
lunes, 9 de agosto de 2010


Witchcraft OBJECTS IN .-

     Witchcraft in the objects is easier for wizards and witches and they are provided with different reasons to those seeking their services. Make tailed witchcraft in particular plants and roses, flowers, perfume, rings, bracelets, earrings, ornaments chambers, rooms, toys, especially dolls, money to finance cursed, saints, images of any kind, naive paintings, landscapes and so on., photographs, beds, clothes, curtains, sheets, shoes, kitchenware, furniture, closets or wardrobes, but also attractive things about things that are of great importance that are hidden so well, no one would imagine that within that object, there a work of witchcraft unfortunately lovingly tie the person to another, destroy, cause insanity, kill, abort, cause impotence, lust, obsession etc.
     Every object is touched by the witch agreed, it is as if they had tuberculosis, and if someone else touches is contaminated, this added to the covenant, prayer or spell that is made by depositing objects on evil spirits in them.
     Lord Almighty hates witchcraft or sorcery death, tells me Mr. I've said at the beginning of this book, witchcraft or sorcery existed since contaminated by the fallen angels sinned by having relations with the beautiful daughters of men, teaching them men secrets of sorcery or witchcraft and other evil things, these women product of the relationships with the children of God, who were angels who left their dignity and left the halls of heaven being punished in everlasting chains were born very deformed human size were called giants. "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit no man forever, for he is flesh: yet his days shall be hundred twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God to the daughters of men, and they bore children. These were the heroes of old, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on earth, and He was grieved in his heart. And the Lord said I will destroy from the face of the earth to men whom I have created both man and beast, and creeping things and birds of the air, for I regret having made them. "Genesis 6: 2-7 .
     It is the work of Satan and his demons practiced by humans is ancient and the people of Israel the practice since the early days of your choice as people of God, holy people chosen as the Most High. So in the early days of the Mosaic law, the punishment that God had commanded witches through Moses was death, because it was practiced mainly by women who were also the first they had learned and taught these men, "In shalt not suffer a witch to live. "EXODUS 22: 18
     In our counsel tells a Christian sister that her husband was witchcraft in their shoes to be out of the house, he threw a daily powders for this purpose as well ay the same brothers hear witchcraft under the mattress beds or pillow for different purposes.
     The bracelets and rings of any kind when they are bewitched or covenants are strong bonds of love that man or woman to fall at any time held by the person who made this work of evil, every day feeling attracted towards the other person, without being love. Without knowing why.
     Objects with a strong presence as room decorations or vases, pictures of any kind, paintings, sculptures or dolls type Greek Buddha idols or antiques, five-pointed star drawn or ornaments or paintings or clothes, dishes or objects in kitchens, Indians carved doors and furniture etc.. They are a strong presence and come to take dominion over the person to possess to cause madness, because the person actually receives sounds, smells, voices, laughter shades but no one will believe you and sent to a psychologist or psychiatrist, but all she perceived is real, sometimes children are tormented by the spirits of witchcraft and sorcery but can not be expressed not understand your concern, bit older can say what they see but they do not believe.
     The wedding ring plays a significant role in the spiritual world. Many married couples use it as a mark or a sign that we are united to another person legally or religiously. But its significance goes beyond that transcendence logic of Western thought, Europe and worldwide. Most Jews or Jews give the importance it really has.
     Mr. Lord Almighty revealed to me the importance of the sanctity of marriage ring through the suffering of my wife for having lent my wedding ring. When you did not know God, my life was in disarray in the filth of the flesh, motels savannah and vehicles used for fornication and adultery before marriage when I married, one of those evil women that Satan uses to damage marriages asked me to trust in it and show him that confidence by lending him my wedding ring with the assurance that I would return the next day.
     It was too much idolatry toward this daughter of Satan, who also had their home in darkness that I lent him my wedding ring, which was engraved the name of my wife, who now is a prophet of God. At that time I believed in witchcraft, evil or even imagined proposed, the risk that I took as I was that I returned it, but Satan and his daughters are sharper than men without Christ in your heart. To my amazement the next day actually seeing me, immediately handed me the ring, his promise and responding to my confidence.
