
martes, 29 de junio de 2010


Por una ofrenda de $20 dólares puedes obtener el libro completo. Si no tienes como ofrendar se te enviará de gracia. Puedes depositar a través de Payoneer o Wester Union y Se te enviará inmediatamente a tu correo. Tu ofrenda será de bendición a nuestro ministerio.


     Los entierros de brujería son ataduras o nudos, partes de muñecos enterrados en frascos, según el mal deseado en determinado lugar, cabeza, manos, pies, parte del cuerpo, objetos, blumeres, calzoncillos, pañuelos, cabellos, fotografías, perfumes, dientes o colmillos de animales, sangre de menstruación o directamente de las venas, de acuerdo a lo que pretende la persona: sexo, locura, muerte, contiendas, destrucción de matrimonios, pobreza, miseria, fracaso etc.
     Estos se entierran principalmente alrededor o en la casa del afectado, en los cementerios, iglesias o lugares conjurados espiritualmente para que los espíritus de las tinieblas se muevan hacia la persona, con sus previas oraciones de brujería y de maldad sobre la persona.
     Se utilizan en los entierros cosas que la gente cree sagradas en las iglesias, como flores o principalmente lirios, agua bendita, hostias, velas de los santos, pedazos de tela, de los vestidos de las vírgenes y santos, adornos de los santos, porque dentro de estos santos existen demonios poderosos de idolatría y con la brujería se combina bien.
     Pájaros, órganos sexuales de animales, huesos, calaveras, plumas y otros objetos de personas son conjurados y enterrados con nombres, deseos y fe en la brujería. Y sucede. La fe es importante para que pueda suceder el mal deseado.
     Los brujos le dicen fe en el trabajito, pero nosotros sabemos que es fe en Satanás. Mucha gente sale de la casa de la bruja o brujo, pidiéndole a Dios que por fin se resuelva el problema. Por si acaso le piden perdón dándole explicaciones, presentando justificaciones.
     Los sueños con aguas sucias, con gente deforme, con demonios horribles, serpientes, animales descuartizados, sangre, calaveras, cruces, estrellas de cinco picos, animales que se transforman, caída del pelo, hombres o mujeres desnudas mostrando todo o parte de su cuerpo son señales de que hay brujería sobre la persona.
     En la brujería se usan animales descuartizados, gatos, patos, perros, alacranes, restos humanos como matriz de mujer conseguida en hospitales etc.
     La lectura de cartas, de manos, de caracoles, de café entra en la clasificación de brujería. Caramelos para los duendes, para el niño de Praga, quema de incienso o cosa parecida para aromatizar, agua de ruda para vender en los negocios, ajo detrás de la puerta, herraduras en las puertas de la casa, elefantes con la parte de atrás hacia fuera, pedazos de tela conjurados clavados u objetos clavados, son obras de brujería, los clavos significan la mente clavada y tienen un gran efecto sobre la persona.
     En estos días al escribir este capítulo, tuvimos un caso público de una posesión diabólica, donde una de las cosas que encontramos en la casa de una joven de quince años que estaba poseída demoníacamente fue un pedazo de tela clavado en la pared que le servía de fondo para colgar sus zapatos, este pedazo de tela le fue regalado por una persona, teniendo cada clavo una fuerza negativa de las tinieblas que ejercía poder sobre la mente de la joven, en cuanto se quitaron los clavos, se quemó la tela, se ungió el espacio y se oró muchos demonios perdieron fuerza y huyeron.
     Existen brujos o brujas con más poder uno que otros, que pueden enviar entierros de brujería debajo de las casas con espíritus. Esos entierros son poderosos y destruyen de forma acelerada. Sólo Jesucristo puede cancelar esos entierros.
     Padre celestial en el nombre de Jesús, te pido perdón por mis pecados y declaro a tu hijo amado como mi Salvador, en el nombre de Jesús, cancelo toda atadura de brujería, todo lazo, cancelo todo entierro, deshago toda obra de entierro de brujería y explotan esos entierros de brujería en el nombre que es nombre sobre todo nombre Jesús de Nazareth. Deshago ataduras, lazos, redes, trampas de brujería, para contienda y divorcio, miseria, muerte, pobreza y  accidente en el nombre de Jesús, Se destruye toda prenda mía u objeto personal de mi pertenecía utilizado para brujería y pierde su eficacia para obras de brujería en el nombre de Jesús, porque hay poder en Jesús y la Sangre de Cristo tiene poder, hay poder en la Sangre de Cristo.Amén.


Por una ofrenda de $20 dólares puedes obtener el libro completo. Si no tienes como ofrendar se te enviará de gracia. Puedes depositar a través de Payoneer o Wester Union y Se te enviará inmediatamente a tu correo. Tu ofrenda será de bendición a nuestro ministerio.


     En las comidas y bebidas se pone brujería, las personas que no creen o inocentemente comen y beben son víctimas, en sus estómagos se les forman animales, sapos, culebras, monos, pescados etc.
     Estos animales son espíritus de las tinieblas, no el sapo físico, pero es un sapo o animal dentro de la persona con todas sus características. La persona embrujada lo siente, quien tiene el don de visión ve esos animales durante la sesión liberación de la persona expulsando demonios de brujería de su cuerpo o de ella misma.
     En una oportunidad el señor a través de mi esposa y yo, liberó a una mujer que querían convertir en mona, cada día se iba encorvando más, caminando viendo hacia el suelo. El día de la liberación a través de su boca le salía chillidos de mona. Al salir ese espíritu, salieron después dos monitos hijos de la mona. Esto se debe a la reproducción sexual de algunos espíritus dentro de la persona, otros tienen otra forma de reproducción. Esta mujer ahora es una profeta de Dios y no se avergüenza de dar su testimonio para gloria y honra del todopoderoso Jehová de los Ejércitos.
     Por esta razón las personas deben tener cuidado de quien comen y beben, muchas veces los mismos amigos o familiares, novias o novios, personas con algún tipo de relación sentimental se prestan para transportar, ofrecer a través de la comida o bebida de cualquier cosa un tipo de brujería.
     A veces lo hacen conscientemente, otras veces ignorando la maldad de la otra persona. Lo importante para el malo es que la brujería entre al organismo de la persona
     En restaurantes, comiderías y ventas callejeras se hace brujería para vender. Todos estos productos están pactados, así es comprado e ingerido por muchas personas que gustan o por necesidad comen en las calles, más si Satanás tiene derecho legal sobre esa persona en el área de brujería, se consolidará ese espíritu, comenzando las dolencias que parecen enfermedades y nunca se curan.
     La persona lo que quiere es vender, pero ella también se pacta al realizar la obra de brujería y transmitir brujería a los comedores, bebedores o compradores.
     Los refrescos oscuros como la pithaya, remolacha, tamarindo, cebada, cacao, semilla de jícaro, café son ideales para poner brujería. Puede comenzar como un pequeño dolor de estómago, pero después pasa al acomodarse el espíritu.
     Las enfermedades internas del cuerpo, dolores de cabeza, etc. Tratadas médicamente sin ningún resultado positivo, enfermedades que se han vuelto crónicas y sólo se vive con un tratamiento permanente, pero no para curarse, sólo para sentir un poco de alivio. Son obra de brujería. Ser cristiano no basta, es necesario que nosotros mismos limpiemos el cuerpo, el templo del Espíritu Santo, para eso tenemos las armas dadas por Dios y las personas o instrumentos utilizados por el altísimo para ayudar a los demás de esos demonios.
     Existen obras de brujería en que los demonios directamente ponen la brujería en la persona durante su sueño, en un caso reciente en estos días que escribo este capítulo, una noche vino una pareja conocida de los días que yo anduve en el mundo, traían a su hija de dieciséis años, una joven recia de uno metro ochenta de estatura, quien se desesperó más al estar en la puerta del Ministerio y le rogaba a sus padres que se la llevaran y fue peor al entrar y sentarse, decía que no quería estar aquí. La presencia de la unción de Dios la atormentaba más, sus padres contaron rápidamente lo que sabían sobre una vecina que le estaba haciendo brujería a su hija porque le había quitado a su novio, entonces a la jovencita le salían del estómago por la boca unos hilos de todo tamaño hasta de un metro de largo.
     Efectivamente le habían hecho brujería, en el nombre de Jesús hicimos varias sesiones de liberación y los hilos salían. Pero había algo más, ella había dado entrada a la brujería porque además de no ser cristiana hasta ese momento, había visto todas las películas de Harry Potter y sin saberlo dio entrada a espíritus poderosos de hechicería que no eran en ese momento los que le perturbaban.
     Ella sintió y vio en visión, la noche que llegó un demonio le abrió la boca y le metió un rollo de hilo. Esta joven además andaba en su celular mensajes de asesinato de la muchacha EMO que mataron en Israel, a patadas dejándole caer una piedra grande en su cabeza. Este video fue difundido por Internet y son posesiones diabólicas, que le dan derecho a Satanás y sus demonios sobre las vidas de quien ande sus posesiones.
     Padre Celestial, te pido perdón por mis pecados y declaro a Jesús mi libertador, te pido señor me libres de toda obra de brujería en comida a bebida, que entró a mi organismo sin saberlo, en el nombre de Jesucristo, ordeno a todo espíritu de brujería en comida y bebida que salga de mí porque yo soy templo y morada de Espíritu Santo, cancelo por el poder de la Sangre de Cristo todo derecho legal que les había dado sobre mi vida, te pido señor que ahora derrames sanidad sobre mí.


