
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010


     When God created man and woman, made them naked, they two were walking in the garden of Eden without worry. Both were created for procreation and multiplication, there was innocence in them, there was no shame, no malice.
     The cunning of a living being used by Satan and cursed by God, condemned to walk on his chest, he disobey Eve and Adam eating the forbidden fruit: "Then they open their eyes and knew that they were naked ..." ( Genesis 3:7).
     At this time humanity begins to be contaminated with the spirit of lust, entered by ear the spirit of deception, to usher in one, it brought the spirit of disobedience and through the eyes of Adam and Eve enter the spirit nudity, accompanied by the spirit of shame and the spirit of fear. "... I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid. And God said, "Who taught you that you were naked ?..." (Genesis 3:10-11).
     In addition to the curse that brings the child at birth, parents and naked before their children even have sex in front of them, not knowing that the eyes even of newborns minutes, are windows through which the spiritual penetrate enemy, the spirit of nudity, touching, fornication, adultery or lust, will enter the child through his young, innocent look, he does not know what happens, the mind settles and feed them as it grows, inviting other spirits to enter and dwell in the new house.
     God does not like to see naked human being, just to set, bathing, having blessed the couple, cases of sick, but do not like the exhibition of nudity, which is why he was dressed for his first children Adam and Eve. And the Lord God made man and his wife coats of skins, and clothed them. "(Genesis 3:21).
     How many women held, without them knowing it, the spirit of lust are dying to show their legs in skirts and dresses, to teach their navels? How many women enjoy showing her breasts, cleavage or garments using highlighters busts where they leave half of the necklines of blouses? How many women do not wear bra to expose her breasts to others? How many women wear tight pants to show the size of their gender or their hips, small intimate apparel to highlight the most? How many women wear tight pants to show the size of their gender or their hips, to highlight small underwear more?How many women to be showing their armpits, which are also private parts, the people watching sex imagine, combining shape, color, size, covered with pubic hair or not similar to the armpits, arms or legs, no to imagine what's going through your mind? How many women showing their armpit hair or no hair to go with blouses or shirts without sleeves?

     People, men and women are unaware that their armpits and private parts immediately associate with the form, type and color of hair on their sex, as when they show the hairs of their legs, in many cases, it is preferable when the woman not shave your legs, wear pants that woman, something that is not forbidden in the Bible as many Christians think.
     The hair on the arms is also related to the sexual hair this case is more difficult to avoid. There are churches that allowed women to cut or shave the hair on his body, and must be covered to avoid provoking lust morbidity or leading to a masturbation of another person without realizing it. These things are an abomination to Jehovah.
     May think that this is the end of lust, in morbidity, degeneration of man, indeed it is in every man and woman, homosexual or lesbian. In every person who does not walk with Christ Jesus in his heart. Spirit works secretly lust in all its dimensions, to the delight of the meat, the sensuality of those who love the pleasure of the senses, imagining and hoping.
     A sister of Colombia sixties when my wife attended her in counseling internet and we were talking about the use of pants, skirts and dresses for women and women's nakedness, he said that his spirit rejected the act of seeing a woman wear sleeveless blouses or shirts showing their armpits because they are considered intimate part, worse if it was cut or shaved. That sister is right, but it is still shaving or armpit if ever shown. Are useless if they neglect long skirts other private parts. For most women find it normal to show their armpits or legs with hair or without hair, but do not know how many times this have been unwanted and morbid and objects of lewd acts.
     In our Ministry we asked a brother who walked in filth and knowing Christ came to issues of bisexuality and masturbation, I felt when I looked at the armpits of men and women. Replying to be imagined in this way their sexual parts, associating them directly, thinking that in the same way that showed, and women or men went their genitals.  This is an abomination to the LORD.
     The angels in heaven do not go naked, like Satan painted by painters and sculptors, heavenly wear clothes like all the saints and God himself.
     Stripped Jesus was crucified and completely, that was the biggest embarrassment suffered by crucified as a warning to others. Jesus died naked. Public display. The teacher, the son of God, condemned to a death curse and shame. Nudity is an abomination that walks the naked body, male or female, is an abomination, just the fact of showing a small part of his intimate areas, which only the husband and wife should know. So it is better for Christian women to seek medical. For there are medical lesbians. Only when necessary to go to the doctors, after prayer and fasting.
     Leaving the spirit of undress, woman or man beating about showing no shame. The science of psychology, influenced by the ruler of darkness, recommends that children with parents bathe and do not be ashamed to ask for and when they answer their reproductive organs, in this psychological context is allowed children to touch the parts and parents' sexual questions, fulfill the spirit of curiosity with appropriate responses, manifesting itself in this act in the spirit of touching, sexual endless in this state of growth of the child, but eventually affect you.
     In economically developed countries, not spiritually, there are nude beaches and nudist, which lay bare the physical bodies of men, women, youth and adults. The same family shamelessly come to these places. In homes around the world called rich and poor countries, mothers walk naked before their teens, being a normal act for them, this is an abomination to Jehovah.

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