
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     The spirit of lesbianism is the same spirit of homosexuality or sodomy, is active in women, to feel an attraction for another woman, her goal is sexual gratification.
     This spirit is called lesbianism, to differentiate it is in women. If on the man, his end will also sexual anxiety to the person of the same sex.
     The spirit lesbian comes at any age. At times since childhood, when a child has been abused by the employee, by the teacher, by his aunt, stepmother, any friend of the family or woman of the same family, nurses, doctors, lawyers or any woman with authority over victim. The girl's parents are Christians or not knowing the word and entrust their children to other people do not ever imagine the abuse and pollution that is being delivered her baby daughter, that person will think they have enjoyed the consideration and affection does not will ever make such a monstrosity not even imagine and many might not even realize that one day it happened.
     In these cases we have tried many and being a woman shame or fear in children, teenagers or adults do not bring to light and live with that spiritual bond
     When the spirit has not been developed enough and has come to light in the ministries, women have understood why they were not happy with their husbands, rejected why, why not took pleasure in being with them.
     They have understood because they are lesbians attractions and sometimes unconsciously are attracted by women.
     In women where the profile of lesbianism has been without much intensity, its origin has been, when a woman lustfully has touched with her mouth and her hands since childhood, of days old and older. That spirit has entered the child and has been waiting for the final time for consolidation in the monstrous spirit of lust, who does not care who is the girl or young woman who must be satisfied.
     That is the reason for delight in his eyes when a girl or young woman with a spirit of lesbianism incubated sees his mother naked, her aunt or any female employee. Remember that is not the daughter, niece, sister or friend who is watching, is a demon through his eyes strengthen the spirit of undress and desire, appreciating shapes, colors, sizes and feminine lines, to reach its first one hundred experience percent sexual with another woman, or through masturbation nudity thinking that drew not know why, but archived forever in your mind. If she plays the naked eye, the better for the unclean spirit.
     In women who have resisted this demonic possession, has been a quiet torment bring this sin, because there is a spirit of fear and shame. Many times the spirit of forgotten works in the minds, not to remember that episode of life, be traumatic, hiding deep in the hearts and minds.
     Although you've given yourself to God, sin, he forgives us, but the spiritual world will lose their right when it goes live, transgression, abuse, harassment, rape etc. Succeeded from woman to woman, of any age.
     The girls come easy, though manifest in adulthood. The girls are more fragile and innocent and never tell the whole truth. For shame will have a part in some cases. In this spirit within, if in the future, suffer sexual assault, rape disappointment or depression in their relationship with a man, or your marriage will be a great opportunity to possess the spirit lesbian and not totally wasted, request assistance to other demons to interact on their behalf. The spirits communicate between themselves and move information and encourage people who come to lesbianism that woman with a comfort that she would be grateful for being effective, but diabolical because it takes an end and will be achieved, This explains why older women with children become lesbians.
     Only the Holy Spirit, can dislodge dirt completely the spirit of lesbianism, ministering memories, carrying loads that action and cleaning his temple.
     When the spirit of lust with a specialty in lesbianism has been strengthened, begin their battle for the achievements of female souls, for which you have to have your thoughts and especially their bodies. The scope of a single soul, if only for curiosity or for a moment, seems not to jeopardize the future of this woman, but it is enough accomplishment for the spirit of lesbianism, but it is developed, will form a string of curse their descendants .
     This spirit comes when the spirit of fear, to blackmail, alcoholism, addiction, sexual orgy, depression, curiosity, resentment against the husbands, of hatred against men being raped, deception etc. Invites go where he is already dwelling with all property for the right of spiritual possession and has committed acts aimed at lesbianism.
     Lesbian women, in the spirit of deception in your mind think that is more satisfying sexual relationship with a woman with a man. Dominate his wife prefer to be dominated. In these relationships, both women play an active role in other women is an active subject and the other taxpayer. Known as "the man from woman, man or woman." This spirit is assisted by subtle forms of attention, deceiving, destroying marital relations, to enter into full action.
     Science naively attributes these processes of homosexuality in men and women, to greater or lesser number of male or female hormones in people ignoring or genetic reasons are powerful spirits within the human being. Satan likes that explanation of modern science, so that people feel with rights held within the company and the claim and excel in all spheres of society because they are her beloved children to make fun of God's creation. He is also called option of sexuality by the demon or possessed, or sexual deviation, existing in being a power of darkness dwelling on it, under the guise of a good person who does no wrong to anyone despite their customs. -
     In today's society it is generally a high level of homosexual practice in all social strata, men and women, and public acceptance, moral, religious and legally. These are the levels that were Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom Sion and is the destroyer of the Holy One of Israel: "And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grievous ... "Genesis 18:20
     In Sodom and Gomorrah practiced lesbianism, thus saith the Lord, sin is aggravated in the extreme, women with women, men with men, women with animals, men with animals, sexual orgies and so on. The moral degradation caused by Satan, was successful for the kingdom of darkness, all souls were won, not one had that could save, save Lot and only him. Not even his daughters were saved. These cities were used as pollution to others, therefore the Lord, destroyed them and all the souls found their way to hell. The legions of spirits of all those people, survive or live, they have completed their mission, to win these souls for that perfect cherub that God made with such love and now reigns in the darkness, and sought new homes contaminating all limits land, reaching his generation of Isaiah and Jeremiah, where the multiplication was abundant.
     The daughters of Zion, among other evils practiced lesbianism as women of Edom, the trial of God announced time and again is not for nothing. "Because it increased the iniquity of my people but the sin of Sodom, which was destroyed in a moment, not to camp against her company." Lamentations 4:6
     God also punishes women for their lesbianism and discover more on this revelation, prophesied six centuries before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: "Your punishment is fulfilled, O daughter of Zion will never take you captive. Punish your iniquity, O daughter of Edom will discover thy sins. "Lamentations 4:22
     Sin undisclosed, is the foundation of Satan's legal right. As much as we use the master, once known this, you must undo the attachment without fear spiritual, because it hurts the person, their descendants and those around them. If a spirit is within, though not revealed, eventually he or a mutation or reproduction of it, may enter into a child or another woman, to carry out his mission, he will quietly waiting for an oversight of the Christian or high moral or religious values to give input to another change in body or spirit.
     The lesbian contaminated. His soul is dark. There is still time repent.
     You, young lady or woman, looking for counseling with your pastor and pastor, church if you do not look for it, to break Satan's power over your life, mind how you were abused, as you were touched, and were forced to masturbate woman or enlarge its filth and not be afraid. Only God is to be feared, but at this moment he is with you, it is no coincidence that this book is in your hands.
     The spirit of lesbianism is a large number of women, waiting or working. Find out, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to expose the light of God, and be defeated. Amen and Amen.