Por una ofrenda de $20 dólares puedes obtener el libro completo. Si no tienes como ofrendar se te enviará de gracia. Puedes depositar a través de Payoneer o Wester Union y Se te enviará inmediatamente a tu correo. Tu ofrenda será de bendición a nuestro ministerio.


     En obras de brujería o de santería son utilizadas imágenes, o esculturas de vírgenes y santos, a quienes atribuyen un don especial, a san Antonio, conseguir novio o marido, a san Isidro le atribuyen milagros en la agricultura, a las diferentes vírgenes milagros de intercesión, a san Jerónimo milagros de sanidad, vírgenes para los navegantes y santos para conductores, al divino niño que no es más que el demonio sol de los babilonios le atribuyen diferentes milagros, a este divino niño yo le hice peticiones ante de entregarme a Cristo, y ese mismo día un cliente drogadicto me llevó cuatrocientos dólares que yo le estaba pidiendo para seguir en la inmundicia, Satanás me estaba proveyendo.
     Los brujos santeros manejan los favores que hace cada uno de los santos o vírgenes y en rituales les piden a los demonios que los representan los milagros sobrenaturales que la gente se cree, ignorando que el único que puede hacer milagros es Jesús, que el único mediador entre Dios y los hombres es Jesús, que el camino, la verdad y la vida es Jesús, todo lo pedido al padre en nombre de Jesús el nos los dará, solamente así podemos recibir no hay otra vía, el que no lo cree será enjuiciado, el que cree a los santos, vírgenes, brujos no cree en Jesús. “El que cree en el Hijo tiene vida eterna; pero el que rehúsa creer en el Hijo no verá la vida, sino que la ira de Dios está sobre él.” Juan 3:36
     Esta es la causa por la que la mayoría de los hijos de quienes han consultado brujos o santeros o pactan a sus hijos con santos, nacen con deformidades, enfermedades, maldiciones, o tiene un periodo definido de vida por Satanás porque pasa a ser de su propiedad, casi siempre con muertes trágicas y el pueblo piensa y dice ser esa la voluntad de Dios. Arrogándose de esta manera conocer la voluntad de Dios.
     En los rituales se hacen ataduras o nudos cada una con un motivo o deseo, atando la mente de la persona para que no razone ni vea lo que está viendo, para que no pueda tener relaciones sexuales con determinada persona.
     Utilizan fotografías, rosarios que bajo conjuros de brujería muchas veces son obsequiados, muñecos con alfileres, velas encendidas ante las fotos o muñecos o dentro de calaveras, cruces para muerte, quien sueña con estas cosas podrá discernir que están trabajando en su contra en cualquiera de estas áreas, para muerte o un mal mayor, para locura entregando esa persona a Satanás en pacto, pueden tirarse al fondo del mar, enterrarse en las tumbas de los cementerios o en la casa de la persona.
     Se escribe papeles con los deseos sobre la persona a los que se les pone sangre de menstruación, se coloca en las oficinas o casas en lugares estratégicos.
     Las personas locas o dementes que vemos en las calles, hombres y mujeres, sucias, llenas de piojos, desnudas por las calles son víctimas de obras de brujería. Ese proceso es paulatino, la persona siente síntomas, dependiendo del trabajo que le hayan hecho, acude a los médicos pero nunca tendrá una respuesta apropiada, para lograr su sanidad sólo Jesús puede librarla de su cautividad. “Y he aquí una mujer cananea que había salido de aquella región clamaba, diciéndole: ¡Señor, Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mí! Mi hija es gravemente atormentada por un demonio. Pero Jesús no le respondió palabra.
     Entonces acercándose sus discípulos, le rogaron, diciendo: Despídela, pues da voces tras nosotros. El respondiendo, dijo: No soy enviado sino a las ovejas perdidas de la casa de Israel. Entonces ella vino y se postró ante él, diciendo: ¡Señor, socórreme! Respondiendo él, dijo: No está bien tomar el pan de los hijos, y echarlo a los perrillos. Y ella dijo: Sí, Señor; pero aun los perrillos comen de las migajas que caen de la mesa de sus amos. Entonces respondiendo Jesús, dijo: Oh mujer, grande es tu fe; hágase contigo como quieres. Y su hija fue sanada desde aquella hora.” Mateo: 15:22-28

lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

¿Qué es el Diezmo? Autor: Lic. Dawlin A. Ureña

¿Qué es el Diezmo?
Autor: Lic. Dawlin A. Ureña
(El Lic. Ureña es Pastor, y miembro de la Asociación Científica
CRS - Creation Research Society)
     El Diezmo es la puerta del creyente hacia el pacto de bendición. El Diezmo es una ley espiritual tan efectiva como lo son las leyes naturales. Así como la Gravedad permite que los objetos caigan al suelo si son dejados en el vacío, así el Diezmo permite al creyente recibir "medida buena, apretada, sacudida y rebosante". Lucas 6:38.
     El Diezmo es una Ley Espiritual que no tiene limitaciones por el paso del tiempo. Aunque se estableció en el Antiguo Testamento, esta ley hoy continua tan efectiva como siempre.
¿De dónde viene la palabra Diezmo?
     La palabra Diezmo nace de la palabra hebrea "maaser" o "maasrah", que traduce Diezmo, o una décima parte. En el Griego la palabra que designa esta "décima parte" es "apodekatoo" y tanto en el Hebreo como en el Griego, estos términos significan el "pago o dádiva de una décima parte o porción."
¿Cuál es el propósito del Diezmo?
     Cuando damos el Diezmo a Dios de nuestros ingresos, ese acto le permite a Dios actuar en nuestro defecto y bendecirnos. La Biblia contiene numerosos recuentos de hombres dando su Diezmo a Jehová. Dios es el creador de todo lo que hay. Él lo posee todo. Nosotros somos simplemente "administradores" de sus bienes. El propósito del Diezmo es que porque Él desea que nosotros le demos un diez por ciento del 100% que Él nos da, para que nuestro corazón nunca esté concentrado en las lo que Él nos ha dado, sino en el Dador.
     Cristo claramente estableció la razón del Diezmo y de nuestras ofrendas a Dios: "Porque donde esté tu tesoro, allí también estará tu corazón". Mateo 6:21.
¿No es el Diezmo solamente para los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento?
     Es cierto que así como el Sábado, el Diezmo no puede totalmente justificarse basándose en el Nuevo Testamento. Sin embargo, el hecho de que el Cristianismo haya dejado de guardar el último día de la semana, el Sábado, no significa que hayamos dejado de separar un día específico para la adoración y la entrega total a la adoración de nuestro Creador. Nuestro Sábado es el Domingo, lo cual da continuidad a la ley espiritual del Día Santo. El Sábado fue un principio espiritual que determinaba el deseo de Dios de que el hombre separara un día de la semana para entregarse total a Dios. Hoy usamos el Domingo para, NO SOLAMENTE ADORAR AL PADRE, SINO PARA TAMBIÉN CELEBRAR LA VICTORIA DE SU HIJO SOBRE LA MUERTE. El Sábado es un principio espiritual establecido mientras la Creación exista. De la misma forma, aunque el Diezmo fue establecido, tal y como lo fue el Sábado, durante los tiempos del Antiguo Testamento, continúa siendo efectivo hoy día.
     La Biblia nos establece el siguiente axioma espiritual: "Toda buena dádiva y todo don perfecto proviene de lo alto y desciende del Padre de las luces, en quien no hay cambio ni sombra de variación… Porque yo Jehová no cambio" Santiago 1:17 y Malaquías 3:8
     Si usted ha confiado en el Dios que en Génesis 3:15, hace unos 6,000 años, prometió que un día enviaría un Salvador, y lo hizo, usted debe también confiar en que así como Él, 6,000 años más tarde cumplió su palabra, así hoy cumpla su palabra cuando le promete lo siguiente:
     "Traigan íntegro el diezmo para los fondos del templo, y así habrá alimento en mi casa. Pruébenme en esto dice el Señor Todopoderoso, y vean si no abro las compuertas del cielo y derramo sobre ustedes bendición hasta que sobreabunde." Malaquías 3:10
     Si usted da el Diezmo que corresponde al Señor, ¡Él no tiene alternativa que bendecirle! De hecho, esta es la única vez en toda la Biblia donde el Señor nos reta a probarlo. ¿Desea aceptar el reto?
¿Pecamos cuando no traemos el Diezmo al Señor?
     En el Nuevo Testamento no está claramente establecido que no traer el Diezmo es pecado. Basándonos en la ilustración proporcionada por Jesús en Marcos 12 podemos ver que si usted no da el Diezmo porque en realidad no tiene ningún ingreso, usted no está pecando. Pero… ¿No se moriría de hambre usted si en realidad no tuviera totalmente nada que dar? En el caso de la anciana de Marcos 12, su indigencia era total, pero en medio de la pobreza más terrible, tomó todo lo que tenía y lo dio. ¿Acaso no lo dio con la esperanza de que Dios honraría su palabra y le daría de regreso bendiciones? ¡Esa fue la promesa hecha por el mismo Dios!
     Pues en nuestro caso, nosotros que hoy vivimos en tal abundancia, ¿Acaso podríamos alegar que no tenemos nada qué dar? ¡No! Si en su corazón está la actitud de cumplir con la ley de "dar y recibir" establecida en Lucas 6:38 ("Da y se te os dará"), el Señor ciertamente cumplirá con su parte del pacto.
     El pecado consistiría en no dar, cuando en efecto tenemos. El pecado consistiría en colocar nuestra confianza y esperanza a la "basura" de este mundo en vez de en la Palabra y Promesas de nuestro Dios.
     Las estadísticas muestran que en Estados Unidos solamente un 20% de los cristianos diezman. El otro 80% queda sujeto a la siguiente reprensión:
     "¿Acaso roba el hombre a Dios? ¡Ustedes me están robando! Y todavía preguntan: ¿En qué te robamos? 'En los diezmos y en las ofrendas. Ustedes la nación entera están bajo gran maldición, pues es a mí a quien están robando. Traigan íntegro el diezmo para los fondos del templo, y así habrá alimento en mi casa. Pruébenme en esto dice el Señor Todopoderoso, y vean si no abro las compuertas del cielo y derramo sobre ustedes bendición hasta que sobreabunde." Malaquías 3:8-10
     Yo soy hispano. Miembro del Cuerpo de Cristo. Soy parte de la porción hispana de la Iglesia de Cristo. Pero… una de las deficiencias más mugrientas que tiene mi porción de la Iglesia Universal, la Hispana, es que "le robamos" al Señor. Yo conozco iglesias donde los ingresos brutos de sus miembros sobrepasan los 200,000 pesos. Sin embargo, al Pastor no se le paga lo suficiente para mantener dignamente a su familia. ¿Por qué? Porque los ingresos recibidos por la iglesia no suman los 6,000 pesos. ¿Qué significa esto? Que los miembros le están "robando" al Señor.
     Yo soy de los que creen que la Iglesia Hispana no saldrá nunca de la pobreza donde está sumida hasta que nos detengamos de "robar" al Señor su Diezmo. Ese es un principio espiritual que la Iglesia Hispana no ejercita como debería. Los cristianos que no entran en este pacto con Dios no necesariamente pierden su salvación, ¡NO! Pero no son más que pordioseros cuyo tesoro está en las cosas materiales, en vez de en las promesas de Johová Jireh: El Proveedor.
¿Para qué usa las Iglesia el Diezmo y las ofrendas?
Para pago del sueldo del pastor y otros obreros de la Palabra
Para pago de renta, utilidades, materiales, etc.
Para enviar misioneros a las naciones
Para proveer ayuda a los necesitados en la comunidad
Para comprar materiales para la educación de sus miembros: Biblias, libros, guías, etc.
Para construcción de nuevas obras que amplíen el alcance del Evangelio.
Para ayudar a los obreros, predicadores, visitantes, etc. que visitan el templo para bendecir al Pueblo de Dios con el estudio de la Palabra, etc.
¿Cuán frecuentemente debe darse el Diezmo?
     Debido a que el Diezmo es la décima parte de todos sus ingresos, usted debe separar una décima parte de todos sus ingresos y traerlo al templo. Si usted cobra semanalmente, separe el Diezmo semanalmente y deposítelo la próxima vez que vaya al templo a adorar. Si usted cobra quincenalmente, o mensualmente, lo mismo aplica.
¿Qué significado tiene el Diezmo para el Señor?
La Biblia nos hace una comparación magnífica que nos ilustra el significado del Diezmo para el Señor.
     "En el caso de los levitas (en el mundo físico), los diezmos los reciben hombres mortales; en el otro caso (en el mundo espiritual), los recibe Melquisedec (tipo de Cristo), de quien se da testimonio de que vive." Hebreos 7:8
     Esto significa que los sacerdotes levitas, quienes son simples hombres sujetos a la muerte, reciben el diezmo y las ofrendas, pero como de la muerte de Melquisedec nunca se hizo mención, de aquí se desprende que Melquisedec es un tipo de Cristo, quien vive para siempre, y que por tanto, es quien, en el mundo espiritual, recibe los diezmos en realidad.
     El Diezmo es y continuará siendo una ley espiritual efectiva, ¡la practique usted o no!

