
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     When we arrived at the feet of Christ, our sins are forgiven. But our sinful behavior the world has brought spiritual consequences that still remain and it takes time cleaning the forger about your jewelry, so let's brilliant. Throughout this process requires the release of evil spirits from the temple of God, constant cleaning and seals of God to all open or opening that we have caused voluntarily or involuntarily in the mind. Remember that Satan will try to enter each moment. He is perfect and knows the weaknesses of human beings.
     A look, a word, a race, a little resentment, a small act of envy, a slander, omission, an imperceptible disobedience are enough inputs to the enemy, more Christians who watches day and night, because it is an enemy representative of Jesus hated.
     The confession of sins to a priest or pastor is biblical, is found in: Numbers 5: 6-7 "Say to the children of Israel: The man or woman who commits any of all the sins which men commit crimes and trespass against the LORD , that person confess sin he committed, and fully compensate the damage, and add unto it the fifth part, and give it unto him against whom he sinned. "The Israelites were to see a priest with offerings and sacrifices for their sins.
     Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy." James 5: 16 "Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much. "Prayer of the righteous is necessary after the confession, just before God is the upright walking in holiness, that deserves to be heard by the high, you need to walk in the way of perfection. "My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the earth to be with me: he that walketh in the path of perfection, he shall serve me. Psalms 101-6
     The spiritual and material prosperity is in the confession, prayer of a righteous person to be healed of the spirit.
     Every sin committed on children or when was a boy or girl must come to light, so that Satan lost the handle on that spiritual area. It is important to expose what was light in the dark heart of fear or shame.
     Even having confessed Christ as our Savior, bringing the Christian process is the best way congregations "not neglecting to meet together, as some people do, but encouraging, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews: 10: 25; there are difficult areas to let the Christian God is always giving, but not exceeded. This is due to a lack of sincerity with himself and his spiritual guide. The right to the spirit of disturbance will always have something without a rebel. It's like being an accomplice to that event. As silent about the sin committed, together with that spirit. The feel protected when not reported, although God has forgiven.
     Lustful action in various forms has a meaning for the demons surveyed and discovered in this work.
     SEXUAL aberration: Combination of practices where there shredding demons and death of the person as the only method to obtain before or after sexual satisfaction.
     SEXUAL ABUSE: lewd touching without consent of the person.
     SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Emphasis under pressure to words or works to achieve the consent of the carnal in any form.
     ADULTERY: Access flesh out of wedlock with a man or woman who is not your husband or wife.
     Bestiality. Animal sexual pleasure.
     Bisexual: A person having sex with men and women.
     CONCUSPICENCIA: Sexual desire of the flesh.
     SEXUAL CURIOSITY: A person who wants to see some of the sexual parts of people just to meet his eyes.
     NUDITY: A person without clothing.
    EROTISM: Lust disguised as decency. Eroticism is practicing the educated, the intellectuals, educated people. It is the sex disguised with pretty words, poetry, paintings, sculptures, films that are works of erotic art and aesthetic of high society. Sexuality is a hypocrite. False.
     Rape: Deception to access the sexual pleasure of the flesh of the person deceived.
     Sexual display. Action pleased to show at least some of their sexual parts to incite the imagination of other people or they see.
     Fetishism. Sexual satisfaction with objects and underwear of another person.
     FORNICATION: Access without a carnal marriage.
     Homosexuality or sodomy: Sex unnatural man with man.
     SEXUAL IMAGINATION. Recreate or create in the minds of sexual situations.
     Incest: Sexual intercourse with birth relatives, close. Fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, grandparents.
     Sexual immorality: Loss of moral values, religious Christians in society, the practice of certain sexual behaviors that are condemned by public society.
     Lust: Propensity to lust or carnal pleasure.
     LESBIAN: Sex woman with woman.
     LIBIDO: Drive unconscious, intrusive, which governs the life of living beings in the psychoanalysts, sex drive.
     LUST: Too much or too much, use illicit pleasures.
     Sexual masochism: sexual pleasure to pain, while someone else is having sex, that person feels pain but enjoy it.
     Masturbation: Friction or stimulation of sexual organs. Sexual complacency.
     Necrophilia: Sex with dead people.
     Nymphomania. Women's insatiable desire for sex and its embodiments.
     SEXUAL OBSESSION: A person who puts sex first and wants to get in any method or promise regardless of its consequences.
     SEXUAL ORGY. Sexual involvement of men and women in pleasures of the flesh, in groups, at the same time.
     Pedophilia: carnal satisfaction of adult men with children.
     Sexual perversion: Sex in positions, oral forms, and unnatural, can be combined with other practices to obtain sexual satisfaction.
     Sexual disturbance: A person who has reached the end and his mind does not reason, its purpose is to get sex without a consequence.
     PORNOGRAPHY. Enjoyment of watching films showing sex or magazines with nude photos.
     Sexual provocation: Incitement to have sex.
     Sexual sadism. Sexual enjoyment to the pain of another person while he has sex.
     SEXUAL SEDUCTION. Subtle hint to make the other person in the mood for carnal knowledge.
     Sensual: Persona given to the pleasures of the senses. Enjoy the sensuality in the minds of people.
     RAPE. Sex against the will or lack of will of man or woman.
    Sensuality: Complacency in sexual pleasures.
    VOYER: sexual satisfaction to see without being seen the nakedness of another person.
    MORBIDITY: Delight and satisfaction of the hearing to lick and play with the morbid spirit to the desired person sexually. The other person that has a feeling that stripped his eyes, but their sexual parts and his body has already been played and enjoyed by the spirit in his eyes. Guest for the spirits in the person being morbid or observed with avidity. This spirit has a large tongue and tongue flicks winding meats until the person can feel the sense that they are playing.
