
lunes, 5 de julio de 2010



     Evil people tend to know the conditions of who is the subject of witchcraft, high pressure, low blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, hemorrhoids or lower gastrointestinal bleeding, upper gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers or stomach pains headache, weakness of the teeth and so on. And he made known to the sorcerer, who began working on these areas of weakness of people. Otherwise works from head to foot, the victim will be the subject of evil.
     I was about to bleed to death in the gastrointestinal tract, before knowing Christ, the hemoglobin level dropped to six. God did not let this death, but I could see at that time about the evil that ruled my children, thinking about inheritance.
     When I met Jesus, my marriage going to be under strong sorcery, a Monday afternoon, after having ministered the word of God, in a drug rehabilitation center, having the Holy Spirit manifested in the release of some recovering, darts of the enemy, combined with the recent publication of a book release and high witchcraft, resented my lower GI tract and my swollen veins, causing burning and pain, even when lying.
     Those who suffer or have suffered from this disease know how painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable to be due to frequent bleeding. I could not sleep at night, until God gave me peace in the morning taking away the pain, I fell confident about my health. "I slept and slept, and woke up because the LORD sustains me." Psalm 3: 5
     The next day morning when I went to the toilet, I began to bleed more than that once, when he was in the world. I got right with the Lord, but he said:
     "We're a long way to go, I give you health and stop the bleeding.
     Those who have or have had hemorrhoids, you know the difficulties, pain, embarrassment and discomfort that are passed with abundant bleeding.
     That morning Jesus again gave me health. I asked the Lord why he was bleeding if I had already healed, whether he had witnessed. He showed me the need to know the bad to find out.
     People witchcraft or making me pay to see me dead, they knew I had had this problem before and nearly died. He was told the witch doctor and this was no time to be working on bleeding hemorrhoids, specifically for my death. The bleeding comes to cause shock and cardiac arrest.
     To that end, I continued to uncover the Lord, they used ducks, rabbits, cats and dogs. By dying, the bled animals with witchcraft. They failed because they could discover this.
     Lord sealed fissures and hemorrhoids healed me again. An excellent Cuban doctor, who had known my condition I was diagnosed at the end of all types of medical treatment, mandatory: surgery and he offered to have surgery immediately at no cost. I canceled in the name of Jesus that legal decree that doctor. I have a doctor in the sky that always goes with me, whom I asked were the sanándome. I healed my Jesus of Nazareth.
     After this show, the magician continued killing animals but its effect was already discovered and paid in the name of Jesus. But God said to me
     "You have to believe, declare and fight your health. I gave it you, do not let it take, do not be fooled by the enemy.
     Witchcraft is working the weak people, to tell their illnesses, ill take advantage, causing damage through these symptoms. The causes of death will be diagnosed clinically.
     There was one case in Brazil, a young beauty queen, cut off his hands and legs caused by infection in the kidneys. Then he died. This case was high witchcraft, envy, the Lord revealed to me. The details of the case became public health worldwide. The spiritual person and above all discover the gift of witchcraft, after reading the news about the young know the reasons for his death and his whereabouts.
     Heavenly Father in Jesus' name I ask your forgiveness for my sins and accept Jesus as my healer and my deliverer, cancel any decree incurable medical hemorrhoids, bleeding, in the name of Jesus, undo all the work of witchcraft that is working on attacks against me for hemorrhoids, I declare myself a healthy person in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and grief all the curses of hemorrhoids and bleeding on me, all in the name of thy beloved son.

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