Pastor Dawlin A. Ureña
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010



     When we arrived at the feet of Christ, our sins are forgiven. But our sinful behavior the world has brought spiritual consequences that still remain and it takes time cleaning the forger about your jewelry, so let's brilliant. Throughout this process requires the release of evil spirits from the temple of God, constant cleaning and seals of God to all open or opening that we have caused voluntarily or involuntarily in the mind. Remember that Satan will try to enter each moment. He is perfect and knows the weaknesses of human beings.
     A look, a word, a race, a little resentment, a small act of envy, a slander, omission, an imperceptible disobedience are enough inputs to the enemy, more Christians who watches day and night, because it is an enemy representative of Jesus hated.
     The confession of sins to a priest or pastor is biblical, is found in: Numbers 5: 6-7 "Say to the children of Israel: The man or woman who commits any of all the sins which men commit crimes and trespass against the LORD , that person confess sin he committed, and fully compensate the damage, and add unto it the fifth part, and give it unto him against whom he sinned. "The Israelites were to see a priest with offerings and sacrifices for their sins.
     Proverbs 28:13 "He who conceals his sins does not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy." James 5: 16 "Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much. "Prayer of the righteous is necessary after the confession, just before God is the upright walking in holiness, that deserves to be heard by the high, you need to walk in the way of perfection. "My eyes shall be upon the faithful of the earth to be with me: he that walketh in the path of perfection, he shall serve me. Psalms 101-6
     The spiritual and material prosperity is in the confession, prayer of a righteous person to be healed of the spirit.
     Every sin committed on children or when was a boy or girl must come to light, so that Satan lost the handle on that spiritual area. It is important to expose what was light in the dark heart of fear or shame.
     Even having confessed Christ as our Savior, bringing the Christian process is the best way congregations "not neglecting to meet together, as some people do, but encouraging, and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews: 10: 25; there are difficult areas to let the Christian God is always giving, but not exceeded. This is due to a lack of sincerity with himself and his spiritual guide. The right to the spirit of disturbance will always have something without a rebel. It's like being an accomplice to that event. As silent about the sin committed, together with that spirit. The feel protected when not reported, although God has forgiven.
     Lustful action in various forms has a meaning for the demons surveyed and discovered in this work.
     SEXUAL aberration: Combination of practices where there shredding demons and death of the person as the only method to obtain before or after sexual satisfaction.
     SEXUAL ABUSE: lewd touching without consent of the person.
     SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Emphasis under pressure to words or works to achieve the consent of the carnal in any form.
     ADULTERY: Access flesh out of wedlock with a man or woman who is not your husband or wife.
     Bestiality. Animal sexual pleasure.
     Bisexual: A person having sex with men and women.
     CONCUSPICENCIA: Sexual desire of the flesh.
     SEXUAL CURIOSITY: A person who wants to see some of the sexual parts of people just to meet his eyes.
     NUDITY: A person without clothing.
    EROTISM: Lust disguised as decency. Eroticism is practicing the educated, the intellectuals, educated people. It is the sex disguised with pretty words, poetry, paintings, sculptures, films that are works of erotic art and aesthetic of high society. Sexuality is a hypocrite. False.
     Rape: Deception to access the sexual pleasure of the flesh of the person deceived.
     Sexual display. Action pleased to show at least some of their sexual parts to incite the imagination of other people or they see.
     Fetishism. Sexual satisfaction with objects and underwear of another person.
     FORNICATION: Access without a carnal marriage.
     Homosexuality or sodomy: Sex unnatural man with man.
     SEXUAL IMAGINATION. Recreate or create in the minds of sexual situations.
     Incest: Sexual intercourse with birth relatives, close. Fathers, mothers, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, grandparents.
     Sexual immorality: Loss of moral values, religious Christians in society, the practice of certain sexual behaviors that are condemned by public society.
     Lust: Propensity to lust or carnal pleasure.
     LESBIAN: Sex woman with woman.
     LIBIDO: Drive unconscious, intrusive, which governs the life of living beings in the psychoanalysts, sex drive.
     LUST: Too much or too much, use illicit pleasures.
     Sexual masochism: sexual pleasure to pain, while someone else is having sex, that person feels pain but enjoy it.
     Masturbation: Friction or stimulation of sexual organs. Sexual complacency.
     Necrophilia: Sex with dead people.
     Nymphomania. Women's insatiable desire for sex and its embodiments.
     SEXUAL OBSESSION: A person who puts sex first and wants to get in any method or promise regardless of its consequences.
     SEXUAL ORGY. Sexual involvement of men and women in pleasures of the flesh, in groups, at the same time.
     Pedophilia: carnal satisfaction of adult men with children.
     Sexual perversion: Sex in positions, oral forms, and unnatural, can be combined with other practices to obtain sexual satisfaction.
     Sexual disturbance: A person who has reached the end and his mind does not reason, its purpose is to get sex without a consequence.
     PORNOGRAPHY. Enjoyment of watching films showing sex or magazines with nude photos.
     Sexual provocation: Incitement to have sex.
     Sexual sadism. Sexual enjoyment to the pain of another person while he has sex.
     SEXUAL SEDUCTION. Subtle hint to make the other person in the mood for carnal knowledge.
     Sensual: Persona given to the pleasures of the senses. Enjoy the sensuality in the minds of people.
     RAPE. Sex against the will or lack of will of man or woman.
    Sensuality: Complacency in sexual pleasures.
    VOYER: sexual satisfaction to see without being seen the nakedness of another person.
    MORBIDITY: Delight and satisfaction of the hearing to lick and play with the morbid spirit to the desired person sexually. The other person that has a feeling that stripped his eyes, but their sexual parts and his body has already been played and enjoyed by the spirit in his eyes. Guest for the spirits in the person being morbid or observed with avidity. This spirit has a large tongue and tongue flicks winding meats until the person can feel the sense that they are playing.
     These forty spirits under the command of his prince of lust act since the birth of the person to achieve pollute. There is no person who has not had experience with at least one of these spirits, in childhood or adulthood. It is necessary to identify, denounce, expose to the light of Christ to dispel the connection or link with our past.
     All spirits, large and small have their name and a nickname like humans, the princes and rulers of the darkness and have their names known to many ancient warriors of God. In a person can be a named Louise and Elizabeth, Pepito the homosexual etc. It will not be the same in others. Just the sanctity of the Liberation Minister to go regardless of his name being thrown into the abyss, naming its genre all in the name of Jesus. "In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind the spirit of lust and command you to leave this body." O "in the name of Jesus spirit of masturbation I bind you and command you to leave this body and go where you belong, the bottom of the abyss. "Etc.
     The spirit of lust is housed in the nerves of the spine from where it operates, the entire nervous system. You can put in column holy oil before starting the release.
     Prior to any release must take stock of life of the person and his ancestors, to establish the time of entry of the spirit of lust, ask the Holy Spirit the ministry of memories, to break chains curse. You must fully confess without fear and in full detail the context of sin, of the person, or sin committed against the person, to break ties or fastenings of the enemy.
     Then it must be the process of liberation. In a session will not all evil spirits. A single session is exhausting for the anointed of God and the person released. There will always be. Therefore it is necessary to establish it in several sessions in people fully prepared, otherwise there will be a good result because the demons will return in larger quantities. "When the unclean spirit out of the man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and finds. Then he says, will return to my house whence I came, and when he arrives, he finds it empty, swept and garnished. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Well be with this evil generation. "Matthew 12: 43-45
     To realize the full output of demons, it is essential that the release will be made by a servant of God characterized in the gift of liberation, totally spiritual discernment knows where the time has expired.
     The revelation of God to his prophets also provides a real release.
     The very state of the person, determine the outcome. If in the areas of sexuality and has no instincts or demonstrations and self-control has been imposed will be a good sign. We will always be exposed to temptation. The spiritual must be constantly cleaning from time to time with the Minister of liberation.
     All anointed servants of God, to experience some charge by the temptation of the sexual spirit of provocation and seduction, even the Minister of release, must confess to another and experience the ministry, destroy and expel the curse of his life whatever the price sentimental to pay.
      Self-sufficiency in many servants of God makes them fall into the trap. For lack of humility and silent suffering of torment. Spiritual struggles that affect your family relationship and heaven. His blessings are stagnant. Their homes become anathema cave. Relatives and friends are anathema part of their relationship within the household and outside it, but do not remove these people, nor accept their situation. They pray and fight, but without confession, the enemy has them tied. Have a legal right over them. God rebuke this servant, to act. But know or do not want to know or think or question God's will for him is that condition, it will. But his silence is anathema. Fear and lack of humility. Another spiritual person discern God's anointed because he has not moved and is being punished with a rod. The affected person will think you are testing, but they are not, the call of God to confess without fear of sin, to be meek and humble Jesus. What good is being strong in front of others, God knows what happened, and Satan also, their soldiers are inside the servant of God, complicit by their silence, at any time can bring down. Your home will go from bad to worse for disobedience. "So fear them not, because there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known." Matthew 10:26