5 comentarios:

  1. Es una bendición, lo que uds enseñan, por que desconocemos en profundidad el mundo espiritual. Tengo una pregunta ¿las enseñanzas que están en ingles, también están en español? He buscado varios traductores y no quedan claras muchas cosas que creo son importantes.Dios los bendiga y les siga dando revelación.

  2. Dios la bendiga. La traducción es de Google. Todo está en español. Puede bajar el libro gratis. Bendiciones.

    1. Necesito el libro por favor de enviar a eesquivel3075@gmail.com gracias Bendiciones en Cristo Jesús

  3. Dios la bendiga Gloria. Si nos envía su correo estaremos enviándole gratis por correo los dos libros: Espíritu Inmundo de Lujuria en el Hombre y la Mujer Y: Brujería al Descubierto en la Iglesia.
    Pastor Danilo Guido Chévez y Profeta Ana María Alguera

  4. Pastor puede otra para que mi esposo juan retrain regrese a Casa y deje a la mujer con quien anda sus hijos lo necesitan yo lo necesito en el nombre de Jesus asi sera


Dios te bendiga desde el momento que te atreves a hacer tu comentario, que la paz de Jesús entre a tu vida y te llene de gozo, fe y esperanza por lo que elegiste decir. Bendiciones por cada una de tus buenas intenciones para hacer crecer este Ministerio laico del poderoso Jesús.Ten fe y recibirás tus milagros estamos en oración permanente por cada persona que accesa al blog
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