
sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

Strong earthquake in Japan damaged nuclear facilities

February 2, 2013
Tokyo, Japan | AFPStrong earthquake in Japan damaged nuclear facilities
For the shock, about 10 people were slightly injured, falling objects, broken glass or other damage resulting from lowerFor elnuevodiario.com.ni | Globe
A violent earthquake took place on Saturday night at the Japanese island of Hokkaido, feeling in the numerous nuclear facilities, but without damage.
However, about 10 people were slightly injured, falling objects, broken glass or other damage resulting from minors.
This strong earthquake was of magnitude 6.9 and struck the island of Hokkaido (north), according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).
The earthquake occurred at 14H17 GMT near the city of Obihiro, the USGS said. The local media gave no tsunami warning.
The epicenter was located in the eastern part of Hokkaido, 120 kilometers deep, confirmed the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Hokkaido Police reported no injuries or property damage, public broadcaster NHK said.
NHK interrupted its programs to disseminate information on the earthquake.
"Go to a safe place, close the gas, beware of objects that can fall," said the animator on several occasions.
NHK said the quake lasted about a minute, warning that there could be aftershocks.
Regional electricity companies immediately claimed that they had not found any abnormality in the Tomari nuclear power plant in the western part of Hokkaido, and in the numerous nuclear facilities Amori prefecture.
In this province of northern Honshu Island is the central Higashidori a nuclear reprocessing plant at which they are conducting a series of tests at this time, in Rokkasho, storage tanks and several nuclear fuel.
The Japanese fear another accident, occurred after the Fukushima plant on March 11, 2011, when there was a violent earthquake of magnitude 9 and then a giant tsunami.
Japan's 50 reactors, 48 ​​of which are not operating or are scheduled to start running again, are located by the sea and in earthquake zones because Japan is in a place where four tectonic plates converge and consequently recorded 20% of earthquakes of magnitude greater than 6.
In addition, various reactors, such as Higashidori are built near faults that might be active. The Rokkasho reprocessing plant could be in an active geological area vulnerable, according to Professor Yasutaka Ikeda, University of Tokyo.

Prophecy or revelation about the disappearance of Japan:
On Saturday 9 July, two thousand eleven, God revealed that Japan will disappear, because it is a town that hates. Brothers of Japan who believe in God out of Japan because soon disappear like other places on earth.Isaiah 40:15 "Behold, the nations are as a drop of water falling from the bucket, and as the small dust on the scales are: behold, he taketh up the isles as dust." "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying:"Come out of her, my people,that ye be not partakers of her sinsnot receive any of her plagues,
For her sins have reached unto heavenand God hath remembered her iniquities. "Revelation 18: 4-5

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