
sábado, 26 de junio de 2010

Multiple violations of the concubine of a Levite. CHAPTER VI THE BOOK OF LUST unclean spirit THE MEN AND WOMEN

Multiple violations of the concubine of a Levite
     First of Judges tells us to unfaithful concubine of a Levite who went to his father and the husband followed her to persuade him back. On the way they would not stay in any city that was not Jewish, not knowing that would be worse. Passing Gaab, city of the tribe of Benjamin, an old man gave them hospitality, evil men surrounded the house and ordered him to take out the old man to rape him, the Bible version says, "know or lie down."
     The host was of a sacred character, the owner of the house as did Lot, offered his virgin daughter and the concubine still begging him not to touch his guest. Eventually the coat out of the house to his concubine was raped evildoers to death overnight. This was a cause of war, all tribes of Israel against the tribe of Benjamin. The Levite went to his concubine into twelve pieces and sent one piece to each tribe, for the lifting for the offense caused. The spirit of violence and death are reported to make way for the spirit of rape. The end of the criminals was the satisfaction of lust but with the Levite and his wife. "Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine, I will take them out now; humilladlas and make them as you seem, and this man do not do anything so vile. But the men did not want to hear, for what the man taking his concubine, took it and went to her and abused her all night until morning, and left when he pointed the dawn. "(Judges 19; 24-25)
     How many women have been victims of multiple rape and spent all night being abused by one or more men? How many women because of the spirit of infidelity has befallen the same fate at some point in your life? How many women after suffering multiple violations have been killed cruelly? How many girls have been victims of satanic men that destroyed his penis? How many women in a state of intoxication or drug possessed by the spirit of alcoholism or addiction, have been outraged by the spirit of gang rape?
     Their lives have never been the same. Today you have an answer. Jesus Christ.
     With such a violation, the woman still alive reception for a series of evil spirits who are dwelling in it, especially the spirit of hatred, suicide, depression, disturbance, insomnia, etc..
     Only Jesus can set you free. If you're not condemn you can help. You have to forgive. No one with hatred enter the kingdom of heaven. In addition to these spirits are to be driven from the temple of God, your body is a temple and dwelling of the Holy Spirit and Satan's dirty.
    Never attribute to God the blame for what happened to you. "The foolishness of man twists his way, and then against the LORD was angry his heart." (Proverbs 19:3)
     If your life is not God's care. How can you protect? God wants total devotion from us. He does not want children to middle with the devil.
     Come to Jesus, if a violation has happened to you, he is the one who will clean, but keeps happening to you, looking for it is spirit and truth.

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