
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010



     God bless you brothers have four months to be present with this blog for which we pray daily to be a blessing in the world Catholics, Christians, Evangelicals, atheists and any person having or not religion, if you have a request special high you can do it through our ministry with your faith and support these servants of the Lord your requests you can grant the Lord in the name of Jesus. Distance is no problem for God. We can communicate through SKIP, email, or blog with your comments.
     We have a youth ministry where we are paying for with our money and savings missions and ministry needs, having less need for people who do not yet know Jesus Christ and also fellow Christians.
     The first book evil spirit of lust in man and woman, was printed in a thousand copies with our own funds, and most have been offered, the second: Brujeria LAID BARE IN THE CHURCH, not been able to print for lack of money, if someone wants to print or make a co-publishing can, so you can reach people who do not have internet.
     There are many needs of all types with which you can help, mainly bibles, food, or new clothes, money, any gift or donation will be helpful, if a ministry or church is to twin with us accept it with joy in Jesus.
     You can get your gift or donation to: Asociación: MINISTERIO MISIONERO DE PROFECIA, LIBERACION, SANIDAD Y CONSEJERIA ESPIRITUAL or Pastor Danilo Antonio Guido Chévez. email: daniloaguido@gmail.com. tel. 89833717 .- Address: Managua, Nicaragua, ENEL Central, 500 metros al sur, sobre pista hacia la UNAN, media cuadra al oeste sobre el pavimento, banda derecha, casa color rosada. Barrio Casimiro Sotelo.
     In another section of this blog is listed the main activities of our ministry, because remember that not all missionaries to be performed impromptu missions sent by the Lord, the sick, hospitals, etc. possessed. culaquier place to Nicaragua or the world.
     To those who do not speak Spanish have decided to translate with GOOGLE two books and articles, so they are available in English translation, Maybe Not to be desired, but will be a blessing, the Holy Spirit minister to Jesus for the needy , Health release of a spiritual or economic miracle because of the curses in our lives do not come, but do not know until we read the two books will understand. They can also write in English, we do not speak English but we will use the translator GOOGLE.
     If this blog has been a blessing in your life we invite you to plant in fertile soil. If you can not access the two books mentioned are free on this blog, remember that other people may also need to read to be free of lust, disease, or witchcraft. God bless.
Pastor and Prophet Danilo Guido Chévez Ana Maria Alghero.

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Dios te bendiga desde el momento que te atreves a hacer tu comentario, que la paz de Jesús entre a tu vida y te llene de gozo, fe y esperanza por lo que elegiste decir. Bendiciones por cada una de tus buenas intenciones para hacer crecer este Ministerio laico del poderoso Jesús.Ten fe y recibirás tus milagros estamos en oración permanente por cada persona que accesa al blog
Te recomendamos suscribirte a nuestros videos en you tube: Pastor danilo guido chevez. Skipe: danilo.guido.chevez tel 505 89833717