     Pass fire is one thing, evidence is alia and whip or stick is another matter.
     Sometimes things are not going as God wants for fear of confession or disobedience. The spiritual leader is going to be hit with a rod, think, humble himself, confess to their release. It is normal for a servant of God, open doors, consciously or unconsciously. The important thing is closed or sealed.
     Lord forgive me my sins, forgive my transgressions, I confess the sin of lust today, because the spirit of seduction sexual provocation and so on. I was attacked, and disturbing spirits are on my mind. In the name of Jesus I ask you seal the open doors in me.
     I will confess to the attack of seduction, sexual provocation and so on. On behalf of my sheep Mary, my stepdaughter, my niece, my neighbor, Martha, Mrs. Magdalena etc.
     In the name of Jesus I bind and command this unclean spirit within me, quit, command the abyss by the power of the Blood of Christ. Amen. "
     This prayer is a sample and should be extended. But it is effective. Removes curses from home whomsoever. Short strong friendship with the person who caused the temptation. Get rid of any object that brings back memories or belong to the person of sin. No matter its value. The Lord will your obedience and I will reset. Your blessings will come later. All do it in Jesus' name.
     The entry of these spirits has been the view. "The lamp of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body will be in darkness. So, if the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! "Matthew 6: 22 -23.
     We should be considerate of others because they are friends or family. They are our enemies, the demons of lust and his army and want us to fall. It is best to cut without the slightest hesitation or fear. 'But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already adultery with her in his heart. Therefore, if your right eye causes you to stumble, tear it out and cast it from thee: it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell. And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and cast it from thee: it is better for you to lose one of your members than that your whole body be cast into hell. "Matthew 5: 28-30.
     You can do me this prayer, repeating whatever you want, ask your family, your children and any other person to repeat it.
      Heavenly Father, I ask your forgiveness for my sins, I declare your son Jesus Christ my only savior, my only release, the only restaurateur in my marriage, the only healer of my illness and my family. In Jesus' name I break every chain of curse on my life because of my parents and my grandparents, I cancel all my ancestors pact with Satan over my life, I cancel all legal rights of Satan over my life. All in the name of which is the name above every name Jesus, kneels before whom all creation in heaven, on earth and under the earth. I ask Mr enroll my name in the book of life, all I ask in the mighty name of your only beloved Son Jesus of Nazareth. Amen. "



     This chapter was written after finishing the book, but it retained its place in the text with only the title and then the blank page awaiting the moment when the vision of my wife Ana Maria, his journey to hell and the revelations of the Almighty , the following chapters continued to be written in the meantime.
      The first time God spoke to me audibly told me to read and I collected the appointment of Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not." Ever since my life changed suddenly, my relationship with the world was limited to what is necessary, as it passed a few people training, rather a person believed, that person is an apostle of God, who pastors the Gethsemane Church in Nicaragua, now my spiritual father terrestrial coverage giving me. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us: he that is not of God heareth not us. In this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. "First of Juan4: 6 My family moved away completely from me, because they thought he was crazy and that he was possessed by an evil spirit that gave me the information, because many things revealed hidden from their past when they were said were true, but thought it was true that the mighty Lord of hosts talk to me anytime. While my wife was traveling in spirit to hell, God was telling me the walkthrough, to take note and bring the world these revelations will help many people in search of light. This journey into the depths of Sheol was a March 3, two thousand nine to the twenty past three p.m. and ended at forty past four p.m.. During that time my wife was shocked by what he saw, attacking each other in tears, because they saw relatives in the fire that called for mercy and begged and said that they had not done anything other that nobody had mentioned the word, others did not know they worship saints, virgins and pray rosaries was idolatry. It was touching to see the status of my wife, but God gave him strength to continue and complete the vision for the purpose of this book, revealing the lust in hell and how are all those who participated in the works of the flesh while they lived on land, now under the earth in the fire that they were told, but never believed or did not care. Here we reveal only what God permits, many people do not believe this, unless you believe otherwise.
     The tour starts at the dark tunnel. The light of Jesus reveals the demons who do not want to let him. At the sides of the tunnel there are cells. The women in them complain. They are one in each cell. They tell Jesus: "We're going to serve" .- Jesus says: - "there is no time for you, was it.
     After having gone through several places where they are relatives of mine and my wife, we are in the place where there is the principality of lust and everything is sex in overabundance in the midst of fire, worms, and the unbearable stench of burnt flesh and bones, of putrefaction, which were beautiful women and men who were handsome when they lived on earth, but they did not repent and are now rotting flesh burning, screaming in pain and helplessness, running to escape the fire, but only find more fire and demons that attack with fire when they want to escape the meat is falling apart and I will go back up and wrecked engusanadas.
     A woman is in a cell with a snake, complains that enters and leaves in her sexual organ, the snake let go and grab a demon and makes sex with fire.
     She burns the snake in and out and having sex with her demons. It is so because he liked having sex with a snake.
     Below is a large cell, many women, disrupted, many prostitutes there bestiality, women having sex with dogs and snakes. A sex with a horse. Demons come to haunt them. Sex with fire, fire fire, many demons, cells on fire, worms and out, a big demon fire pull them up, is enormous and will have sex with them all. They knew my word, but never attended.
     ORGY: Women and men disfigured by fire, two men in orgies with a woman, then another woman, the skin falling off, bursting into flames, sex of all kinds, chain orgies, women with women. A man with five women. Oral and anal sex. The demons of the grip, they catch them all. The meat detached. There are animals doing oral sex on men, dogs, cats. Women have sex with cat tails are skeletons but are transformed at a time when meat and then follows the flesh and it hurts women.
     SEX WITH DEAD: Sex with the dead and eternal death, these men had sex with dead women. A man settles the sexual organ of the dead in his anus. With the dead women had anal, oral and normal. He opened his mouth to the dead and he introduced the member. The demons come and you have to do to them that sex with fire. They ask for mercy because they can not more.
     WITH GAY BISEXUAL: Sex with female prostitutes, married women. Anal, oral and normal. Demons torment with fire and make homosexuals having oral sex with them. The women were tormented with anal sex, oral and normal. Bisexuals I have to do all the demons with fire, whatever they liked. Everything is called and I'm sorry, stench and worms.
     Sexual perversity PLACE: They take men and women of the cells and put a closure with demons and animals. Have oral sex, anal and normal fire the flames of hell, over the fire in the center of the pen, moans and screams. A monster of lust is great sex with everyone and spread fire. Several members have to penetrate to many at the same time is great.
     INCEST: Cells of parents with daughters, in remorse, tormented. Parents having sex with their daughters because otherwise the devil you do with them. Anyway, the devil's torments and sex makes them with fire. There is a hole in the center of the cell, like a door open and fall to be tormented with fire and rebound, a deep tunnel down, down in flames and demons are on the walls and they expect to spend and give sex to father and daughter. There at the bottom of a volcano as lava, and they put them back out again.
      VIOLATION: Women and men are raped and violated, in this cell because they never accepted Christ. Lifetime violated demons as fire. There are rapists and rapists. Violators are violated as well, now they did make the demons, but with fire, as well as women violators. They are forced to rape each other, but the demons break anyway violate fire.
      MASTURBATION: Men and women masturbating for life, bursting into flames, shedding their skins, worms and out, can not stand more that masturbation, demons help them with their hands in the fire to masturbate. Masturbate each other, because if they do with them demons. Calaveras fire, they put the skin and act worms. Burning flesh, burnt hair.
     Pedophilia: The pedophilia practiced in a cell are paying for their sin, there is a child of twelve years of age with these gentlemen, because he liked to do that, I liked that the boy died perforated his intestines. He died because he liked, is abused by all these gentlemen and the haunting demons with fire in the cell and abuse them demons.
     PORNOGRAPHY: Come pornography demons in your mind is all they saw and practiced with demons. Llamas, peeling skin stench day and night. No rest, bring to a corral and more tormented. Orgies are assembled in one pen. There are demons orgies with them, the flames burned.
     FAMILY SEX: Mothers, daughters and entire family all having sex with demons. They all have sex among themselves, under fire, shedding skin and worms in their bodies. They shared no matter men and women to be the man of the mother or the daughter or niece or was the wife of his son, his brother and so on.  Demons torment them all telling them that their children and families will also come to hell.

