
sábado, 3 de julio de 2010


     We discover in this book are works of witchcraft that many have suffered, in order not to ignore the machinations of Satan and his demons. At no time is encouraging the practice of witchcraft and witch finding, because in this book you will find the consequences of which they never speak a wizard or witch, which are hidden disease, besides the covenant with Satan for the soul and his family, bringing a curse to their lives in all areas, financial, marital, health, etc.
     In the name of Jesus to receive this teaching, these revelations of God for my wife and myself to be free. It is the desire of God that we share with the people what is written, to remember that evil will increase in recent days.
     "Therefore, having this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God, but by manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience before God. "Second Corinthians 4: 1-2


     "We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us: he that is not of God heareth not us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. "First John 4:6
     The bold italics are direct revelations from God. All spiritual knowledge poured here is the work of the Holy Spirit of God, to make it known to his people. Glory be to the Almighty.


     Witchcraft has its origin in the hidden knowledge that the angels expelled from heaven, under the direction of satan, have provided the man from the beginning, to damage the work of God. Witchcraft is the work of dark spirits, which acts on animals, objects and their methods of attack is to kill, harm the physical and psychological health of people and destroying marriages, friendships, family relationships, employment, Christian congregations and every work of God, without any origin or cause, without a rational explanation in the light of human intelligence and sometimes diagnosed knowing their behavior through repetition of events over many years. Christened with a name technical, medical or scientific, often treated as a disease in people or technical malfunction in the objects, machinery, vehicles, appliances and so on.
     Witchcraft and its consequences for being part of a spiritual world, you can not diagnose or prove scientifically. Scientists are people who do not have Christ in your heart, not men of faith. They have science at its heart, tests and experiments in their minds, testing and results explained to mankind, to the extent of his intelligence, his intellect and reality.
     Science, especially medicine opposes witchcraft. Are contradictory. For the miracles of healing they are called medical curiosities witchcraft and disease are labeled as: Abortion, stroke, schizophrenia, (crazy), depression, migraines, lupus, blood weakness, erectile dysfunction, frigidity in women, epilepsy, leg ulcers, vitiligo, or white spots bienteveo, cancer, etc.. Not all diseases are caused by witchcraft. The doctor or specialist can not distinguish its origin, the servant of God itself. When the disease is properly treated with prescribed medication and the human body unlike other cases, answers should be, we are in the presence of Witchcraft. One thing for certain is that all diseases have their origin in the law that Satan has taken over the life of the person, for various reasons that are spiritual difficult to understand who has not yet come to Christ. The reveals the hidden behavior of the spiritual world led by Satan and the spiritual world of heaven, where God acts through his power for their children. "Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know" Jeremiah 33:3
     There are different forms of witchcraft, mediocre, medium and high, the latter has more degree of preparation and is more effective, however all works of witchcraft have an effect on people, objects, animals, business, financial and spiritual manifestation in works all kinds of churches, no matter their denomination, and this is mainly due to damage that is to cause the people who run a particular church, or disappearance of the place you want for any reason, then, the principality of witchcraft adopted in these cases, for example the disappearance of a Catholic church in a particular place for the convenience of a witch.
     We met a case like this in a town in northern Nicaragua, where they took away a small Catholic church, Satan got good price for access to this and was the covenant of children, wife and offspring of the witch. He could not work because the church was adjacent to his house and had interference, despite being Catholic in his way, because his movements were visible and rituals have a barbed wire fence dividing the properties.
     However most attacked the church of witchcraft is the Christian church for preaching the gospel, regardless of the idolatry of the others and denial of the Holy Spirit and his gifts of Jesus as God in others. Many churches have not survived the attack and have been divided, have disappeared, or their pastors and leaders have fallen into trap of witchcraft without realizing it.
     In the Christian or Protestant church has been planted much strife, envy, lust, destruction to go halves with Jesus Christ, opening doors for easy attacks in these areas, even mediocre witches. Within the same church when a brother has a sick family member has doubted the healing of Jesus into their house of prayer and in case you visit traditional healers or witch doctors, asking forgiveness from the Lord, going to practices that gave them before accepting results Christ as their Savior.
     A brother makes witchcraft to another, a wife to her husband, even pastors shepherding their husbands. "Beware each of his partner and brother have any confidence, because every brother lured by deceit, slander and all walks partner. And everyone deceives his neighbor, and no one speaks the truth, have taught their tongue to speak lies, they deal to act perversely. His home is in the midst of deceit; by deceit they refuse to know me, saith the Lord. "Jeremiah 9: 4-6
     In our ministry my wife and I have attended such cases, where Christian brothers have a legal right to Satan over their lives and those of their relatives because they do not cured in timely manner their esteem for God to act or because her husband is very dedicated to the work of God and neglected in every way.
     Many Christian marriages are hidden from their husbands or wives who practiced witchcraft to be achieved before coming to Christ, they are afraid and ashamed to discover what they did to the person and prefer to maintain these ties in your marriage, in which Satan shall be entitled all his life, however Christians are, however pastors, however prophets, however apostles, however they are servants of God, no matter how beloved children of the Most High.
     There are strings in the spiritual world for us to discover and break. It does not mean that such marriages are not used by God, who has forgiven their sins. But his servants know their word and Jesus came to earth to bring their works to light the hidden things are the devil. "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, it is apparent that his works are done in God. "John 3: 19-21
      If they persist in keeping his secrets to how they want to continue living and not living as God wants us to live despite his total. Keep waiting for his promise and think that is not yet God's time. That is the importance of honest confession to the husband, wife, the pastor, curse breaking chains, ties, undo works of witchcraft, which remain throughout life until he confesses and in the name of Jesus dispose .
     Lord Jesus, forgive me for doubting your power and having polluted the spiritual world by visiting a witch doctor or healer or leedor letters or coffee or hands or diviner and used its waters, lit candles, pillows containing witchcraft, perfumes conspirators, powders for food, shoes, pillows, trinkets or talismans prayers and so on., Today waive any work of witchcraft and cancel all legal rights of Satan over my life and that of mine and I ask Lord Jesus to come into my life .

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