
sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010



     Not all depression or suicide should be associated with witchcraft, but a good portion of those cases. Most diseases of witchcraft we have seen and even longer exist, are associated with the spirit of depression, which takes control of the person or sometime early critic of the disease, either by realizing that you have a particular disease or treated medically that does not improve and may even worsen.
     After that moment of anxiety and depression, the person has one of the subordinate spirits of the principality of death, which has different manifestations of spirits and death, in this case the spirit of suicide.
     We know when there is depression or suicide wishes of the person because of witchcraft, with discernment that God puts in his servants with spiritual gifts for this purpose, or by any instrument that the Almighty wants to use or direct revelation from God.
     Psychologists and psychiatrists dealing with the work of the mind and behavior will not be able to understand and treat the person according to their scientific knowledge. With natural sedative pharmaceuticals or therapies, that in some way and can temporarily help the person. However, when the source is witchcraft may not help in any way, even therapy or sedative pills that are prescribed to the person.
     When the origin of depression and suicide has no desire whatever to do with witchcraft, the person will be entering a spirit of depression and a spirit of suicide, because the person himself has given his body resting on a voluntary basis Once entered seek to fulfill its purpose, but the difference with depression and suicide wish is that witchcraft witchcraft which is the subject of active or passive, that is why they have practiced or are practicing to be giving account or inadvertently fed every day that depression and desire for suicide.
     The hidden agenda of any work of witchcraft is the possession of the person to die under witchcraft, whether it is dressed up with ties to witchcraft love, divorce, poverty, misery, card readings, hands, horoscopes, snails, etc. Each work of witchcraft that a person is accompanied by a spirit of death to accompany the person to achieve his goal, his death was agreed from the very moment that made witchcraft to another person and at the same instant that the other person was given the wizard or witch to be subject of witchcraft.
     The spirit of depression and suicide often evident in people through his words and behavior and are easily visible to those who can identify these spirits. Psychologists and psychiatrists because of the experience can identify these events and know that when a person is depressed they can get to suicide is the final stage of depression, know that when a person says from different spoken forms to be written going to commit suicide at any time. It is a warning. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." Proverbs 18: 21
     Anyone who ever went to a witch or wizard accompanying a person or to witchcraft of any kind for it or against any person, or worked for a wizard or witch or had contact with instruments of witchcraft voluntarily or involuntarily (God called a witch or wizard that makes witchcraft and all that that somehow was voluntary contact with witchcraft, sorcerers or witches, witchcraft tools or witchcraft) have conditions of depression and suicide because it has been contaminated by evil spiritual witchcraft and spirits have a right over that soul.
     Any person who without knowing it is being attacked by witchcraft suffer symptoms of depression may be associated or not to disease or witchcraft curses. Even if apparently not to file any state is depressive illness because someone wants to damage and is doing witchcraft and this generates ideas of death that he introduced spirits sent. The spirits will enter suicidal thoughts in your mind to achieve its purpose. There are other forms of suicide by practice of Satanism which is not discussed in this book.
     Many people hear the voice of suicide and is real. It may be from within the same person or from outside. When it has been directly involved in acts of witchcraft or sorcery against the person is highly effective, the voice will be from within the person, because the spirits are inside it, take possession of his mind and give orders to execute the suicide in a certain way. For example, nonsense, cut your veins, launch Cruzate, drown. Haciéndloe may hear voices that nobody wants, that no one will need, so the problems will be solved better etc.
     The psychologist and the psychiatrist did not believe it, but it is real. Because of this despite their psychologist or psychiatrist many people commit suicide, even at the time that can best be controlled supposedly the patient, therapies and sedatives do not cause any effect to the spirit of suicide that is very powerful.
     The spirit of suicide is conditioning the person who gradually before reaching the suicide and said to himself or others his desire to die. The person who has been saved from suicide circumstantially or by human intervention, end up committing suicide. Only Christ can avoid that this depression or suicide.
     Many people commit suicide suddenly and is due to demonic possession of the spirit of suicide of the person mainly when using guns, knives, poisons have at their disposal or are in high places or in favorable sites with a single action that can end instantly his life, crossed a street, jumping to a car, slash his wrists, putting a bullet, even knowing drowning swimming, etc. At that time the person was not in itself the enemy occupied his mind and led to suicide.
     I had a classmate in children who lived in the same neighborhood where we grew up he became a member of the Red Cross and a swimming practices drowned. Her body never appeared. After nearly thirty years after that event that I will never forget and always was strange for the fact that we met, I asked the Lord, the cause of the death of my partner and destination.
     The Lord revealed to me that my classmate in childhood was caught in some irons in the lagoon, so your body never appeared, I had hard feelings with his father and for that reason had been put to death, went with that decision why was introduced at the bottom of the lagoon. His fate is regrettable. I did not know Jesus.
     Depression and suicide is the desire of the class that is beginning to disappear when you accept in your life to Jesus Christ, following the path indicated by God. The Holy Spirit will guide you to freedom. There will be moments of sadness, but will not be the sorrow of the world leading to suicide. "For the godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, there is no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." II Corinthians 7: 10
     In our ministry my wife Ana Maria and I met for a girl who had worked where a witch worshiper of Beltran and the seven powers, his house was a place of rituals of Santeria, she knew of Christ, but their very need led to work in that place, thinking that no one would change their religion, because she believed in Christ as their Savior. He worked in that place a few months and then moved to a neighboring country, where he lived and worked for some time.
     On one occasion where she lived, someone planted a funeral of witchcraft possibly his brother, but it was activated in a spirit of death and she herself with her own hands tried to strangle, lost consciousness and her sister for help, not understanding what happened.
     Sometime after this incident visited our ministry, telling us what happened and thinking naively that by being reconciled with God, and was free from evil spirits. She said that spirit was dwelling on it or what their right. A little incredulous participated in our fast on Saturday and gradually became available, until it began to manifest the demon within him.
     Many people think that accepting Christ is sufficient to be free of demons, but as Jesus Christ was not freed us and we dont have to be free, the evil spirit will dwell in these bodies, waiting for any slip of the Christian, to be activated with power.
     I had a depressing life with many ups and downs, this contributed to the witchcraft that made me, I thought many times about killing people who had hurt me and kill myself. In my mind, plotting different forms of suicide. After I passed, but had already given the right to Satan and his demons of depression, suicide and death over my life.
     When you truly accept Jesus into my life, everything began to change in spite of being hated by my family, my parents and friends in the world, I began to have a joy in my life to trust in God, no fear nothing will happen in this world I know my life is guaranteed by Jesus Christ. Nothing was easy for me, nor is it yet, but every day I can conquer the world with the help of Jesus. "These things I have spoken to that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world. "John 16: 33
     Heavenly Father I ask your forgiveness for my sins and accept Jesus as my Savior, my Healer, my deliverer of this depression, this desire for suicide. In the name of Jesus undo all the work of witchcraft to depression and suicide, I cancel all legal rights of Satan and his demons on my life for me depressed and have thought and said to have called suicide or death with my mouth. Today Lord I give my life, my problems, however great they may be, my worries, any depression, any idea or plan of suicide, take control of my life, all I ask in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

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