
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010



     Witchcraft is a hidden act of destruction, seduction and curse against the neighbor, which involves a commitment or agreement or implicit contract of adhesion user with Satan and his offspring, causing people acting on complaints, diagnosed by its symptoms, such as illness, But despite various medical examinations is not the case.
     Medicine ventures to diagnose any medical condition or reason for the death of the person. This is very common. The Lord secretly curses that cause damage to your neighbor, the person falling on the double curse of God and the Devil. "Cursed be he that killeth his neighbor secretly. And all the people say, Amen. "Deuteronomy 27:24
     One of the objectives of witchcraft is to weaken the immune system, stealing energy. So there are legions of evil spirits specialized in stealing power to the people who do not know the cause of his fatigue and exhaustion for no apparent reason.
     There are people who have practiced during his life of charity, patience, kindness, have not hurt anyone, have been benefactors and their own words are good people who believe they have won the kingdom of heaven and can not believe they are victims of witchcraft, for the simple reason that they are good people who help others, but his ignorance of the Word of God, fall into the trap of Satan to live their lives confident, thinking that being good enough.
     Do not know these very people who are attacked for being good for evil, made by best friend, for the best neighbor, protected by the maid as his daughter, daughter, niece, even by the same family, wife or husband etc.
    Living illness that is not cured in spite of constant prayer and medicine. Thinking that God's will being sick. Not knowing what not to seek the light, we live as we live, not how God wants us to live. We settle into that life of suffering. Being good enough is not necessary to have Christ in your heart, and have Christ in your heart to obey his word, the family aside if necessary to follow and not be subject to condemnation. "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." John 3:18

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