"Sexual perversity of Jerusalem." CHAPTER XVIII unclean spirit BOOK OF LUST IN THE MEN AND WOMEN.

"Sexual perverts OF JERUSALEM"

     "I regretted having created man then it was too late." In his infinite love, God wanted a mute to be enjoyed by man. Where the relationship of humanity were holy and moderate. Where no evil reign, envy, backbiting, sexual perversity, disobedience.
     Jehovah could have totally destroyed the human race, but he had compassion on the first men and survivors of the flood that were in his way.
     Abraham, the friend of God, the father of multitudes, that promised descendants rebelled against the Most High. They defied the Lord, worshiping idols in large orgies neither see nor hear, nor miracles, arrived to our days and religious transformations to confuse the people of God.
     Since ancient times, pagan worship Tammuz, was convicted by God. This ritual was done in the midst of numerous sexual orgies
     The child god Tammuz, was born on December 24 at midnight of the night, the son of Semiramis, who was called the queen of heaven and one of the priests.
     Semiramis was the wife of Nimrood, a descendant of Noah and when he died, saying she cheated the people would have a child of God Nimrood, who had fertilized his spirit after death. At birth the infant god, planted a tree near the tomb of Nimrood, where people leave gifts for the birth of the child to worship God. This pagan tradition was taken by the people of God. For that reason, the Lord destroyed Jerusalem. However, that survives to this day pagan cult Tammuz, god child, born on December 24.
     Jesus Christ was born a day that is not written. That date of birth and his death has not been revealed to anyone. I asked this revelation and refused to give me sir. "He brought me to the doorway of the house of the LORD, which is north, and behold, women who were sitting there weeping for Tammuz." Ezekiel 8:14.
     The people of God is perverted, choosing the works of the flesh to the fellowship of His Holy Spirit. The prophet Ezekiel, gives a clear picture of pollution in Jerusalem six hundred years before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. As he had advanced the perversion of God's holy people. The prophets told lies, blood covering his hands. Paganism invaded the city. Leaders plotting perversity.
     The spiritual world of darkness ruled the people of Israel, with all its abominations. Lord reminds Jerusalem through his prophet Ezekiel: "I did multiply as the grass of the field, and you grew up and became tall and arrived to be very beautiful, your breasts were formed and your hair had grown, but were naked and bare. And I went through again with you, and I looked, and behold thy time was the time of love, and I spread my skirt over you and covered your nakedness, and I gave the oath and entered into a covenant with thee, saith the Lord and you were mine. I washed with water and washed off your blood from you and anointed you with oil, and you dressed in embroidered, I slipped on badger, I slipped your linen and covered thee with silk. "Ezekiel 16: 7-10
     God prepared His chosen people, gave him wealth, power on earth to come to reign over the nations. They lived in abundance and superabundance, but rejected the right ways, sinking into the muck, sharing with other nations in their reigns, customs and above all lead astray them and their wives sexually. Contaminated their children.
     Jerusalem, the Holy of God, just like women not giving themselves totally to Jesus Christ, the harlot. Just as women are given to anyone, regardless of their home, pretending, visiting temples, churches, but in his heart there is prostitution, even taking their husbands to satisfaction and support, looking at the man outside, the man in the street, what is only in Jesus Christ.
     Are confident in their physical beauty, as beauty of body and give it to anyone to experience sexual adventures and abominable forms of pleasure as oral sex and unnatural. "But you trusted in your beauty and the harlot because of thy renown, and poured out your prostitution to those who passed away, his eras. You took off your clothes, and I did several high places, and fornicating on them such a thing had never happened or will happen more. Also took your beautiful jewels of gold and silver which I gave you, and you made images of man and committed adultery with them, "Ezekiel 16:15-17
     In Jerusalem, multiplied images, idol worship and child sacrifice to these gods. They were offered honey, fine flour and oil to please the images, created with gold and silver, making sexual members to fornicate with them. The sexual orgies were held with the images, semen on them and threw the women rubbed it in fertility rites.
     So the women leaving their homes, regardless of the curse that will fall on their daughters, bought jewelry, perfumes, clothing underwear showing them off in their filth with men of the street and these become your images or objects of their worship idols. Making religion with the spirit of sexual perversion. The same is before now. Idolatry is in the heart of the woman or the man who sacrifices his money, the time of your children, your relationship with God to join sexually with a stranger in a room full of unclean spirits of darkness that bind more and more.
     Idolatry is in the desired woman, possessed or the man who gives pleasure, money, understanding the everyday woman who desired him first and then others or other women. Because pollution made great strides. Only Jesus can deliver us a demonic passion. Passion in the world. Passion for prostitution. Passion for fornication. Passion for another man. Passion for the strange woman with sweet lips and soft that lead to grave. We forget the Almighty, who has been patiently waiting. "And with all your abominations and your prostitution you have not remembered from the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, when you were wrapped up in your blood. It happened that after all your wickedness (woe, woe to you! Saith the Lord) "Ezekiel 16:22-23,
     In all the places where the woman walks are an opportunity to leave a trail of provocation and offered to anyone. All high place are the different dating sites and adventures where the perversity or commits sexual immorality, undermining the body of God. "In every way buildedst head up high, and you made your beauty abominable, and you offered to those who passed by, and multiplied your harlotry." Ezekiel 16:25
     Women believe in the sexual power of her lovers, imagine, prefer large sexual members do not find in their husbands, and happened to the women of Jerusalem, they preferred to commit fornication with the Egyptians to have a reputation for good lovers. What is in these men, who are outside the true nature of God are sexual demons. The Egyptians were a people of the Devil. "And played the harlot with the Egyptians, your neighbors, meat fat, and increase your prostitution to get angry." Ezekiel 16:26. In other versions it reads: "... Those powerful Egyptian sexual ..." "... The Egyptians thy neighbors, great members ..."
     Shapes, sizes, colors, male and female sex are the work of Satan perverted imagination. Continuity abundance or overabundance sexual or sex are the work of spirits of uncleanness.
     Sexuality should be for holiness. Holy Sex. In prayer ministered by the blessed Holy Spirit of God. Feeling good with your partner and above all with the Lord that allows us the pleasure and satisfaction of this need of the body, while we caught up to live a heavenly life, asexual in the kingdom of heaven.
     The man and the woman sexually immoral, have no peace, there will be a new opportunity, a chance to see the nakedness of another person, the fear of God neutralizes the spirit of lust. This happened to the people of Israel. "Multiply your prostitution also in the land of Canaan and the Chaldeans, nor with that you were not satisfied. How fickle is your heart, saith the Lord, having done all these things, works of a shameless harlot, building high places in your head the whole way, and doing your altars in all places! And you were not such a whore, that despised the money. "Ezekiel 16:29-31
     That's a woman without God, a shameless whore. One woman and another man. How can Mr. hearing your prayers? They think that the listener, but it is not. Corruptible God would have a prayer if he heard of the daughters of Satan.
     God hears the prayers of their sons and daughters. Satan hears the prayers and fasting of their sons and daughters who walk in darkness of fornication and adultery, he will shine the next victim, while their arrival is his turn to hell.
     Men and women, are contaminated by the day, its perversions are older, they become his daily food delivery and assets as in other hands, they need to pay to be loved. Often blood is upon them by the vengeance of husbands or lovers or lovers cheated and insulted. Jerusalem, lived all that, the people of God spoiled. "But as adulterous woman, instead of her husband receives others. All the whores give gifts, but you gave your gifts to all your lovers, and gave them present, so that all parties reach you in your prostitution. And it has happened with you, in your prostitution, the opposite of the other women because no one has asked you to fornicate, and you give the pay, instead of receiving it, for it has been different. Therefore, harlot, hear the word of the LORD. Thus saith the Lord: for they have been exposed your nakedness in your prostitution, and your confusion has been expressed your love, and the idols of your abominations, and the blood of your sons who gave them and therefore , behold, I will gather all your lovers with whom you took pleasure, and all those you loved, with all those you hated, and gather around you and uncover your nakedness to them, and they will see all your nakedness. And I will judge you by the laws of adultery, and who shed blood, and bring blood upon you in anger and jealousy. "Ezekiel 16: 32-38
     The engagement, first date, the young love in couples forget. They find enjoyment in your spouse and rioting with men and women of the world, thinking such a lack hide forever. He likes the devil. Therein lies the legal right of marriage. So his punishment predicts Lord to Jerusalem. "Because you have not remembered the days of your youth, and provoked me to anger in all this, so, here I also bring your way over your head, saith the Lord; they've even thought about all your lust. Behold, everyone who uses proverbs will you apply the proverb that says: Like mother, like daughter. Daughter you are your mother, who dismissed her husband and her children and sister are you of your sisters, who loathed their husbands and children; your mother was a Hittite, and Amorite your father. "Ezekiel 16: 43-45
     The demon of lust is a principality of darkness, very powerful and effective. One of the major importance of Satan. Head of armies of evil spirits.
     I revealed my Lord, to my question if Jesus was tempted by women: "Jesus was tempted by many women. Remember my son who followed him. Jesus was the only man on earth who resisted the temptation of the demon of lust and beat him. This always went after him until the last moment. "Satan away only briefly, after the temptation in the desert, Jesus needed to defeat anyway, because he knew his end if Jesus did not sin. "Jesus said unto him, This is: Do not tempt the Lord thy God. And when the devil had finished every temptation, he departed from him for a while. "Luke 4: 12-13
     For a while away, to continue the siege, Jesus prayed so long and despite having the power over Satan, was never alone, always was with his disciples.
     The loneliness of the man or woman, is an ideal time for the enemy to work. Therefore a man must walk all the time with his wife. No matter who is anointed of God. Jesus was the only one who knew no sin.
     Jerusalem reached such spiritual degradation exceeded wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah, Samaria and Edom. How many households, mothers and daughters share their men, without any fear of God? Jerusalem went so far, added all the abominable, from the worship of images and idols with permanent sexual orgies, naked to sacrifice children to their gods. Like any animal. "And your elder sister is Samaria, she and her daughters, who live north of you and your younger sister is Sodom with her daughters, who live south of you. Not even you walked in his ways, neither did according to their abominations, before, as if this were not enough and too little, you corrupted more than they in all thy ways.
     I live, saith the Lord, your sister Sodom and her daughters have done as you did you and your daughters. Behold, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness had she and her daughters, and strengthened the hand of the poor and needy. And were haughty and did detestable before me, and when I saw them out. And Samaria did not commit half of your sins, because you multiplied your abominations more than they, and have justified your sisters by all the abominations that you did. You too, who will judge your sisters, take your sins shame you did, more abominable than theirs; are fairer than you; Shame, then, do you, and take your confusion, because you have justified your sisters. "Ezekiel 46-52.
     Jerusalem was destined to suffer the punishment of his lust. Just as he had enjoyed in the midst of his disobedience, perverting. Preferring the pleasure to prayer. Sexual fun waiting on God, the fullness of the flesh to the spiritual life. And preferred to live with his demons into your body, to encourage their fornicating instinct and adulterating the warriors of Satan, with whom he now is in hell, fornicating with fire, so the Lord put his anger on Jerusalem. Consent. His beloved people, who performed miracles, not to be true to the sentence to be despised. "You reproach of the daughters of Syria and all the daughters of the Philistines, which despise you everywhere. You suffer the punishment of your lewdness and your abominations, says Yahweh. "Ezekiel 16:57-58.
