil and witchcraft taught and began witchcraft, reveals the Lord.
     Women were the first witch, then there were men. God always warned the people of Israel on such practices so ordered them not to get together with other peoples, not contaminated.
     Witchcraft, sorcery, divination, white or black magic, card readings and the like, all show the same disease and its rector is the principality of witchcraft is different than actual Satanism.
     From the beginning the Bible shows us the power of sorcerers that each day has been improved because the evil has been increased as mentioned by the prophets. What God does with his power and is a miracle, some of those things sorcerers or witches or sorcerers do with witchcraft, but with limited power and spiritual consequences against him. "If I satisfies Pharaoh, saying: Show miracle say to Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, that becomes a snake. So they came, Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and did as the Lord had commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and sorcerers, and they also did the same the magicians of Egypt with their enchantments they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. "Exodus 7: 9 -12
     There is power in witches to convert or become animals and animals to witchcraft, we have shown what they did with frogs in Egypt. "And the magicians did so with their enchantments, and they brought frogs upon the land of Egypt." Exodus 8:7
     We see the power of the magicians of Egypt, but also its limitations because the other miracles that God made by Moses and Aaron could not be matched, or imitated. The power is God.
     The Hebrew people had been contaminated with some practices of witchcraft in Egypt for this reason Lord sentenced to death to witches or sorcerers. "Shalt not suffer a witch to live." Exodus 22:18.
     Death sentence at that time, which means it is a nasty sin to God, physical death it deserves and if it is God who commands it also means that removes the witch or wizard of his grace, only Jesus Christ came to forgive and redeem with their blood the sins of sorcerers, witches, sorcerers, witches, wizards, magicians, gypsies, gypsy, hand readers, soothsayers and fortune-tellers, snuff or cigar smokers, readers or viewers of crystal balls, horoscopes etc readers. He can forgive your sin whatever. Even with witchcraft killing, as they did with my three children in the womb of my wife Ana Maria.
     "The Lord says witch or wizard, sorcerer or sorceress, soothsayer to guess so. is considered not only has the power to do evil or witchcraft, but also anyone who hires or recommends services, the person accompanying or assisting or parcels of witchcraft is the witch the witch. Pay for the same sin.
     It's sad for me right now to see my younger brother under witchcraft to death, the work of wickedness revealed in a vision, a glass containing a snake that dries with a doll in red blindfolded with insects and diseases mean picture He and his wife with a symbolization of pyramid made of two lines that join, located between the two indicating separation by death. My brother believes in Jesus Christ, is to do good, to walk in holiness, but the way they were taught who will one day give account to God for his works. He does not believe that evil subjected to damage and is damaging the lawful commands of the Lord through my mouth.
     We have suffered the works of witchcraft without any extreme consequence, in order to train ourselves to be used against this evil. We have learned in the battle. It was not easy. We have experienced the witchcraft to race and divorce, that has meant a spirit of anger prompting my wife to argue for anything, one way of preparation or ingredients of witchcraft is the chili.
     God has given us the vision to my wife Ana Maria and me, of sorcerers and witches in hell and all those who practiced witchcraft actively or passively, directly or indirectly, those who did and those who let their homes or their property or money to this end, the sorcerers most used by Satan and his demons are doing witchcraft in hell, have a place where you will find seats and a table number.
     Sorcerers and witches are deformed, with their bodies and rotten, full of worms, but they are doing evil and enjoy it, make it witchcraft souls are in hell and sorcerers or witches seeking to make witchcraft to others, the husband or wife, enemies or anyone for hate or envy, they do all sorts of witchcraft racked with pain and making them explode. Demons enjoy seeing the suffering.
     God forbid his people any kind of spiritualist practices and raised prophets to be heard instead of the sorcerers or witches. "When you enter the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. Not be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, or a spell, or a sorcerer, Or a charmer, or diviner, or magician, or who consults the dead.
     Is detestable to the Lord all who do these things, and because of these abominations the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD thy God. Because these nations are going to inherit, to soothsayers and diviners, but you do not enabled the LORD your God. Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like me, you lift the LORD thy God will hear him, "Deuteronomy 18: 9-15
     That is the importance of the prophet, prophecy within the church, the need for the integrity of the prophet, that God really speak through him, and not used by Satan to discredit the prophetic ministry that is revelation. God wants to reveal to the prophet, he shares secrets of his kingdom and the things he wants to reveal in turn the prophet is allowed to reveal what God commands or allows, but many do not believe in the revelations and shut themselves in their own logic and interpretations.
     It is through revelation and power that our Ministry has built the Supreme Lord Rafah, to share insights with the world, regardless of whether they believe or not. In this way we fulfill reveal what we write, for the enemy that we can not deceive us. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but are revealed to us and to our children forever, to do all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Pastor ,

    I am from india and past 2 years suffering from migrane.I went to a local pastor he told me its witchcraft. I never went for prayers again.It is badly affecting my brain .I have stopped going to job.Please help me

  2. God bless. Indeed it is witchcraft. You have to find Jesus. Come together and find a minister of deliverance, so that in the name of Jesus to minister deliverance. They are usually stuffed with pins or photos used by the witches and wizards among their burial rituals or witchcraft to cause migraine spirits take over. You also fight in the name of Jesus remove pins or witchcraft dolls photos all do in the name of Jesus. We will pray for you in worship today at six in Nicaragua and daily, especially on Saturday is a day of fasting at nine o'clock in Nicaragua and we pray especially for those who from the blog we call prayer. If you send us your name better. God has entrusted to our ministry to pray for humanity, because we are at the end of time. Blessings.
    Pastor Danilo Guido Chévez and Prophet Ana Maria Cibrian


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