     This same woman had given me a simple gold ring with the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe that I used constantly in my right hand, being a form of being tied to it, my wife was less important for that poor woman, I did not care their suffering, she suffered humiliation, migraine attacks of hysteria, depression, but not going as I wanted, but without which the cast, he left on his own account, not to have regrets, because I knew that was and is a good wife.
     She suffered, he escaped to die product of witchcraft, I thought it was nonsense as I said the devil dressed as a woman. My wife prayed, cried. His life was not life. God had a purpose. A great and miraculous purpose, so incredible that many people still do not believe what my Lord God of Hosts was with me, with my wife, our marriage is now a Ministry of God.
     My beautiful wife began to suffer blackouts and rare diseases, depression, causing resentment in that period of time two complicated abortions, reported in this book, which almost led to the death, doctors without God, atheists, were surprised of the manifestations of these abortions per pregnancy cornual ectopic pregnancy, were out of the medical literature in their specific behavior and be labeled, but there was something wrong with these abortions and complications out of the ordinary, and escape from death was a miracle.
     When God spoke audibly to my life, something that many people do not believe and think we're crazy or we have an evil spirit inside of us, the Lord said at the time of prayer with Him, ring me to get rid of witchcraft because she was concerned I obeyed immediately and strange phenomena began to happen, because the demons around that ring is disrupted, but my wife began to improve dramatically without drugs, with drugs never improved, so I believed they were actions to handle your craving.
     I had given him right to Satan and his demons on my marriage, through the work of witchcraft had agreed to destruction and death of my wife. In giving my ring spiritual protection to the wife her husband had been injured and readily attacked the demons to desserts at the hands of evil.
     I broke the protective circle around the ring means marriage. The wedding ring can not be lent, or given away, is a fatal error that profit more than demons. Many Christians tend to plant their rings as them for the Kingdom of God or to another marriage when people do not, this is a subtle act of conceit, that the enemy put into the mind of the person to fracture the marriage, thinking that do good to another couple and is without knowing the cost of his own marriage.
     Never lend your wedding ring. Always use. Never give away your wedding ring. Do not sow your wedding ring as a gift. It is your protection, the protection of God in your marriage through this sacred ring means the circle of God around us that Satan can not enter if I tried. So the enemy can touch you.
     God commanded me to do new rings and not use for processing the ring that my wife was carrying. Glory to God for his goodness and revelations to his people.
     "In the Jewish wedding, the ring is much more than just a symbol: it is an integral part of the ceremony. It is the delivery of the ring and not the blessing uttered by the rabbi, which transform the couple man and wife.
     An interesting fact is that the marriage is legitimate, the ring should be the legal property of the groom.
     The ring is compared with the Torah: As the ring is infinite loop also between God and Israel Torah is infinite. So God told the Israelites: "I will betroth you to me forever" (Hosea 2:21). Similarly, when the groom gives the bride the ring symbolizes that, as the bond between God and Israel is eternal, is also eternal bond of love between husband and wife.
     The ring also symbolizes the protection that a husband gives his wife. Just as the ring around the finger, the husband's protective aura around his wife. This is closely linked with the spiritual aura that reaches the woman from her husband, and that gives a completely new self-consciousness. "(Judaism, Jewish weddings: the ring)
     Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus, I am canceling all the work of witchcraft in the objects in my house which I am about to burn and break, I cancel every curse that is on those objects and my life, my home, my marriage, cancel all the curses and the work of witchcraft on my wedding ring for having lent or let him say a curse on me without my noticing. In the name of Jesus apart all witchcraft pact on my life and my marriage was through these objects that are worked in my house, which burned and rout at this time. I get ready with your blessing, Holy Father to renew my wedding rings which I offer you from now on. All in the name of Jesus.

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