     The adulterous woman is worthy of contempt. It's a dirty woman. The man also. The price for sin is high. Hell exists. In addition to what will live on earth, then there is the suffering of the abyss.
     Many men no matter the period of his wife or any woman have sex with her, taking women from their parents or abuse their wives. "The nakedness of the father found in you, and you did violence to which was unclean in her impurity. Each one was an abomination with his neighbor's wife, each contaminated pervertidamente his daughter, and each of you raped his sister, her father's daughter. "Ezekiel 22: 10-11.
     Mr. complains Samaria and Jerusalem, as the betrayed husband who is hard to believe his wife's adultery, refusing to lose, while recognizing the detailed history of his infidelity, his heart is hurt, but willing to forgive her at any time. Lord God, complaining to the prophet Ezekiel, as the man who has only his best friend the misfortunes of his privacy. Of his marriage has been hit by the destruction of the deceiver. Not just once has been deceived, but many times and with everyone, with friends and enemies, all who shared binges. Sometimes to the shorter man, corrupted the neighborhood has slept with more decent wife, a product of alcoholic parties who prepared the adultery and the orgy.
     Many seemingly decent women have gone through this shameful act. Upon awakening and regaining sobriety realizes that his body was engulfed in lustful beasts. Often does not know how many or who. His body belongs to Satan, who was looking for and tending the trap master, which only Jesus can save.
     Only the son of man with his holy blood can cleanse the filth accumulated in our bodies for so much fornication. Fornication man spilled all over the body of the woman, her mouth and her stomach, covenants and linkages with the spirit of lust. Legions of demons entered freely, without any hindrance for their skin, sex, anus and mouth.
     After the first time a woman, her life will be different, possession is consummated. His fear of God, if you have, you have a spiritual fight inequality, to surrender completely to Christ and suffer the physical and spiritual act of liberation. Many women of high society, or representative of churches, trying to give a total picture of Christian suffer torment in their minds, because they are ashamed to confess his nightly dreams, memories, instincts that are presented. His sin has been forgiven, but the spirit of lust is within, perhaps without much power, but does not leave the body if the owner does not authorize departure or expulsion. So your mind will never be wholly for God is always disturbed, even childhood sexual facts, games, lesbian porn, lustful desires, satisfaction using children or animals to suck their breasts or their gender.
     It is as if a person demands a court, he returned home, from someone within it for any reason, you want appropriates, takes an adversarial judicial process and long, until he final decision. Once you sign the statement, it exists in the declaration of restoring the house to its rightful owner. However, the losing will not come out, then it will be necessary forces, the police came to draw by force with all its filth that is inside the house, then clean, paint and make the property attractive because after spending so much, has expired and the property was not lost, was recovered.
     The same is with our church, once Jesus comes into your heart and God has forgiven us, it is important that the Holy Spirit to dwell among our body, so it must be clean and must take the intruder has lived life there, with the authorization and approval of the person. Now I do not want to leave for good. To remove the intruder by force is needed the power of Jesus, manifested in some beloved servants of the Most High.
     Many people come regularly to their churches in the daily struggle, but did not confess, other people who walk like them, that spirit will not notice, but there are servants of God with discernment of spirit that will see the evil spirits inside of that man or elegantly dressed woman for God.
     God my wife has this wonderful gift of vision and revelation, and lets you get into the mind of people and searching hearts.
     The multiplication of legions of spirits under the command of principalities and rulers of the darkness that specialize in this type of pollution to people who believe good, because according to them do not harm anyone or no one notices, comes through the centuries, when LORD blessed the people sank into fornication, orgies, before their idols, homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia, incest. All kinds of filth were carried out at their parties infiltrated in Paganism, adopted the worship of God does not see, nor hear, nor understand, nor miracles, but rather were used as warehouses and supporters of flows and sexual positions.
     God, disappointed in his creation, tells the story of the prophet, but with a feeling of love hurt, the husband betrayed and sad. "Son of man, there were two women, daughters of a mother, which whoring in Egypt in his youth committed adultery. There were clenched her breasts, squeezed her breasts there were virgin. And they were called, the eldest, Ahola, and his sister, Oholibah, which became mine, and gave birth to sons and daughters. And they called: Samaria, Ahola, and Jerusalem, Oholibah. And even when committed fornication Ahola in my power, and fell in love with her lovers the Assyrians, her neighbors, clothed in purple, governors and captains, young coveted all, riders on horseback. And played the harlot with them, with all the choicest of the children of the Assyrians, and all those who fell in love, was contaminated with all idols. And do not let her prostitution in Egypt, because she was cast in his youth, and they compressed her breasts virgin, and she poured into her fornication. For I delivered her into the hand of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, from whom she lusted. They stripped her naked, took their sons and daughters and killed her sword, and became famous among women because there were warning. And he saw his sister Oholibah, and mad with lust more than she and her prostitution were more than fornication of her sister.
     She loved the children of the Assyrians her neighbors, governors and captains, dressed in fine clothing and weapons, riders on horseback, all of them young covetable. And I saw that had been contaminated, the same road was to both. And increased her prostitution, for when she saw men portrayed on the wall, images of Chaldeans portrayed in color, their loins girded sword belts, and colorful tiaras on their heads, all having the appearance of captains, the men's fashion Babylon, Chaldea, the land of his birth, they fell in love at first sight and sent messengers to the land of the Chaldeans. So it came to be men of Babylon on your bed of love, and polluted, and it also became contaminated with them, and his soul boredom of them. This made clear his fornication and discovered their nakedness, so my soul she grew stale, as had already fed my soul sister. Even multiplied her prostitution, bringing in memory the days of his youth, which had played the harlot in the land of Egypt. And fell in love with their pimps, whose lust is like the burning flesh of asses, and whose flow as a stream of horses. So once again brought to mind the lust of your youth, when the Egyptians compress your breasts, the breasts of your youth. "Ezekiel 23: 2-21
     The lust of the people of Israel, would bring upon them the condemnation. At a time trial on not only unclean and sexually transmitted diseases but AIDS. Before him there is no cure, because it is a satanic disease. Satan meets lust and then rewarded with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Scientists in vain struggle to discover a vaccine. Never found. Science is from God, but in this case, this damn disease is the result of disobedience and foremost the result of betrayal, not only to your partner, but the Almighty and children is contaminated because of the curse that parents bring children. Treason as Samaria and Jerusalem, the Holy One of Israel.
     The same person chooses, Jesus or AIDS. As easy and pleasant to AIDS, thinking of his fate. What fault have children? Generational curses are on the offspring, if children die, God will hold precious angels in heaven. If you have the opportunity to grow or are children of Beelzebub or know of Jesus Christ and may be saved if they accept him as their savior.
     Jehovah issued at that time trial against his people, they chose the wide road of perversity. "And strip you of your clothes and you away all the trappings of your beauty. And you will cease your lewdness and your prostitution of the land in Egypt, and lift up your eyes to them, and never again will you remember from Egypt. For thus saith the Lord: Behold, I give into the hands of those who hated, in the hands of those of which your soul weariness, which come to you with hate, and take all the fruits of your labor, and will leave you naked and bare, and you will find the filth of your prostitution, and your lust and your prostitution. "Ezekiel 23: 26-29
     Tired of the lust of Jerusalem, God decides to end and give a lesson to future generations until the coming of the Messiah already announced in other prophets. The town has forgotten God. It is a decoration. In the words of an abstract reference. What if God does not exist? Have failed to do the works of the flesh that satisfy both. There may be some think time to repent, because God is love and not punishment. "Therefore thus saith the Lord: Because you have forgotten me, and hast cast me behind your back, so, you take your own lust and your prostitution." Ezekiel 23:35
     God backs. God after everything else. God in second place, after work, after children, after the holidays, after the wife and husband after the art, after the dreams and goals even if they are in their hands. God after carnal satisfaction. God after lust. God after each adultery. Each one will bear the consequence of his disobedience, for having put God behind everything, then who did so may not be facing him at the time that it is coming.
     Fornication with idols, is not interpretation, it was real, not just a metaphor. The idols were used to irrigate the flow of men and naked women. The women hugged and played with the carved gods, they had sex for women and men members of handcrafted, women entered their gender in the members of the idols and fornicating with them. In Peru there is a god where women are infertile and was sitting naked in his member to become pregnant, Satan the miracle and become children of darkness. "Because they have altered, and blood is in their hands, and committed adultery with their idols, and even their sons who had given birth to me, did pass through the fire, by burning." Ezekiel 23:37
     After orgiastic parties, religiously entered the temple of God. Contaminated. The churches are places of shelter for many adulterous, for fornicators, for masturbadotes are induced by the spirits to visit the temples, to stay in the congregation and become servers. From this responsibility to pollute subtly working men and women. Is even. When a pastor falls in the trap, it is because Satan acted through the sheep, the victim is the anointed of God and not sheep. The law may punish the aggressor, but the pastor or priest, spiritually, is destroying his church and his soul. The wages of sin is death. He knows that. When the priests abusing children and youth are destroying the spirituality of these children and pollute, then they will hate God and everything that represents or prefer not to know.
     This is because given the service of God, men and women, toiling in the growth of the church, worried about the problems of the congregation and their families, they have forgotten themselves. They have cleaned other people's houses, but not hers. God will not be cleaned, it is up to us.
     Pastor, for that reason can not give advice to women of any age, but is with his wife. Satan happy to put a problem in the sheep, to be attended by the religious leader, alone, in secret, in its sole discretion. "For having sacrificed their children to their idols, entered the same day my sanctuary and polluted, and behold, so did in the middle of my house. They also sent by men who should come from afar, which had been sent a messenger and came here, and they love you washed, and painted your eyes, and adorned with ornaments you. "Ezekiel 23:39.
     Lust is destructive of spirituality, purity, holiness, marriage, parent-child relations, mother and sons and daughters-in-law, sons and mothers in law, destroys societies and peoples, that happened to Jerusalem. "And I said on the old in adulteries: Still commit fornication with it, and she with them? Because they have come to her as a prostitute who comes, so they came to Ahola and Oholibah, lewd women. Therefore, the righteous judge by the law of adultery, and the law of the shed blood, because they are adulterous and blood is in their hands. Therefore thus saith the Lord: I will go up against these troops, give it to embarrassment and prey, and mobs of stone you, and pass through with their swords, kill their sons and daughters, and their homes to consume fire. And bring an end to the lust of the earth, and take warning all women, and will not do according to your perversions. And you put on your perversions, and shall pay for the sins of your idolatry, and know that I am the Lord GOD. "Ezekiel 23:43-48
     People are asking: Where is the blessing of God? Ignoring the degree of contamination in the sins against the body, the temple of God. Sexual sin has significance both in the next generation and the future of the person and the family.
     This is an abomination to the LORD.