     These forty spirits under the command of his prince of lust act since the birth of the person to achieve pollute. There is no person who has not had experience with at least one of these spirits, in childhood or adulthood. It is necessary to identify, denounce, expose to the light of Christ to dispel the connection or link with our past.
     All spirits, large and small have their name and a nickname like humans, the princes and rulers of the darkness and have their names known to many ancient warriors of God. In a person can be a named Louise and Elizabeth, Pepito the homosexual etc. It will not be the same in others. Just the sanctity of the Liberation Minister to go regardless of his name being thrown into the abyss, naming its genre all in the name of Jesus. "In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirit of lust and command you to leave this body." O "in the name of Jesus spirit of masturbation I bind you and command you to leave this body and go where you belong, the bottom of the abyss. "Etc.
     The spirit of lust is housed in the nerves of the spine from where it operates, the entire nervous system. You can put in column holy oil before starting the release.
     Prior to any release must take stock of life of the person and his ancestors, to establish the time of entry of the spirit of lust, ask the Holy Spirit the ministry of memories, to break chains curse. You must fully confess without fear and in full detail the context of sin, of the person, or sin committed against the person, to break ties or fastenings of the enemy.
     Then it must be the process of liberation. In a session will not all evil spirits. A single session is exhausting for the anointed of God and the person released. There will always be. Therefore it is necessary to establish it in several sessions in people fully prepared, otherwise there will be a good result because the demons will return in larger quantities. "When the unclean spirit out of the man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and finds. Then he says, will return to my house whence I came, and when he arrives, he finds it empty, swept and garnished. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Well be with this evil generation. "Matthew 12: 43-45
     To realize the full output of demons, it is essential that the release will be made by a servant of God characterized in the gift of liberation, totally spiritual discernment knows where the time has expired.
     The revelation of God to his prophets also provides a real release.
     The very state of the person, determine the outcome. If in the areas of sexuality and has no instincts or demonstrations and self-control has been imposed will be a good sign. We will always be exposed to temptation. The spiritual must be constantly cleaning from time to time with the Minister of liberation.
     All anointed servants of God, to experience some charge by the temptation of the sexual spirit of provocation and seduction, even the Minister of release, must confess to another and experience the ministry, destroy and expel the curse of his life whatever the price sentimental to pay.
      Self-sufficiency in many servants of God makes them fall into the trap. For lack of humility and silent suffering of torment. Spiritual struggles that affect your family relationship and heaven. His blessings are stagnant. Their homes become anathema cave. Relatives and friends are anathema part of their relationship within the household and outside it, but do not remove these people, nor accept their situation. They pray and fight, but without confession, the enemy has them tied. Have a legal right over them. God rebuke this servant, to act. But know or do not want to know or think or question God's will for him is that condition, it will. But his silence is anathema. Fear and lack of humility. Another spiritual person discern God's anointed because he has not moved and is being punished with a rod. The affected person will think you are testing, but they are not, the call of God to confess without fear of sin, to be meek and humble Jesus. What good is being strong in front of others, God knows what happened, and Satan also, their soldiers are inside the servant of God, complicit by their silence, at any time can bring down. Your home will go from bad to worse for disobedience. "So fear them not, because there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known." Matthew 10:26
     Pass fire is one thing, evidence is alia and whip or stick is another matter.
     Sometimes things are not going as God wants for fear of confession or disobedience. The spiritual leader is going to be hit with a rod, think, humble himself, confess to their release. It is normal for a servant of God, open doors, consciously or unconsciously. The important thing is closed or sealed.
     Lord forgive me my sins, forgive my transgressions, I confess the sin of lust today, because the spirit of seduction sexual provocation and so on. I was attacked, and disturbing spirits are on my mind. In the name of Jesus I ask you seal the open doors in me.
     I will confess to the attack of seduction, sexual provocation and so on. On behalf of my sheep Mary, my stepdaughter, my niece, my neighbor, Martha, Mrs. Magdalena etc.
     In the name of Jesus I bind and command this unclean spirit within me, quit, command the abyss by the power of the Blood of Christ. Amen. "
     This prayer is a sample and should be extended. But it is effective. Removes curses from home whomsoever. Short strong friendship with the person who caused the temptation. Get rid of any object that brings back memories or belong to the person of sin. No matter its value. The Lord will your obedience and I will reset. Your blessings will come later. All do it in Jesus' name.
     The entry of these spirits has been the view. "The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be in darkness. So, if the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! "Matthew 6: 22 -23.
     We should be considerate of others because they are friends or family. They are our enemies, the demons of lust and his army and want us to fall. It is best to cut without the slightest hesitation or fear. 'But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already adultery with her in his heart. Therefore, if your right eye causes you to stumble, tear it out and cast it from thee: it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell. And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and cast it from thee: it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell. "Matthew 5: 28-30.
     You can do me this prayer, repeating whatever you want, ask your family, your children and any other person to repeat it.
      Heavenly Father, I ask your forgiveness for my sins, I declare your son Jesus Christ my only savior, my only release, the only restaurateur in my marriage, the only healer of my illness and my family. In Jesus' name I break every chain of curse on my life because of my parents and my grandparents, I cancel all my ancestors pact with Satan over my life, I cancel all legal rights of Satan over my life. All in the name of which is the name above every name Jesus, kneels before whom all creation in heaven, on earth and under the earth. I ask Mr enroll my name in the book of life, all I ask in the mighty name of your only beloved Son Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. "

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