
domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

ESPIRITU of homosexuals in Sodom, Gomorrah and Judah. Unclean spirit CAPITULOXIV BOOK OF LUST IN THE MEN AND WOMEN.

SPIRIT of homosexuals in Sodom, Gomorrah and Judah.

     The spirit of homosexuality comes in different forms in humans. One is through the eyes when the child sees a naked man, the spirit of undress, go and restless. Remember, this is not without precedent in generational curses and curses made the pregnancy, this spirit of homosexuality is aided by the spirit of curiosity in the child or adolescent has gained momentum and the spirit of sexual desire, until it gives the first strong demonstration with oral sex, masturbation or penetration against nature by another child or young person of the same sex.
     That spirit also enters a violent or intimidating through the spirit of violation of the boy or man, creating a shock, but eventually settled when the spirit begins to experience a pleasing stimulus to the flesh, possessing it to the point that creates a rejection of forms of women and he envies the female parts, to copy the spirit of effeminacy coming before or after the total conformation of the spirit of homosexuality, reaching its maximum expression to form the powerful spirit of lust .
     The spirit of effeminacy is not equal to the spirit of homosexuality. There are men of all ages, with no profession, occupation or gestures that have normal or even cause embarrassment to some people being gay, they act with total male gestures. Under certain circumstances, alcoholism, drug addiction, loneliness, romance, excitement by some external cause, this spirit takes control of man and offers.
     The spirit of effeminacy or effeminate, sometimes they get first and the traits of the boy indicated that it will become a homosexual, sometimes they get after being gay and begins to copy all feminine traits and customs, to convince yourself that may be a women, even that is a woman.
     The spirit of homosexuality is also the gateway to the sodomy or unnatural sexual practices performed with the will of two subjects where both are active simultaneously taxable. It can manifest in childhood and adulthood. The evil spirit in no hurry, while in one body will calm, always waiting time, you can expect a lifetime and a chance to take the government of being human. There is a belief that the man was a womanizer comes a time in his old age to be homosexual, this is possible if lustful in their practice at some point came into her life that spirit, which had dominion over, but the same lust with women serving food to the spirit of homosexuality, when the will was annulled by a crowd of spirits, it can happen that the other spirits give this opportunity to homosexual spirit, then will provide power and pleasure by such means that this person does had enjoyed before.
     Mass moves between the military, prisons, religious schools for boys and men's groups focused for a long time away from the feminine.
     The spirit of homosexuality is enhanced by videos, magazines and pornographic photos. Its manifestation is in Biblical Genesis 18:20 "And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grievous ..." Sodomy and all sexual perversions were part of the holiday traditions of Sodom and Gomorrah.
     When God's angels came to Lot's house, were so beautiful, that men of Sodom wanted to put them in their orgies. "They called to Lot and said unto him, Where are the men who came to you tonight? Take them out, to know them. "Genesis 19:5. Other versions translate "them out for us to go to bed with them" or "We want to have sex with them."
     Among the Canaanites commonly practiced sodomy. In Leviticus 18:22 states, "Thou shalt not lie with a male as with a woman, it is abomination."
     During the reign of Rehoboam in Judah, allowed to worship pagan gods and practices, to be displeasing to God: "There were also sodomites in the land, and did according to all the abominations of the nations whom the LORD drove out before the children of Israel . First of Reyes14: 24.
     The abominations of other nations, were transmitted to the people of Judah, who appropriated the pagan customs such insolent, making any practice of sexual perversion, including homosexuality. The celebrations lasted for days and nights, got drunk and lost consciousness of everything. Idolatrous invocation was strong, allowing a mass demonstration of demons, including homosexuals.
     In the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians, 6:9 leaves clearly established the severity of the sin of sodomy, homosexuality and effeminacy "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with men ... "
     The people of Israel was attacked by the spirit of homosexuality, becoming a natural part of town that homosexual behavior. Fully accepting Israelite society the practice adopted in the cultures of other nations as normal, without any moral, or spiritual, including the woman was used and abused against nature, being a common practice today. Few women, the day of reading this book that may have been abused in that way or with his consent practiced this kind of sexual perversion. It is a way of going against the nature of the digestive system created by God, for the removal of food waste.
     Christians for one reason or another have been mistaken or have confused this practice, thinking or believing, because it is his wife and she consents or may dispose of her body, can make this practice against the nature of the body. Not so. "Therefore God gave them over to degrading passions: for even their women exchanged the natural use into that which is unnatural, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, Men committed indecent acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. "Romans 1:26-27
     The Mosaic law prohibits and punishes the practice, since it was made for sinners, specifically for homosexuals. God's people should not support these practices. How can a homosexual, thank God, or invoke his holy name? The homosexual who has not been converted to Christ and believes that God made a miracle he is wrong. The Devil was the one who made the miracle, because they are his children. God does miracles for their children and God does not have gay children.
     In First Timothy, chapter one, verse ten o'clock we said that the law was made: "For fornicators, for sodomites ..."
     Satan has taken advantage of that spirit and has managed to introduce the tolerance of modern societies, allowing marriages between them and adoption.
     The gay community, is spiritually dead, walk in darkness, his only salvation is Jesus. In antiquity, the passive and active man deserved to die. The sin against the body is serious. It is highly polluting. It's disgusting to God, to the Angels, for the Saints, for Jesus, the Holy Spirit to see a male with another male, they think that nobody sees. "If any man lies with a male as with a woman, committed an abomination, both must be dead, his blood shall be upon them." Leviticus 20:13.
     The homosexual person is not born, is going to pollute in its growth. Medical science has shown that homosexuality is genetic, but not, even many religious leaders think the homosexual, was contaminated or possessed by an evil spirit from the womb, so is born homosexual. This belief is contrary to God's creation in the beginning made them male and female. "So God created man in His own image, the image of God he created him, male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
     The hell with pollution, but once born. The man from birth is being attacked by the spirit of homosexuality, to possess it. It is different than the poorly trained because their parents or their generation have given the legal right to Satan, then deformed in the womb, is the case of people with Downs Syndrome, blind, lame, dwarfs, without feet, hands , Siamese etc. but have a defined sex male or female at birth. These births are not works of God but of Satan for revenge on the creation of the highest. It is the will of God the birth of deformed people. Less than homosexuals. So saith me again: The homosexual is born, becomes the path of his life.
Only Jesus can free mankind of this spirit that leads to hell. There is still time.

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