     The spirit of lesbianism is the same spirit of homosexuality or sodomy, is active in women, to feel an attraction for another woman, her goal is sexual gratification.
     This spirit is called lesbianism, to differentiate it is in women. If on the man, his end will also sexual anxiety to the person of the same sex.
     The spirit lesbian comes at any age. At times since childhood, when a child has been abused by the employee, by the teacher, by his aunt, stepmother, any friend of the family or woman of the same family, nurses, doctors, lawyers or any woman with authority over victim. The girl's parents are Christians or not knowing the word and entrust their children to other people do not ever imagine the abuse and pollution that is being delivered her baby daughter, that person will think they have enjoyed the consideration and affection does not will ever make such a monstrosity not even imagine and many might not even realize that one day it happened.
     In these cases we have tried many and being a woman shame or fear in children, teenagers or adults do not bring to light and live with that spiritual bond
     When the spirit has not been developed enough and has come to light in the ministries, women have understood why they were not happy with their husbands, rejected why, why not took pleasure in being with them.
     They have understood because they are lesbians attractions and sometimes unconsciously are attracted by women.
     In women where the profile of lesbianism has been without much intensity, its origin has been, when a woman lustfully has touched with her mouth and her hands since childhood, of days old and older. That spirit has entered the child and has been waiting for the final time for consolidation in the monstrous spirit of lust, who does not care who is the girl or young woman who must be satisfied.
     That is the reason for delight in his eyes when a girl or young woman with a spirit of lesbianism incubated sees his mother naked, her aunt or any female employee. Remember that is not the daughter, niece, sister or friend who is watching, is a demon through his eyes strengthen the spirit of undress and desire, appreciating shapes, colors, sizes and feminine lines, to reach its first one hundred experience percent sexual with another woman, or through masturbation nudity thinking that drew not know why, but archived forever in your mind. If she plays the naked eye, the better for the unclean spirit.
     In women who have resisted this demonic possession, has been a quiet torment bring this sin, because there is a spirit of fear and shame. Many times the spirit of forgotten works in the minds, not to remember that episode of life, be traumatic, hiding deep in the hearts and minds.
     Although you've given yourself to God, sin, he forgives us, but the spiritual world will lose their right when it goes live, transgression, abuse, harassment, rape etc. Succeeded from woman to woman, of any age.
     The girls come easy, though manifest in adulthood. The girls are more fragile and innocent and never tell the whole truth. For shame will have a part in some cases. In this spirit within, if in the future, suffer sexual assault, rape disappointment or depression in their relationship with a man, or your marriage will be a great opportunity to possess the spirit lesbian and not totally wasted, request assistance to other demons to interact on their behalf. The spirits communicate between themselves and move information and encourage people who come to lesbianism that woman with a comfort that she would be grateful for being effective, but diabolical because it takes an end and will be achieved, This explains why older women with children become lesbians.
     Only the Holy Spirit, can dislodge dirt completely the spirit of lesbianism, ministering memories, carrying loads that action and cleaning his temple.
     When the spirit of lust with a specialty in lesbianism has been strengthened, begin their battle for the achievements of female souls, for which you have to have your thoughts and especially their bodies. The scope of a single soul, if only for curiosity or for a moment, seems not to jeopardize the future of this woman, but it is enough accomplishment for the spirit of lesbianism, but it is developed, will form a string of curse their descendants .
     This spirit comes when the spirit of fear, to blackmail, alcoholism, addiction, sexual orgy, depression, curiosity, resentment against the husbands, of hatred against men being raped, deception etc. Invites go where he is already dwelling with all property for the right of spiritual possession and has committed acts aimed at lesbianism.
     Lesbian women, in the spirit of deception in your mind think that is more satisfying sexual relationship with a woman with a man. Dominate his wife prefer to be dominated. In these relationships, both women play an active role in other women is an active subject and the other taxpayer. Known as "the man from woman, man or woman." This spirit is assisted by subtle forms of attention, deceiving, destroying marital relations, to enter into full action.
     Science naively attributes these processes of homosexuality in men and women, to greater or lesser number of male or female hormones in people ignoring or genetic reasons are powerful spirits within the human being. Satan likes that explanation of modern science, so that people feel with rights held within the company and the claim and excel in all spheres of society because they are her beloved children to make fun of God's creation. He is also called option of sexuality by the demon or possessed, or sexual deviation, existing in being a power of darkness dwelling on it, under the guise of a good person who does no wrong to anyone despite their customs. -
     In today's society it is generally a high level of homosexual practice in all social strata, men and women, and public acceptance, moral, religious and legally. These are the levels that were Sodom, Gomorrah, Edom Sion and is the destroyer of the Holy One of Israel: "And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and their sin is very grievous ... "Genesis 18:20
     In Sodom and Gomorrah practiced lesbianism, thus saith the Lord, sin is aggravated in the extreme, women with women, men with men, women with animals, men with animals, sexual orgies and so on. The moral degradation caused by Satan, was successful for the kingdom of darkness, all souls were won, not one had that could save, save Lot and only him. Not even his daughters were saved. These cities were used as pollution to others, therefore the Lord, destroyed them and all the souls found their way to hell. The legions of spirits of all those people, survive or live, they have completed their mission, to win these souls for that perfect cherub that God made with such love and now reigns in the darkness, and sought new homes contaminating all limits land, reaching his generation of Isaiah and Jeremiah, where the multiplication was abundant.
     The daughters of Zion, among other evils practiced lesbianism as women of Edom, the trial of God announced time and again is not for nothing. "Because it increased the iniquity of my people but the sin of Sodom, which was destroyed in a moment, not to camp against her company." Lamentations 4:6
     God also punishes women for their lesbianism and discover more on this revelation, prophesied six centuries before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: "Your punishment is fulfilled, O daughter of Zion will never take you captive. Punish your iniquity, O daughter of Edom will discover thy sins. "Lamentations 4:22
     Sin undisclosed, is the foundation of Satan's legal right. As much as we use the master, once known this, you must undo the attachment without fear spiritual, because it hurts the person, their descendants and those around them. If a spirit is within, though not revealed, eventually he or a mutation or reproduction of it, may enter into a child or another woman, to carry out his mission, he will quietly waiting for an oversight of the Christian or high moral or religious values to give input to another change in body or spirit.
     The lesbian contaminated. His soul is dark. There is still time repent.
     You, young lady or woman, looking for counseling with your pastor and pastor, church if you do not look for it, to break Satan's power over your life, mind how you were abused, as you were touched, and were forced to masturbate woman or enlarge its filth and not be afraid. Only God is to be feared, but at this moment he is with you, it is no coincidence that this book is in your hands.
     The spirit of lesbianism is a large number of women, waiting or working. Find out, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to expose the light of God, and be defeated. Amen and Amen.



