
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     After his brothers got rid of Jose, inventing Jacob lied to his death. Joseph arrived in Egypt for the purpose of God, to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, Don the Lord put into it.
     An officer of Pharaoh, Potiphar's name, bought as a slave and it found favor, putting him in front of his home, to manage as a steward.
     The house and the area was blessed the Egyptian because of Joseph, because God was faithful. Joseph was an attractive boy.
     The lust of Potiphar's wife, began to manifest in sexual harassment toward Joseph. But Joseph was a clean man, respected God and His love, to have confidence in him, and rejected by their fear of the Lord.
     She haunted him sex every day, until an opportunity using violence, wanted to force him to possess. Joseph chose to flee, without clothes because she took it off, but was accused of wanting to rape and Potiphar sent him to jail.
     Joseph was a servant pleasing to God, so I stood on his brothers and Egypt. Satan could not with him. "There is no older than me in this house, and nothing has reserved for me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God? She spoke to Joseph day after day, and not listening to him to lie beside her, to be with her, pass that one day he came home to do their job, and there was nobody in the house there. And she caught him by his garment, saying, Lie with me. Then he left his garment in her hand and fled and left. " (Genesis 39: 9-12)
     How many women have been sexually assaulted their employees or their employees? How many men have sexually harassed his subordinate? How many have unfairly retaliated against a male or female who do not attend their sexual desires or invent a crime and bring them to the police or court or slander? How many men and women with minds of gays and lesbians have been harassed by men and women, taking reprisals against them or them not to access their lustful desires?
     In the harassed person cause, what psychiatrists call "psychological injury, creating a feeling of impotence, depression, low self-esteem that hurts her and her family. These people come in this way the spirit of suicide, and the others mentioned previously known as psychiatric symptoms, but they are really spirit possession on the person harassed.
     Sexual harassment is a spirit desperate to get to the meat, disrupts the person's thinking, is harassed, blackmailer, fawning, resentful, helpful.
     In his background because he hates the person does not agree to his sexual purposes, to the point of entry to that body to the spirit of revenge, hatred and death. This is how many people are fired from their jobs, their responsibilities in churches, falsely accused of a crime, humiliated, disenfranchised, deprived of special celebrations, family, church, job. When hatred is perfected, by subterfuge harm the person's home and finally you come to take life and invite the spirit of necrophilia and dead possess.
     This spirit gets along well with the spirit of homosexuality and lesbianism.
     This is an abomination to the Lord, there is still time to repent. The blood of Christ washes us. He forgives us.

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