     The spirit of sexual provocation, manifests itself differently in men and women, the look, the walk, dressing, talking, etc welcome.
     The women are especially notorious for having more overt sexual forms, even clothes that cause a strong impression to be displayed or highlighted, natural or artificial.
     This spirit is invited to follow-up, playful spirit, in search of sexual satisfaction. For those unfamiliar to the scriptures and even many Christians, is not detected, interpreting it as an arrangement, elegant, flirtatious, not having any significance for them.
     In the spirit world, a look, a wink, leads to physical sin. Acceptors whisperings eyes or speak or mean enough to the evil spirit inside the person who sees them. The necklines, transparent garments, open dresses, cloth shorts, underwear minimum drawn on the woman's body that clearly show through their sexual parts, excessive use of makeup and costumes, without reserve, are provocative enough, the gaze of others. Always attract attention, man upright and the wicked. Unlike the whole man, his spiritual eyes will not let any thoughts come to mind. In the wicked, the spirit of sexual provocation, enter immediately, imagine shapes, colors, sizes, movements and becomes part of other spirits, to work as a team.
     Of this there are two consequences: 1 .- Abstract: desires, faults, fantasies, dreams, masturbation, mental adultery, evil plans in the heart of another person, etc.. To achieve the sexual order in his depraved mind. 2 .- Physical: harassment, abuse, rape, blackmail, death.
     After work the spirit of sexual provocation, the other spirits, begin or continue their work, is like a relay race, the first row gives the baton to the second, that the third party. To finish the race.
     When the spirit of lust is already constituted in the human being with all his legions, ready to cause more serious damage in the person provocative, so to meet its purpose, either boy, girl, boy, wife, young lady, male, female, old or elderly.
     This spirit is notorious for its manifestation in women, is credited with only her, but it is in men and boys so easily grasp.
     LORD trial makes women of Zion for letting this spirit in their bodies, "also says the LORD: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with outstretched necks and wanton eyes when they go dancing, and making a tinkling with feet, therefore the Lord shall shave the head of the daughters of Sion, and the LORD will discover their secret parts. "Isaiah 3: 16-17 Other versions say:" The women of Zion are proud, walking with head up, looking insolently, walking with short steps and making ornaments foot dream him ... "" The Lord said: because women pride themselves Sion, walk with outstretched necks causing his eyes, they walk with short steps sounding bracelets feet ... "
     In those versions of sin is the key to the look and sensuous movement of their bodies. For that reason the Lord through his prophet Isaiah foretells trial on them. The dress and ornaments are part of the enhancement to the spirit of sexual provocation, the woman who looks or feels normal walking provocatively dressed, it is because it has a spirit of provocation that makes him believe so and does not care about looks or the judgments of others, even the trial of God. This happens on the beaches, social events, in beauty contests, where women want to show more and ask God to look good that day or night or win. They say they believe in God, but unfortunately neither know nor his word or his will, except him.
     At the time of the prophet Isaiah, a single woman or widow was due to embarrassment or shame, and the others should help. Hence the importance of a husband to feel supported.
     Men are doomed to die edge of a sword for the sin of the provocative, is the prophecy of the daughters of Zion: "grab a man seven women at that time, saying, We will eat our bread, and we dressed our clothes, only let us be your name, take away our reproach. "Isaiah 4:1
     This biblical quote the man in the street has helped confused by Satan or Satan has confused helped the man, saying he is entitled to seven women, but is not that the meaning of the event. Loan is simply the name not be alone, not going to see her husband's obligation to them.
     This spirit is in all ages. So you should not leave children sit on the legs of family friends or relatives. Perhaps there is an intention on the person at the time, but the spirits that walk, to join those of boys and girls produce sexual arousal reaction probably unintentionally, because the spirits among themselves perceived provocation.
     That is the reason why many parents against their will experience an erection when you sit on your legs to their sons or daughters. When you hug your daughters and feel the touch of her breasts or to embrace the children to their mothers.
     There is in these people a spirit of sexual provocation, but not like, there goes, walking by the body. Until the person vacates dwell with the human mind can not control. You, reader at this time knows what I'm talking about because you have experienced that feeling against their will.
     To sit at your children, hug them, kiss them you need to be clean. As much respect among the family, moral values, Christian growth, remember that the human being exists from the training curse depending on the life lived, the spirits have entered. The holiness of God, after the release is the answer to a holy life, no filth in the temple of God. "He who winks the eye causeth sorrow ..." Proverbs 10:10
     In the churches will be presented this spirit. Conceals well. It's subtle, helpful, smart, attractive, easily deceived by their apparent simplicity, his gaze is recording, it appears interest in souls. It's in all public places, but less veiled, because it has more freedom to show no fear of being discovered. You could also name a spirit of seduction.
     How many times have you winked your eyes for a conquest? How many times have you dress "sexy" for grooming? How many times your intimate areas were shown to the others, so hidden in your clothes? How many times your body language when walking with minimal lingerie, small or showing something in your body is invited to imagine you and want to possess or masturbate? Do you know how many times have you been in the masturbation of a man? How many times your eyes said more than your body? You know what I mean. This is an abomination to the LORD. Decide at this time. In sign of obedience to God, burning the clothes exposes your body and lingerie that you feel comfortable. Show him your love to God by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. Do not give these clothes, is anathema.
     But above all your heart never naked, with a glance. Isaiah's prophecy against women of Zion are fulfilled. The people did not turn to God. As God is patient and please do not obey. Until tired of waiting, his wrath falls upon the wicked.
     "They raped the women in Zion, virgins in the cities of Judah." Lamentations 5:11 The prophet Jeremiah laments the devastation of cities. Often it is mocked and mistreated. While he prayed for the people. God chose him clean, just for him, for its special sanctity, ordered him to stay without a woman. Jeremiah fulfilled. Today to honor and glory of Jesus Christ, though it is a Holy God has placed as my guardian angel. He is always with me fulfilling the purpose of the LORD of hosts. For me, I do not know precisely what is in the foreseeable future on this earth, in which I am a pilgrim with my beautiful wife Ana Maria, a treasure that God gave me to look after it, as we snatches.